


Clark's really calling me an insane woman jeez!!, why will he expect me not to soliloquize to myself when i got no one to pour my heart out to, i am going through alot and i needed to talk to someone and their is no one to talk to so what the fuck am i supposed to do?.

I brought out the fried chips and brought out the cookies from the oven as i painfully limped outta the kitchen, clark really has raped me i can't stop thinking of this shit, i wished for a glorious first night on my honeymoon bed filled with red roses but all those wishes are shattered by the mistake of a husband i married.

I thought Clark later turned out to be good and i was the hard one but this marriage made him change automatically.

I placed the dishes on the dinning table as i brought out a jug of orange juice with a glass cup which a poured out, i sat down not waiting for Clark as i sipped from the glass and took a bite of my hot cookies.

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