
The Next Day

I awoke in bed. The last thing I remember is Ivan and I dancing. He kept staring at me like he was in pain. The whole night with Ican was weird. Luckily I don't have to deal with him ever again.

When my alarm went off, I groaned and slowly got out of bed. I have a massive hangover.

"Good morning, Starshine!" Tracy beamed from the kitchen. How she feels this okay after a night of drinking is beyond me.

"Not so loud. Some of us can't drink all night and wake up fine in the morning." I whisper to her.

"I'd feel bad for you, but you are the one who refused to drink water when we got home." She tells me.

"I have no memory of what happened after dancing with Ivan. I was walking to the bathroom and then nothing." I think some more. "I don't think I drank that much? I had 4 shots and a beer. How could I black out after that? I've drank more than that before and I have memories from then."

Tracy looks at me with a bit of concern. "You walked to the bathroom, came out a few minutes later. You stumbled a bit. But walked to the bar ordered more shots for us all. Talked to Ivan a bit. Then came back. You ordered two more rounds of shots when you came back. We got home at about 2am." She thought some more. "Maybe you got roofied!" Ivan couldn't keep his eyes off you all night!"

Just then I got a text, *Good morning, my dear. Sleep well?* Who the hell?

"Did you see me, or give anyone my number last night? I just got a strange text." I ask Tracy and show her the message.

"I swear I didn't." She grabs my phone and replies with *Who is this?*

*Don't pretend like you don't know who I am. I miss you already. I can't wait to see you tonight. Be ready by 7:30pm. Don't be late Stevie.* I get almost immediately.

Tracy and I look at each other in horror.

"I can't go on a date with him. I wont. He's a creep!"

*Before you try and back out, look at the videos on your phone.*

*How did you get my number?* I ask him.

*Look through your phone. See you at 7:30. If you're not outside waiting, I will come in and grab you. Wear that black lacy dress in your closet.*

"How does he know what I have in my closet? How does he know where we live, Tracy?" I ask, nearly in tears.

"Maybe we should watch those videos." She says holding onto me for comfort.

We open the first video, its him and I kissing. The second is him telling me we will go on a date, I try and tell him no, but he kisses me and tells me to be ready at 7:30. The last few are just of us dancing throughout the night. Him groping me, or him grabbing my hands make me feel his chest.

"Tracy, I have no memories of this at all. I.....I.....I,"

"I saw you dancing with him, you didn't look uncomfortable, you looked like you were having fun...after the third round. But this is sketchy." She hugs me tight. "Don't go. What could he really do? We'll invite Will and his friends over tonight. They'll help us." She suggests.

Will is my brother. He plays college football. He is tall, about 6'5". His black hair and chocolate eyes match mine. Growing up people thought we were twins, we aren't though. Him being 2 years younger. He and his friends will keep Ivan away. I'm sure. I hope.

I leave Will a message and ask him to come over for pizza with his friends, a while later he called and told me they are all out camping. Fuck.

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