

The phoenix moved, and it left a hurricane in its wake. It was not a normal hurricane either. The gusts of winds burned with a black fire that consumed the wind itself.

Ning, who was charging against the Midnight Phoenix couldn't keep up with its speed at all. The only thing he found out was that he was struck by the bird and sent flying down to the ground.

A crater formed near the tower but Ning was unhurt. His incredible strength and durability from being enhanced by Aether fully protected his body.

Even if he hadn't, the bird wouldn't have managed to do the same amount of damage as he had expected it to.

The bird was fast, there was no denying that. He couldn't even see it move after all. However, it wasn't very strong. At least, not in its cultivation base.

This was definitely one of the weaker ones.

That wasn't something to be happy about, however. This just meant that he would last a little longer than if the bird was stronger.


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