
Merging of Soul and Body

Ning was flying on top of the ocean. The view from there looked the same as anywhere in the ocean that didn't have a view of the land. However, the feeling he got was certainly very unique. 

It felt like he was at the place with the most concentrated Qi on all of the planet, and yet, he knew that whatever was inside should be much more concentrated. 

"There's a space being hidden here right?" Ning asked. "Is it a seal that exists outside of the planet, or can I teleport in there?" 

<You can Teleport there so long as you know the location>

"Since I don't know it, I must find a way there first huh. Can you help me and tell me where it is then?" Ning asked. 

<It 20 will cost you Billion energy to know the location of this island. Are sure?>

"Oh, so you can tell me. I guess it is fine as long as I'm finding it on my own, huh?" Ning thought. "Yeah sure, that energy is almost nothing for me now."

<Confirmed >

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