
Chapter 42: A decolletage transfixes

For someone who took no interest in the company she was telling Noel a lot. 'I didn't think you took any interest in the company?'

'I didn't until recently. Geoff didn't encourage it.'

'What's happened to change your mind?'

'A very charming overseas competitor who would like to buy some of my shares and recommends that I acquaint myself with what is going on.'

Noel caught her breath. 'Does Nick know?'

'Not yet,' said Marion, turning back to the books, 'Why?'

Noel leaned her shoulder against the bookcase. 'He and William have given me to understand that you're not in the least interested and that you'll probably sell to him very shortly.'

'A fair assumption under the circumstances. Let's tell him otherwise. Who're the men with him?'

Noel, about to follow, put a hand on Marion's arm to stay her. 'Chuck Halley and Bud Steiner. You don't know them?'

'Should I?'

'I understand they've been friends of your husband since Iraq.'

Marion looked blankly at her.

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