
The Institute (30)


"What kind of forbidden plot twist is this?"

Chao Bin looked at the black screen with incredulity, why had a normal animal mating documentary suddenly turned itself into a bloody horror show...

He looked around in mild disbelief, and they could hear him muttering under his breath,

"The mermaid was so beautiful too–"


Tang Shun, on the other hand, subconsciously turned his head towards the quiet Chu Yi and immediately noticed him staring at the finished video intently, a somewhat complicated expression settling on his face.

The heavy force field surrounding him had naturally abated, and the tense lines along his body had relaxed at some point in time– strange.

He turned back to Chao Bin, the boy still seemed stunned by what he had just witnessed, 

"What should we do with this information now?"

The air sunk into a kind of embarrassed silence–no one seemed to have an answer for this,


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