

The fear that crawled up my spine and froze my heart was nothing compared to the expression Luke was sporting. I hastily jumped out of Atlas's arms, an arm's length away. I fidgeted in anxiety.

"This is not what it looks like," I helplessly sputtered. The betrayal was written all over Luke's face. It was devastating to see, and I feel so wretched inside. This is one of the things that I can live without happening.

Luke gave me the coldest glare I've ever seen. It was the first time I saw that look on his face and directed it to me. My feet brought me a step closer to Luke. I don't want to see him this way, and it's because of me. Luke's accusing eyes hurt.

"Luk--" someone grabbed my arm, and I turned around to see that it was Atlas who did. They're in an intense staring battle.

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