
Chapter 59: I didn't see you at the funeral

He should have it redyed, the disguise was useless now. 'I wanted to take a look at Gem's records.'

'I told you to stay out of trouble.'

'I'm paying you, remember.'

Browning grunted and sat back. 'So tell me.'

'I'll show you,' David said, handing Browning the envelope he had been eying since David had sat down with it on his knee.

'Wouldn't hold up in a court of law, boyo,' Browning said after they had gone through the sheets and David had outlined his suspicions.

'Probably wouldn't even warrant an investigation under normal circumstances,' David agreed. 'But from what you're saying these are far from normal circumstances. I could do with a coffee.'

Browning leaned on the intercom. 'Two coffees please.' He turned back to David. 'You want me to turn these over?'


'I can't hang onto them.'

'You could for a couple of days.'

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