
Demonic Trait Enchantments

[Pick Your Demonic Trait Enchantment] 

[All Enchantments Are Possible To Evolve]

[1. Wings of The Vampire Progenitor]

[2. Fangs of The Vampire Progenitor]

[3. Spine of The Vampire Progenitor]

"*sigh*... is there any way I can see what they do… or are they just cosmetic-" 

I was suddenly cut off by a string of explanations appearing before me. It caught me a bit off guard, but at least this eased my worries for just a moment. 

[Demonic Trait: Wings of the Vampire Progenitor]

[Description: Seeing your rise in power, the system has decided to grant you the traits of a potential future evolution. By picking one of these demon enchantments, you will not only gain new power but an increase in better evolution selection for the future.]

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