
CHAPTER 37: Ruthless Aggression

When Aeverie's dark side began to show there was one thing that her enemies feared other than her strength and brutality.

The disrespect she showed made her opponents look pathetic.

Aeverie put away the other dagger and placed her hand on her waist while the other dagger kept spinning on her finger, as if sensing the insult all draugr's attacked her.

She made a quick slash, the impact of the tremendous wave caused by the dagger was felt by everyone, black-purple flames were released as they travelled along with the wave, when the dust settled every draugr facing her was annihilated.

Born fragments where scattered everywhere as some seemed to be incinerated by her flames, she had completely killed more than 20 draugrs in an instant, leaving only archer class draugrs which where hiding in the shadows waiting for an opportunity. Kean watched with narrowed gaze as all his enemies where eradicated in a flash.

She knew Aeverie was deadly but every time she used her power she would display something exceeded his expectations as he felt that his brain couldn't cope with her insane skills. Coupled with her power that kept increasing, every time she fought Kean could feel the atmosphere around her changing into something supernumerary.

Her aura was completely dark making the creatures left feel intimidated as they all crouched and let their strings loose on only one person.

'Tsk, damn this boneheads.' Kean cursed as he casted dragon's wrath increasing all his stats by 8.

He swiftly dashed to the back and took a quick spin while lowering his head, the agile motions allowed him to avoid the arrows coming from all sides. He didn't stop, every millisecond he would be changing his movements and direction.

Kean darted around, dashed back fourth and sides, sometimes made flips in the air while changing his trajectory. Every move he took was calculated and precise, coupled with dragon sense the way he evaded arrows being fired from all sides was simply phenomenal.

Even after all that he wasn't perfect as one arrow impaled his left shoulder instantly slowing him down, despite the pain he was baring he continued and barely managed to avoid six arrows as two of them slightly grazed his leg.

Purple shield rose up around Kean blocking the rest of the incoming arrows.

Her heart hammered as a tear dripped down from her face.

"Look at what your hesitation has cost us, he has been hurt by these bastards because you keep refusing to become one with me." A soft yet evil feminine voice whisperd in her ears.

"I will kill them, all of them will be brutally slaughtered for their malicious acts against Kean." Aeverie muttered under her breath.

"He did tell you to embrace this power did he not? Don't fear it, this action will be for his sake, Now show them your ruthless aggression."

Layla clutched her heart while her brows drew together. "I know this feeling."

"This ain't good." Fodel said as he stood up leaning over the steps to try and get a better view.

"What's going on down there?" Layla asked with visible worry in her voice.

The light illuminated from the lanterns wasn't bright enough, it lit up a small radius making it hard to see the events taking place in the ground when you are at the top where fodel was standing. The bright purple shield around Kean made it a little perceptible.

"She really is fond of him, I never thought her chaotic side will appear to protect someone."

"I hope she doesn't destroy the whole place, she gets wrathful if someone messes with him." Layla uttered as she pondered about Aeverie's over protective side when it comes to Kean.

The yellow flames on the lanterns turned purple. As Aeverie levitated in the air, she spread her arms and all the draugrs where lifted in the air. Curling her fist the creatures roared in agony as their borns where tilted and broken into various sizes.

cracking sounds filled the entire space.

Kean watched closely as the draugr borns where broken into small pieces. Aeverie used the spell dark growth, when it is active her power will keep increasing until her mana is drained or she stops the spell herself.

Shadows surrounded all the draugrs within range, she muttered 'Dark impulse' and all of them where crashed into powder by the force released from shadows.

This spell was among the deadliest of Shadow magic users, but no ever attained it as it was one of those forgotten spells, due to their difficulty to cast many gave up on it. The spell required more than 200 mana as it would level up, with it's strength growing and increase in radius means it's cost to cast will also be raised, in the end it would be difficult to use. Aeverie possessed such a talent to use it without breaking a sweat.

She slowly descended towards Kean.

"I hope you haven't changed your mind about me after witness the true person I become." She spoke when she saw Kean staring at her without uttering a word.

"Hold on let me." Kean winced as he pulled the arrow from his shoulder and threw it on the floor.

He stretched his shoulder. "That's not you Aeverie speaking is it?"

Aeverie walked and caressed her shoulder, the dark aura still lingered on her along with her glowing purple eyes.

"More must die for the price of doing this to you." She spoke in a dark tone.

"That's enough brutality for today, I know you are listening to me Aeverie, it's time to come back now."

"If I was completely consumed by the darkness this place wouldn't still be intact."

"I figured, but that little control the darkness has gained, it's making you like this."

I wrapped my arms around her, Her curious gaze cruised over me. I closed the gap and pecked her soft lips, her eyes flickerd but to their natural blue colour.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't control myself and you had to see that side of me."

"Don't apologise, that side of yours is pretty cool, although deadly. Besides I wouldn't mind bringing you back to your senses with my lips." I teased her.

A smile radiated in her face before she became serious.

"One more enemy approaching."

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