
Summoning Circle

"Summon it again? Is that even possible to choose what I can or cannot summon without seeing them?" Ning thought.

He took the hyena's head and returned back to his room in the tavern. Once there, he started looking more into what the snake had just told him.

After a bit of searching through his mind, Ning found the information he was looking for.

In fact, he found more than he was looking for.

First of all, it was possible to tell which beast was what in the darkness while summoning if you had once already summoned it before.

Of course, the beast would have to be available for you to summon, but it did make it easy that you could clearly tell which beast you were close to if you had already bonded with it before.

Ning closed his eyes and used his spiritual energy to go back into the darkness. Once there, he looked through the bright stars and tried to find the beasts that he had already brought forth before.


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