
Overmire City

Zarius Bracksfort was an inventor like no other. He had created many an item that had helped people with their daily lives. 

From ways to filter water to looms that helped reduce labor in the textile industry. From ways to separate cotton fiber from the seeds to a steam hammer that made metal work easier. From methods to get whiter paper to the creation of the radio.

Zarius had made a tremendous amount of inventions and discoveries, all of which had sent humanity to fly into a more civilized and easier time.

And Zarius had done all of it in just the last 10 years.

As such, he had become a household name, whose song was sung by children in the classroom as one of the greatest people to exist in not just the current day but in history.

Jacob explained this all to Ning, who had only read about it in the book that mentioned Zarius. Coming from a man who worked closely with the inventor, the vibe he received was very much different.

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