
God Forgive Us All

I walked alone, only the sound of my proper, school approved, black Mary Jane’s slapping against the tiled floor and the muffled voices behind the closed doors keeping me company. That walk felt like the longest one in my life - longer by far than walking to Father’s throne room. Definitely scarier.

Light poured from the window in the door to room 133 - homeroom. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, replacing the fear and uneasiness with confidence, strength, and just a touch of eagerness. Ready, I squared my shoulders and opened the door.

The teacher paused mid-sentence, her hands raised in an exuberant gesture. She turned to me.

Mrs. Park: left the cloister to pursue family life - except she’d been unable to conceive in the year that she and her husband had been trying.



Devoted to teaching.

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