

The old woman watched Ning fight 9 corpses, completely horrified the whole time that he would die. She expected the mark of death on his forehead to solidify itself at any moment and for him to be dealt the killing blow by one of the soldiers.

She was off to the side now, pulled away by a few of the villagers who had come to protect her. They were afraid she was going to be attacked.

"Go help that child," she said. "He will die if you don't do anything."

Her words came out haunting and yet not a single person there wanted to help them. Not a single person wanted to go against an Earl and have their entire village raided by the empire a few weeks later. 

As bad as it was to do it, they averted their gaze.

"Why are you all just standing here? Go! He will die at this rate!" the old woman said, frantic at every word. And yet, no one moved.

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