

"What was that?" Adeline looked towards the door that would lead out of the garden.

Theodore also shifted his glance towards the door and replied, "Er… we forgot about the dragons and wyverns. I think it's Mimi." He walked towards the door while saying, "She must have felt that something was wrong with Azriel."

Adeline felt a pang in her heart upon hearing that. She didn't have the courage to face Mimi at the moment. However, she felt the need to apologize to her. So Adeline also followed Theodore.

As the two of them walked down the dark corridor, they kept on hearing the growl from Mimi.

Some of Theodore's followers were running outside already to keep Mimi from breaking the walls of the cave and forcefully entering inside. Unlike the Dragon Crypt, Theodore's cave wasn't built for those huge beasts.

"Master, are you alright?" the Chimera asked Theodore when he saw his master running towards the entrance of the cave along with Adeline.

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