
Chapter 75: A few words that conveyed nothing

The car wound its way through Sydney's streets and at last into police headquarters. Alex followed Naylor into the lift, out of it and into his office, meeting with curiosity from Naylor's team.

'The press have got hold of it, boss. Been ringing all morning.'

'We're saying nothing.'

'That's what we've been telling them.'

'Coffee?' Naylor asked, and poured two when Alex nodded.

Alex slumped into a seat without waiting for the invitation and took the polystyrene cup. It was strong and reviving. 'You've talked to Jack Browning?'

Naylor sat down at his desk. 'He cleared up the identity question.' He said, accusingly, 'Your mother's anxious to see you.'

Alex maintained his composure. He wasn't about to let it go at this late stage. 'Where is she?'

'Staying with Browning and his wife.'

That surprised him.

Next chapter