

There were 3 days until the Battle Force of the Aether tower in the Headquarters recruited new members for themselves.

Ning was guaranteed a spot already, but he still wanted to be there in time to see its proceeding.

If he felt like it, he would go through the selection process as well. After all, he didn't really like the thought of his peers thinking he was a snobby, rich brat that might have entered because of his father's money.

After saying goodbye to Waxil, Hans, and the various other members of the tower in the Freelands, Ning got on a carriage with Alexis and left.

Alexis wanted to take the carriage and see the world, and Ning didn't deny her of that.

She was really dying, her nightly disappearance now lasted well into the mornings. Ning wouldn't keep her from fulfilling what could essentially be her final wish. 

He was really grateful for her teaching him so many things throughout the last 2 years.

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