
Poor Host

Running steps can be heard from all directions. The eyes of the woman in front of me were glossy. I take it that the running steps were from the pack members she linked.

"Mavis!" Kalix's alarmed voice got my attention, and I looked at him with Luke behind him. He ran towards me with worry in his eyes, "Are you okay?" he helped me up. I offered him a small smile.

"Shaken but fine," I looked at the woman with her face scrunched in angst.

"Vienna, stand down," Luke commanded, but the quick movement of the woman's eyes told me that she was having a hard time following his command. A small crowd's gathering around us. From their scent, you can distinguish werewolves and humans all together. All are poised for a fight, except the humans.

They might outnumber me, but I'm not backing down.

"Apologize," I worded sternly. The woman called Vienna snickers insultingly at me. She widened her stance, getting ready for the possible fight.

I did the same. I clenched my fist, ready to throw a quick jab if need be.

"You were the one standing outside my door. You're fucking stranger, and you're in our territory." she snarled once again. Resounding snarls came from the crowd as they heard the word stranger.

"What's happening here?" a voice stood out from the snarling crowd.

"Nana, stay away. This woman is a stranger. She came out of nowhere. Who knows, she might be one of those enraged rogues," Vienna continued to get away with her thoughts. Why is Luke not explaining anything? I looked at Luke for assistance, but he remained mum. What the hell.

"Hey, don't get ahead with your thoughts. Alpha Atlas invited us over." Kalix tried to shield me, but I came out from his back.

"Apologize," I told her again. I know I'm being prideful, but the plain disrespect on Vienna's face grated my nerves. I assume a fighting stance.

"Fuck off, bitch," she said in a sing-song tone. I gritted my teeth in anger. My ball of wolf stirred restlessly in my mind. I bet my brown eyes were turning black right now.

"Hey, enough." Kalix's voice now turns grim. The intimidating aura he exudes made Vienna falter. On the other hand, snarls can be heard from the crowd. The threat on their snarled was real.

"Apologize, Vienna," my darkening eyes look at the old woman named Nana when she said those words. She must be around Reggie's age. She's weirdly looking at me thoroughly. Unlike Reggie, who looks stern and hard to approach, this old woman is the total opposite.

"But Nana--"

"Now." the authority can be felt as Nana glares at Vienna. The crowd quietened. She seems like someone who belongs high up in the hierarchy. Who is she?

"I'm sorry," Vienna grimly apologize.

"Again," Nana instructed.

You can see the way Vienna gritted her jaw as she bowed her head in apology. This must be so humiliating for her.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you," she repeated, and I loosened my stance. Kalix gathered me in his hold without moving my splint round.

"What's with the commotion?" Everyone looks at Atlas. He towers everyone in the crowd. The disapproval on his face can be seen as he scans his pack one by one. All of them look away.

"You are a poor host, child. You were trained better than that," Nana said with grim and disappointment that I won't ever wish to be on the receiving end of it. Atlas looks at me, now a little worried.

"Luke?" Atlas inquired, anticipating an answer from the man. Luke, on the other hand, looks timid. I saw Nana's gaze sharpen. Was Luke afraid of the old woman? That's why he wasn't able to explain everything?

"I-I was taken aback," he stuttered.

"Are these people your guests?" Nana asked Atlas, and the latter nodded in affirmation. "Your shameless pack threatened the woman when they're at fault ramming into her. She's injured for goddess hex. What a bunch of fools. Follow me," the old woman said to no one in particular, and I'm wondering if she was talking to us.

Atlas looks at me and at the arms holding me. There's grim in his eyes again. Kalix guided my back to follow the retreating back of the old woman, but not before giving Atlas a disappointed look.

"Everyone out in the yard," I heard Atlas command his pack. I did not look back since I could slowly feel the result of the fall. Kalix might have noticed the wince on my face.

"Is it aching?" Kalix asks, and Nana looks at us, stopping her stride.

"I'm Marybelle, one of the elders in this pack. Call me Nana. Do you need medicine for that?" she said in a gentle voice. I smiled at her gratefully.

"Thank you for defending us," Kalix bowed at the old woman.

"My pack was at fault. Please don't take it to heart." Nana pats Kalix's shoulder and looks at me.

"Ah, I've got my medicine back in the car," I mentioned when I noticed that Nana was looking at me expectantly, waiting for my answer. Kalix straightened and slapped his forehead.

"We forgot our bags and the gifts. I'll take them. You stay here." Kalix ran out without waiting for my reply. I can only watch his running figure disappear on the corner.

"You even brought gifts, and the pack was horrible to you. I'll send someone to help your friend." Nana thoughtfully said.

"My pack prepared them," I proudly say. Nana gave me a gentle smile.

"Let's go. Dillion would lead your friend to your rooms," Nana resumed walking, and I followed her. She glanced at me and gestured for me to walk beside her. I heed. A few minutes into the walk, Nana spoke up.

"I know who you are," that knowing voice made me stop, although Nana didn't. "At least, to Atlas." She added, and my heartbeat tripled its beat. How the hell did she know? Not one in my pack had the slightest idea, and she knew just by glancing at me?

"I'm a seer, well, used to," Nana clarifies, and my jaws dropped towards the floor. A seer? I've never seen a seer in my whole life. I've only heard them from the elders in my pack. They're a rare occurrence in the werewolf world.

"Pick your jaw, child. I don't know what's the agreement between you and Atlas. But I do know that you don't want anyone to be knowledgeable about it. Your friend's here" my thudding heart slows down to its original beat.

True to her word, Kalix was brisk walking in our direction with my suitcase and his bag slung on his back. He was holding the liquor Alvin, thoughtfully, fixed for me on his left hand. A small bag was also dangling from his neck. It's the medicine Amalia prepared for this trip. Following him behind was a tall lad with a childish glow on his face and striking electric silver eyes. They're breathtaking.

With their hands full, they quickly reach us in no time.

"That's Dillion, a seer under my supervision," Nana interjected, and the lad bowed his head in greeting.

"Nice to meet you," he also got a childish voice. I bet he's the same age as Logan. It sounds like he wanted to say something else, though. I nodded at him.

"I'm Mavis. Nice to meet you too,"

"He knows, but I already warned him," Nana offered, and I gratefully smiled at her again.

"Knows about what?" Kalix asks as he places the suitcase down and opens the bag Amalia prepared. He opened the liquor with his hand and gave it to me.

"Take the medicine," he was about to shove the medicine in my mouth when Nana tapped his wrist. Even Dillion was looking at him with protest.

"You don't have to kill your friend. We've got water," Nana took the liquor and closed it shut. Kalix slapped his forehead again, and Dillion giggled. I can't help but do the same in amusement too.

"He's Kalix. Don't mind him." I disclosed.

"We've met outside, you know. Let's go, Dill," Kalix stomps away with the suitcase lagging behind him.

"Am I Dill?" the lad asked, confused. That did it. I laughed out loud. I truly appreciate how Nana and Dillion lightened my mood from earlier. Dill sounds cute, though. Like those tiny dill leaves.

"Just follow that ridiculous man. He'll be lost," Nana slowly resumes the walk to my room, and Dillion followed Kalix after bowing to me.

"It's nice to meet you again, Luna," Dillion murmured, and I looked at him in shock. It seems like his silver eyes shine for a moment before he turns and, left, Following Kalix whose already out of our sight. The acknowledgment he offered me was overwhelming.

"Forgive him. The kid was too excited he met you." I followed Nana as she walked along the hallway of the mansion in sure stride.

The old woman remained silent, and I was left to my thoughts. I make sure to bar my thoughts from Kalix and recall the way Dillion called me Luna. I'm overwhelmed about it. Even if I, already rejected Atlas, the bond was still thriving just fine. The Luna in me recognizes the people I would have led if the fates were in their right mind.

Something was amiss with Dillion's eyes, though. It seems like he knows something important about me. He was hesitating to say it.

Am I missing something?

"This is your room. It's one of the biggest guest rooms here. Luke chose the right one," Nana stop in front of a massive wooden door with intricate designs on its panel. The compliment for Luke was genuine. Then why is Atlas's boyfriend afraid of Nana? Why did Luke act out of character earlier?

I snapped from my thoughts. Enough thinking for now. I'm on vacation right now, and I better act like I'm in one. I don't even know how I followed Nana with me deep in my thoughts.

"We're neighbors, Mavis." Kalix's suggestively wiggles his brows and grins at me. I laughed a bit. The door to his room was already opened. It's opposite my room. I can see from my position that he got a massive bed.

"Worrisome," I replied.

"Your loss," he flipped his hair jokingly and went inside his room with Dillion hailing out from it.

"Luke said they're gifts for the pack?" Dillion asks for my confirmation with his arms full of the gifts my pack prepared.

"Yes. Make sure to try the apple jam. Our Beta's wife, Maita, made them. They're heavenly."

Dillion nodded and left. Nana, on the other hand, has already opened the door to my room. I walked in and found her rummaging in what it seems like a small fridge. There's a variety of snack foods in it.

"That's fancy," I commented when a bottle of

chilled water appeared on the old woman's hand. She handed it to me, already opened. I thank her as I take the medicine Kalix gave to me a while ago. The water's so good. I did not realize I was thirsty.

"Dress warmly later. Dinner here is around six. I'll have Dillion fetch you two later. I'll leave you here, acquaint yourself with the room," Nana gave me a side hug. I hugged her the best way an injured human I can.

"Thank you so much, Nana. Please send my thanks to Dillion too," I beam, and Nana left the room.

Now that I'm by myself, I scanned my room and nodded in appreciation. The theme of the room was classic white partnered with dark green objects. The pieces of furniture were in dark mahogany color, stylishly arranged all over the room. A shimmer of gold can be seen on the stylish ceiling.

The room is to my liking so far, if it's this spacious, definitely yes. Kalix had already placed my suitcase beside the bed. I'm thinking of thanking that thoughtful man later.

My gaze fell on the wide queen's bed in the center of the room.

The bed looks fluffy and bouncy at the same time. It could fit more than three people on it.

The vanity table on the corner was also pretty.

With a giddy smile, I tried to test the bed, and it was very soft to the feeling along with its fluffy dark green pillows and sheets. There's a couch on the other side of the bed. Spending a few moments sitting on the bed, I walked to the bathroom, and it was just gorgeous.

The shower was made with powered jets that can be easily adjusted to one's preferences. The shower area was enclosed with smoky fiberglass for privacy. There's a huge tub beside the shower and the toilet to the other side of the room.

The sink was also gorgeous in a modern kind of sense. I tried using the tap, and it's motion-sensored. I nodded in appreciation. Also, the mirror above it is big enough to use. Like the room, the bathroom is also spacious itself.

I walked back to the bedroom and headed straight for my suitcase. Before dinner, I should be ready and arrange my things accordingly. I need to make up for my impression because of what happened earlier. Being late would be contradictory.

With slow movements, I opened my suitcase and removed my things from it. My injury made it two times slower, but I don't mind. I didn't bring much of my things anyway. The clothes I've taken with me have mostly consisted of tubes and a few dresses. The shirts were too hassle for my arm. I do have comfy knitted coats against the cold. I hope they're enough.

A knock sounded on my door, and it opened a tad bit, "Do you have a minute?" My head whipped in the door's direction, surprised.

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