
Alpha's Son

The sky looks gorgeous today. The splash of cerulean and pastel pink meshed together was so breathtaking that it made me forget my crappy night for a moment. It was a series of traumatizing nightmares. I sighed deeply.

The coffee's aroma hit me like a brick. The smell of brewed coffee was so good that it gives me the warmth I needed this fine dawn.

"Do you want cupcakes for that?" that scratchy voice behind me startled me out of my blissful wits. The hot coffee was sloshing in my mug. Some of it splashed on my hand holding the mug. I quickly place it back down the counter and shake my scalded hand. I was waving it frantically in the air when Regina grabbed it and placed it under running water.

The instant relief was levitating. Regina left my hand under it and got some ice from the fridge. She then rubbed it gently around the burnt area.

"I don't know how you became one of the best warriors. You're clumsy." I winced. The matter-of-fact on Regina's voice gives no room for negotiation. There's truth to it. I was so focused on the business that I forgot to train from time to time. Both Sally and Chris trained when they get a chance, unlike me. I totally stopped training.

The evidence of my neglect was the muscle pains I've suffered after supervising the trainees the other day. Regina's stamina would put me to shame. She's eighty-four and can still train from morn till night.

"You spook me," I complained. Pouting at the good old woman in front of me, she gave me a death stare and flicked my pouted mouth. I pulled back in reflex. "That hurt!" I whined while nursing my throbbing lip using my scalded hand.

"Enough whining and train. You're so engrossed with your mart that you forgot to keep your body's condition. That's why you get back pains. The shame." Regina was shaking her head in disbelief at me. There goes my gorgeous morning I feel like a kid again.

"Fine," I mumbled. I was clearly grumbling under my breath. Regina gave me a warning hiss, and I tuck my playful tail between my legs.

Regina was known as someone who mothers you and trains you at the same time. She'll nag the hell out of you if you're not giving it your all when it comes to training. Regina would often say that a skilled warrior is a pack's honor. She would delve it deep into our conscience. Train and protect.

"You're almost thirty, Mavis. You're body's bound to change. Visit the training grounds when you have the time," she added and continues to cook some of her cupcakes in the oven.

"Yes, Ma'am." I was already timid this time. Regina gave me an I'm-not-playing look. I grinned at her, and she sighed helplessly.

"I'm worried for your mate. You're a handful," she thoughtfully added. I swiftly turned away from her. Just so she can't see the sudden change in my expression. Goddess, I was doing fine these days, except the nights though. Why did she have to remind me of him this morning?

I skillfully sipped my coffee. It's turning cold at this point, not that I minded. As long as I can hide my crumpled expression, I wouldn't mind. I was so focused on shipping my coffee that I did not see the weird look Regina gave me.

"I'll be outside I'll make sure to visit the grounds some other day." I was out of the kitchen in a jiffy. All the way out, I can feel Regina's stare.

The sun was already shining when I decided to drive my way to Solace. It's Friday, and the city would be bustling at this moment. The mart needs all the help it can get as it was Alvin's day off. Apparently, Alvin's going to help the Luna prepare for the Alpha's birthday. The celebration would be tomorrow night.

"Good heavens, I haven't prepared a gift yet." I was horrified at the thought of it. Why did I remember it just now? I'll have to drop by the antique shop later. Yes, let's be calm. Alpha's fond of antique things.

I wonder if Atlas would come.

Thinking of the possibilities of seeing Atlas again gave me butterflies. I'm missing him so much. The little progress of our bond before was slowly diminishing. It usually happens when the bond wasn't sealed.

I want to see his beautiful bottle green eyes again.

Speaking of colors, a metallic green jeep was parked on the side of the road a few meters in front of me. I slowed down. Someone was bending over the open hood of the jeep. From my vantage point, he's a tall guy with messy blonde hair atop his head. He is familiar. I parked my car on the side of the road and crossed it. A few cars are passing by the empty highway.

"Do you need help?" Not that I know how to fix cars, but I've got tools in my compartment. He was leaning over the hood when I saw him, and there are no tools on his hands.

The guy whipped his head towards me, and I was met with a kind face. He's got warm brown eyes.

"Mavis?" the confusion must have shown on my face because he grinned at me and hugged the hell out of me. He is definitely familiar.

"You're just a little girl when I last see you. Damn, I missed the pack," he outright laughed at my confused face. Now holding me on my shoulders, there's a proud look on his face like he's proud of what I have become. He is a weird person.

"It's Craig," he said moreover, and my jaws dropped. The wheels on my brain were taking their lovely time processing the person.

The Alpha's son!

The son who was a rebel years ago, but now a successful surgeon. He was known to be a rebel but was kind to the kids in the pack. I was one of those kids.

A smile formed on my lips as I quickly mindlink Luna for the news of his son coming. He was expected to be home during the Pack Summit, not now. Craig saw my eyes turning glossy.

"Oh hell, nah!" he exclaimed while shaking me out of it. "Don't ruin my surprise kid!" he panicked and continues to shake me that I thought my head went flying away.

The link was broken when Luna Eva was just about to answer. I pushed Craig away so I can stop my world from turning.

"Alright, chill," I stammered out as I leaned my hands on the jeep. Dang, it. I'm seeing stars. Shaking someone that hard is deadly.

"Am I fine? Did I break my neck by any chance?" I asked him while gesturing my neck.

The nerve of the man to just grin at me like I'm speaking nonsense. "You're fine. I'm a surgeon so I kinda know this stuff." he boasted, his chest puffing at the same time. Is Craig this weird before?

"Doesn't give you the right to shake the living daylights out of people, you know?" I'm still seeing a few stars as I face him this time.

"There's that but yeah," he added nonchalantly. "I was going to surprise them and you were about to ruin it. Partly your fault to be honest." another shrug from his broad shoulders.

The disbelief was written all over my face. I think I remembered the Alpha's son incorrectly. I shake myself out of my stupor and gestures the jeep's way.

I was about to ask him about the jeep's problem when the Luna's mind link to me went through. My eyes turn glossy, and Craig was about to jump at me again when I held my hand up. He stopped awkwardly in front of me. He grasps my hand.

"What's wrong? The link was cut." The Luna straight out asks with worry in her voice. I send her calming thoughts to halt her concern.

"I just want to ask about Alpha's favourite snack Luna. I haven't bought a gift yet." I link back sheepishly. I feel the amusement from the Luna's link. "Anything is fine, Mavis. Just don't buy those bitter gummies." and the link cuts off.

I breathe a sigh of relief, Alpha does like gummies. He's got a serious sweet tooth in his bones. I'm glad Luna bought my lie.

"What did you say?" Craig looked at me with those round brown eyes. He's trying to intimidate me, but it was useless because there's warmth in them.

"No worries, your surprise is still up and going." I beamed at him. Craig gave me a full-blown smile and hugged the life out of me again. The excitement he was feeling was so contagious. Then he did this giddy jump, and I copied him. We were so focused on celebrating when we got spook by a voice from behind us.

We moved back from each other and check where the voice was coming from. It came from a black ranger park a little ahead from the jeep. My heart gallops.


"Mavis?" he was asking with his head out of the window from the shotgun seat. I was just staring dumbly at Luke. My thoughts were filled with bottle-green eyes. If Luke's here then he might be here too. Maybe he's the one driving the car?

Craig might have noticed my stun reaction hence him slightly placing me behind his back. Luke went out of the ranger and stride in our direction. I was not paying attention, honestly. My eyes were only stuck on the ranger.

"Mavis? Are you okay?" Luke added, and I forced myself to look at him. The concern in Luke's eyes made me guilty. He's worrying over me, and here I am, thirsting over his boyfriend. Everyone's worrying over me a lot these days.

Luke turns his attention to Craig this time, sizing him up. I took a step forward. Luke's unfamiliar with Craig. I don't want him to jump to the wrong conclusions.

"I'm good. Don't worry about him," I gestured in Craig's person. "He's Alpha's Cedric son. Are you heading to the pack?" I smiled at him. The stun look a while ago wasn't visible on my smiling face anymore.

Luke nodded his confirmation to my query. He then looked at the jeep. "Need help?" he asked Craig this time, and I facepalmed myself. Introductions.

"Oh my goddess, how rude of me. Luke, this is Craig," I tilted my head in his direction, I did my best to not make this more awkward. "Craig, Luke. They're from another pack. They were Alpha Cedric's visitors last month." I finished introducing them. Luke smiled and offered a handshake. Craig shook it a few times while mumbling some pleasantries.

"Anyway, I have tools in my car. What's the problem with your jeep Craig?" Luke approached the jeep this time after my question. I was uneasy on my heels. I've reacted weirdly earlier. Craig knowing my situation is not a good thing at all.

"I don't really know. I'm one of a hell surgeon, but I don't know a damn thing about cars. I was driving fine the last few miles I've traveled. It started sputtering, and then voilà, the car stop." Craig narrated with matching hand movements. Luke nodded again, and turn towards the parked ranger.

"Babe, we need your help here," he called out, and my heart galloped way faster. It's Atlas. Why didn't he introduce himself a second ago? Does seeing me again disgust him that much? He didn't even exert the effort to speak to us, let alone get off his car. He needs to be called by Luke first just to come out. What a rude man.

Craig moved closer to me. I don't know why he's doing it, but I thank him in my mind just as well. "Does he know how to fix cars?" he whispered to me. "Why are you acting like you've seen a ghost awhile ago? He's gay, ain't he?" he added, and I elbowed him just to shut him up. So, he did notice my reaction a while ago.

We are acting like we are tight friends right now. When in fact, I just talk to him decently for the first time today.

Though, how do I answer his question? It's tough being a liar, and my lies were piling up. I kinda feel like I would be caught one of these days.

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