
The Other Planet

Ning flew towards the sun. He very quickly got out of the atmosphere and his automatic breathing skill activated to provide him with air even while he was out in space.

The moon Sena was showing up from his left so before he went any further, he landed by the moon and looked back at the planet.

The pale, blue planet in the sky barely had any land features one could distinguish the location with. 

Each island was incredibly small and thus impossible to tell which island was which. At least through the normal eyes.

Ning sighed and turned back towards the sun. He needed to hurry, but how could he go there quickly?

After a moment of contemplation, he realized that the only way to get there was to teleport once he was out in space.

So, he took off from the moon and flew towards the sun. There was a reason he was making his way towards the sun and it was not to gain momentum.

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