
The Result

Merasi laid down with her back to the ground, thinking back to what had just happened. Despite her hard work, her muscles had been useless in her fight. 

Ning had rushed towards her, with no weapon aside from his two fingers straightened like he was holding a dagger.

He moved with normal speed and hit her with a little bit more force than a normal human would.

But as soon as he did that, Merasi would lose control of part of her body. Ning hit her on the elbows where the metal didn't fit together, on the knee where there was a gap in the armor, and finally on her neck, making her lose control of everything below her as she slammed on the ground. 

She looked with wide eyes as she realized that during the entire fight, she hadn't managed to land a single hit on him.

"How?" she asked, unable to understand what had happened. At first, she thought he was using Aether, but even she couldn't do something like that with aether.

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