
Invincible Body

The exact shape and size of each city, forests, mountain range, desert, lakes, island, sea, country, ocean, continent, and the entire planet as a whole, Ning could clearly visualize everything. 

He was finally starting to learn just how little he had traveled from when he had started. 'I should go around more. But… these places seem so dangerous. If I end up wasting so much energy on a new body that would die easily, that would be bad.'

'Hmm… maybe I should get one that can't die. That makes sense. Alright, System. Can you change my new body in the auto-buy list to be indestructible? I want one that can take no damage' Ning asked. 

<Making an invulnerable body is not possible>

<You would need an Infinite amount of energy for that, and that is just not possible>

"What about I collect energy from the infinite universes? Isn't that possible?" he asked. 

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