
Arrived at the Border

When Prince Nigel had started the journey to Aberdeen, he was having great difficulty. Every once in a while, he stopped the carriage and stepped out of it to vomit. He was getting motion sickness a little too often, which had prolonged the long journey by some more time.

He was accompanied by six of the Royal guards, but they were riding horses. And Prince Nigel was sitting alone inside the carriage. Nigel was someone who constantly needed someone to speak to, he did not like the solitude. But he had no other choice than to sit there all alone.

After they crossed the villages of Wyverndale, Nigel was allowed to open the curtain of his carriage and see outside. He would open the curtain, and peek outside but all he could see was vast land and nothing else. The journey was making him feel bored out of his mind.

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