
Chapter 25: An unsettling kiss

Noel was uncomfortable thinking about it. 'Your clothes had started smouldering. Your hair was on fire.'

'Must have been frightening.'

She firmed her lip. 'I smothered them. Then I tried to get the other chap out, but he was stuck and ... it was too hot.' She rubbed her palms down her thighs. Her hands were small, the wrists delicate. Once, the skin would have been smooth and pale. 'The police said afterwards that he was already dead. His neck had been broken and he wouldn't have felt the flames. They said he couldn't have been wearing his seat belt.'

'He wasn't. And then?'

She came back to his face. 'I tried to get you further away from the fire but you weighed a ton. I didn't shift you very far.'

David could see the memory of it written vividly before him.

'Then I called 000.'

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