
Blood Issue

AN: I continue posting here for mobile readers and on Scribble.hub for PC readers.

Eden, an isolated island right in the ocean. An island reserved for the Blood family or formerly known as Auditore. An island on which are the remains of an ancient civilization that came from the Conjunction of the Spheres. This civilization was called the Isus, and its members were considered deities in their ancient worlds. Although this civilization was glorious, these members were unknown outside of themselves because they were stranded on this island. They built their home in this new world, but their home soon became a prison. They could not leave this island.

They tried all possible means, but none was successful. Finally, afflicted, they decided to protect the island and leave a message before taking a poison that kills them painlessly. Their bodies have been preserved and are buried in a very secure place. But these are not the last Isus. An Isus was teleported elsewhere; this Isus is the Hecate ancestor of Saibus Di Vine, master assassin.

In the depths of Eden, there is a laboratory named Pythagora, a Greek scholar and friend of Hermes, an Isus. Hermès named this laboratory in honor of his deceased knowledgeable friend. Pythagora has many magic machines that are there in medical research. However, no one ever comes here except Hecate, as Yennefer and Saibus are not interested in medical research and prefer to read medical books in the Observatory.

Although he does not set foot there, Saibus is currently lying on a long red and white seat. Around him, white lights twirl and change color, turning from white to red in an uncontrolled way. Hecate next to him and enters to cast diagnostic spells to find out the physical condition of his favorite grandson.

Once finished, she takes a light that she shrinks and asks Saibus to close his eyes. She then opens her eyes one after the other by putting the light in front of them. She does this twice and steps back. Finally, the lights fall to the ground turning off.

Saibus straightens up, sitting on the seat.

"So grandma, you know what caused blood magic to lose control."

"It's not your blood magic that you lost control of but your magic in general during this show. You told me that you regained full control of your magic after the blood magic disappeared." declares Hecate.

Saibus nods, affirming his grandmother's statement.

"Interesting," she mutters, looking at the data in front of her.

Saibus watches Hecate silently, quietly waiting for her to explain what is happening to her. Hecate carefully examines the results of the examinations so as not to miss anything on her grandson's bodily and magical state.

"Well, after exams, your physical and magical conditions are optimal, they have never been so high, and these are the highest results I have seen in my life." declares Hecate with admiration.

Saibus raises his eyebrows, confused by the results of his exams.

"If I'm completely healthy, why was I able to use Grand Arch Mage blood magic when I'm just a blood mage?" Saibus asks suspiciously.

"Because of your lineage," answers Hecate with firmness.

"My lineage?" repeats Saibus dubiously, not at all convinced by his grandmother's answer.

Hecate's firm expression breaks at her grandson's doubt and gives way to a big smile.

"Yes, your lineage. But since you need an explanation, I'll do it. As you know, we, the Isus, are a mighty group of beings who can perform countless feats that cause mortals to regard us as gods." Then, Hecate enters teacher mode and starts a long lecture for her beloved grandson.

"Hmm." Saibus nods and gives a small yes.

"Well, you also know that my husband was an Auditore, a bloodline of Assassins from his world."

Saibus nods again, hoping the explanation will end soon because he doesn't like listening to his grandmother's long lectures.

"His lineage is as strong as the Isus; all pure-blooded Auditore are beings as strong as the witchers without the need for mutations and the drawbacks they have. And from what I see, your blood magic brought out your Auditore and Isus blood and refined it back to their original state to merge it into one new blood. So there you are currently a new stage of evolution, an Isus, elf, and Auditore being. ."

"That fusion caused your magical Isus ability that pops into a rosette in your eyes. This ability allowed you to learn magic faster than others and to have a large magic reserve. This explains why you were able to become such a powerful mage by being untrained and just by learning through your family's grimoires." said Hecate with a smile.

The conference continues for an hour, from which several things stand out. First, Saibus is as strong as a witcher, faster, with better hearing and sight. His magic has become more robust, he has an easier time doing spells, and they are more powerful.

Hecate told him about other things, but he didn't understand everything because she went into scientific and medical details when he did not know about them.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

The Aén Elle are the elves who dwell in a world utterly different from ours, unlike the Aén Seidhe, who came to the Continent on their white ships before the Humans appeared there. The capital of their world is Tir Na Lia. Auberon Muircetach governs the Aén Elle.

The Aén She despises other races, even the Aén Seidhe, whom they consider inferior because they cannot survive the attacks of Men. However, although they consider them low, the Aén Elle treat their fellow elves reasonably well.

The Aén Elle has a special cavalry, the Wild Hunt, led by Eredin Bréacc Glas. The Wild Hunt is a legion of specters that appear primarily in winter and are harbingers of death and destruction. Members of the Wild Hunt are equipped with all-black armor fitted with spiked spikes.

The purpose of the Wild Hunt is unknown to all but its king, but it is only gloomy. This mission caused several members of the Hunt to cross paths with the League of Assassins. This confrontation resulted in the death of the ghouls and the interrogation of the officers of the Hunt.

But this confrontation, above all, posed a problem for the League. The Elders wonder what the Wild Hunt wants with the elves who tried to kill Alice.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~

In a comfortable living room sit two women and a man. These people are Alice, Elena, and Lars, a half-elf and two members of the League Council. The atmosphere of the room is quite tense; Alice is mainly the source of this tension, a tension coming from the assassination attempt, the appearance of the Wild Hunt, which she considered stories her father told her, and especially the fact of waking up in an unknown bed in a strange place.

She looks intently at the man and woman seated in front of her. Both are silent, and neither seems to want to initiate the conversation. The three have been installed for several minutes, and no one has spoken. Alice, finally losing her patience, says.

"First of all, thank you for protecting me from his elves. But I want to know why you saved me, why those elves tried to kill me, and what the Wild Hunt wanted." Alice, calm at first, ends up becoming more and more nervous and destabilized by the situation throughout these questions.

Lars gives Alice some time to calm down, which she does.

"You have many questions and all legitimate ones, but we don't have most of the answers. To begin with, we are an organization that, in the shadows, guards the madness of men and protects the Continent. We are called the League of Assassins, and only the most powerful knowledge of our existence." Lars says with a reassuring smile.

Elena takes over Lars.

"We don't know what the Wild Hunt wants. They've always been a peculiar and deadly bunch. The only person who knows the objective is their king, Eredin Bréacc Glas. But it intrigues us because we meet more and more members of the Hunt. We captured several members, but they couldn't reveal anything because powerful magic sealed the spirit and destroyed it when we tried to probe their minds." Elena says with a frown.

The appearance of the Wild Hunt worries the Council greatly, and no one knows what to do. The Ancients have taken several measures but do not know if they will be effective where we are; only time will tell.

Alice struggles to absorb the news that Lars and Elena have given her. His world that revolved around Gwent and his family becomes much more dangerous. Now his world has two moons, the Wild Hunt and the elves. Worries, doubts, and exasperation upset his thoughts. Although naturally relatively calm, Alice is not currently.

"You answered many of my questions but not my two most important questions. Why did elves try to kill me, and why did you save my life?" Alice asks her questions again more worriedly than the first time.

Lars sighs and mutters something, and Elena looks right ahead of her.

"We saved you from the elves for the same reason they wanted to kill you," says Lars.

"We saved you because you have a key that can destroy or save the world."

Next chapter