
Traveling with the Count

Rai's POV

The worst part of drinking tea is the awkward atmosphere. I looked at the man, who was quietly drinking his tea.

"So why did you call me? Count Kellorne Thallan Lysanthir." I cautiously said and he silently put the teacup down and stared at me.

"I want to reward you for saving my life." He said while coldly gazing at me.

"You don't need to do that." I nervously said and silently drank my tea.

"This is my way of expressing my sincere gratitude, I hope you accept it." He gave me the pendant, which has a shield in the middle with two daggers on the bottom and a phoenix on top.

"You can readily access any kind of inn on this continent by using my family's crest, wherever or whenever you choose to use it. Additionally, you can use this to cover your travel costs." He continued.

"But this is too much!!" How could he easily give his family crest to a person he just met?

"I don't think you need money, because you look like you have everything you need in your magic bag." he said nonchalantly while drinking his tea.

"T-then I'll just take this pendant." After taking the pendant and hiding it in my pocket, I returned to my room and sank onto the bed.

"*sigh* I'm worn out." I have to get out of this town right now. It appears that the count is keeping an eye on me. They might think I'm a suspicious guy if I left now.

"What should I do, Ellen," I mumbled under my breath and closed my eyes.


Third Person's POV

The Count's Room

"Master." The butler gently bowed.

"I see, you found nothing odd to that boy." The count was 

"Yes, and looks like he's comfortably sleeping in his room."

"Observe him. I can't get rid of this feeling when I see that boy, even though he doesn't seem to be a threat to us. He is someone so familiar but, I can't shake the fact that he is someone that needs protection." The count said.

"Yes?" The butler was also confused by his master's way of deducing the guy from earlier.

"*Sigh* I don't know. He's hard to read with his cloak on." He brushes his face; you can see his exhausted look.

"Master, if I may." The butler seems like he has some suggestions.

"Go on." The count acknowledges.

"Do you remember what happened a year ago and the central plaza?" The butler said.

"You mean the dragon attack?" The count asked.

"Yes, the day of the founding anniversary of our kingdom. We still don't know why the dragon is attacking our land. The dragon was suddenly dragged away after being suddenly encircled by light." the butler answered.

"And?" He was a little skeptical of what the butler would say, but he let him continue.

"The young lords noticed a man on the roof dressed in a white cloak, speaking with the dragon in a language that did not appear to be his own. The young lords attempted to divert the man to stop him. But this is what the guy said: "A place where he legitimately belongs to his kind." he also added, "I don't need to stay here any longer since my mission is over," and then disappeared."

"So, you're saying- " The count was cut off by the butler.

"Yes, the one who saved you from the Baron is also the one who saved us from the dragon." They fell into silence while processing the story in their minds.

'Knock, knock', They all paused for a moment.

"Come in." The count signaled and another butler came in and gave his courtesy.

"Master, we found the rat." The disguised butler said, but he was actually an assassin.

"*Sigh* deliver this message to my son." He handed the letter to the guy.

"Yes, master." The two went out, leaving the count alone.

"It may take a while for me to go back."


Rai's POV

After saving the Count a week ago, I'm heading to a desolate town in the northeast to hunt for the ancient beast. I've heard rumors that he's been doing damage to the locals in that town.

But for some reason, I'm stuck with the Count, whose destination is the same as mine.

"Why are you heading to that place? I'm sure you heard the stories about that town." The count asked as he was suspicious of my move right now.

"I know, I'm just curious." I just said and I was acting normal.

"Curious about the ancient beast?" The continued asking me questions.

"Yes." I nervously said not wanting to have another conversation with him.

"Heh." I'm uncomfortable with his presence, so I just look out the window. It's been two days since we started our carriage ride. The butler said that we would reach the town in thirty minutes. What shape does the ancient beast have?

"I think we're almost there." The butler informed us, and I noticed the word Thianven when I opened the window to look outside. Thianven must be the name of this town. When we reached the town center a minute later, nobody was there to welcome the Count.

While I was just surveying the area, the count ordered his knights, "Search the area, they may hide somewhere safe." This place is like an abandoned town.

After minutes of walking on the street a knight came running towards the count.

"We found them, master." The knight said and the count looked at my direction.

"Are you coming with us?" I simply nodded and trailed behind them. The knight led us to a small door that was the size of a child in a narrow alley. We entered to find numerous injured individuals. It attacked them the night before.

Fortunately, the count brought eight healers, and the knights fed the others. I went to the humans who were seriously injured while the count was occupied conversing with the mayor. A dislocated bone and broken bones were visible on some of them, while large claw marks covered others' backs.

The ancient beast wouldn't hurt people unless they had a reason. After they were done talking, I went to the count's direction, who was now busy talking to the butler.

"Master, the king, and the crown prince are sending reinforcement, they are already heading this way." The butler informed the count of the important matter.

"That's good, we just have to protect this place until the reinforcement arrives." The count said.

"That would be a problem." I cut him off and everyone looked towards me. Their gaze seemed to ask who I was.

"What do you mean?" The count asked as he suspiciously looked at me.

"*Sigh* this place wouldn't last long." I answered shortly.

"Pardon?" The mayor seems to be confused.

"I said this place wasn't going to last long, since the creature had prior knowledge of this place." I said it once again.

"Can you please enlighten us on what you were trying to say?" The mayor asked, and I just sighed.

"Ancient creatures wouldn't hurt people unless they feel threatened about something or someone. It indicates that one of you committed a heinous act that infuriated the ancient beast."

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