
My first fantasy novel Diaries of Helen Barten

Chapter 1

Introduction part1

Hi my name is Helen Barten, im 22 years old, i like reading manga and playing games, i live with my mother because she have heart problems and i have to take care of her.

Actually she is not my real mother, im orphan, she adopted me when i was like 1 years old, she raised me with all her power alone, yes my mom is single woman, she is beautiful and loving but very strict, she loves me so much she can't separate from me, and she is over protective, since i was a child she always taught me not to talk to strangers not even those who are same age, i didn't go to school, mom taught me everything at home, i wasn't bright student so it was kinda miracle to get good marks that allows me to enter a university, but i couldn't sadly because mom heart problems started that time, so i couldn't leave her alone to struggle.

As many of you have guessed by now im introvert and sadly i don't have any friends, No the reason is not my mom, yes she didn't let me talk or play with kids my age, but she had her reasons which I totally understand, what the reason you ask, i wasn't a normal child.

I have a gaurdian angel, and he protect me from everything and everyone even my mom, he is very handsome with black hair and muscles, he wears wierd clothes a style i never seen anyone wear it before, but that not strange since he is not human, how do i kniw how he look you might ask, well, i see him in the mirrors, i cant see him with my bare eyes, only through the mirror, but i dont know why i remember i could see him with my bare eyes when i was so little.

Yes i know i sound like crazy girl, and thats exactly why mom never let me socialize with other kids, if i told them, they might put me in mental asylum, so having him was a bless and curse at same time.

To be honest im not sure im the only one that people would put in the asylum, many times i saw mom do wierd stuff, especially when she think i don't see her, like she have this wierd necklace that looks like snake climbing a tree, she love it so much she never take it off, sometimes i hear her talk to necklace while holding it, i don't know what she say because she talk with strange language, i tried using application that translate what she say but the application couldn't identify the language, of course i did this without her knowledge, i even thought she might be alien or something when i was younger, but what's really funny is that my gaurdian angel doesn't like mom at all, i see him glaring at her whenever she come to talk to me in my room, he even attacked her few time when i was a child, i remember she once had a syringe when i was sick, she wanted to give me the medicine, but when she approached me she was pushed back and fall down from something invisible, of course it was him, he never allowed her near me especially if she have sharp object, i don't understand why he think she would harm me in any way?.

Mom never left me alone even when she have work in another city for few days, she calls a friend of her to babysit me, can you imagine she do that even now!!

Introduction part 2

Her friend also wears a necklace that looks exactly like the one mom have, she is a nice lady but not fun, she barely talk or do anything except staying with me all the time even when i go out, and she also speak the same strange language like mom.

To be honest im not happy with my life, i have no friends at all, im not allowed to go out alone, even the wifi was allowed for very short time, the only one i talk to is my gaurdian angle thats why i always have small mirror whenever i go.

One day my whole life changed, mom was in another city so her friend was with me, i was feeling depressed so i asked her to come with me to buy some clothes from a store near my house, it wasnt famous or anything fancy, but it was really big.

Mrs Ronta, my babysitter name, she likes going to stores alot, so she kinda get busy looking and trying outfits, which gave me some freedom, she was trying a pink dress in the fitting room, and i was outside looking for a nice top, i felt someone behind me getting near me, when i turned around it was a girl wearing mask that cover her mouth and nose, i don't know what happened next because i lost consciousness.

I woke up in small stone room that looked like its from old castle like the ones you see in the historic movies or series, i couldn't move so i figured im kidnapped by that girl, i was surprised more than scared because its the first time in my life that my gaurdian didnt protect me, what happened to him? Why he didn't do anything?, i was looking at him but i couldn't talk, a tape was on my mouth, then suddenly i recognized that i wasn't looking at him through the mirror, i was looking at him with my bare eyes!!

He was looking at me standing near me and doing nothing to help me, i started to panic, something wrong happening and i might get killed, no one will help me, and for the first time i didn't feel safe, tears started falling from my eyes.

I heard the door open and then locked, the girl who kidnapped me came, i was so scared, she sat down and started talking: calm down, i wont hurt you, in fact I've just saved you, i will remove the tape on your mouth, but if try to shout or scream i will put it back and keep you like this, so be a good girl and i promise you wont regret it.

She removed the tape, i was so scared to do anything reckless, i said with shaking voice: please release me, she said: listen Helen there is alot of things you should know, i know you will find what i will tell you hard to believe but its the truth, and you will see it yourself later, this world is different from the one you used to live in, you belong here but you were kidnapped when you were just 1 year old because you have a very rare kind of blood, you are from the originals, thats why you were kept in another world, the woman that you think she is your mother, she is from Snaree clan its infamous clan than kidnap children with rare blood and raise them in far places so they can farm their blood to sell.

What is she talking about, i thought i have mental issues but she is much worse than me, i looked at my gaurdian angel and begged him: please help me, he didn't move and the girl looked at him.

I was shocked and asked: can you see him? She smiled and asked him: are you Garal? And he said: yes. I talked to him for as far as i can remember but he never replied not even once, and a stranger ask him a question and he answers, what is happening????

How do you know my gaurdian angel?! And how can you see him? I asked, she looked surprised: angel? He is not angel, but he is guarding you, because my father asked him to do so for my own sake. What are talking about?! I asked, i wasnt scared anymore i was shocked i even forgot i was kidnapped and tied up, she said: calm down, i will tell you everything, for now you should know you are in different world a world that is ruled by blood, in this world some people have powers those people called Galia, Galia blood is different from people who don't have powers which we call Basic, it gives them power and there is a whole market for it, Gaila which already have one power can obtain another one by using a blood that holds the wanted power, of course its not easy or simple process, first they need to check if the blood is suitable for them and then they insert it in the body little by little to get the power, the effects is different from one to another, some get new strong power, while some get power but hardly work, also how much blood they use is important, of course the price varies depending on the rarities of the blood, thats why some people whole business based on blood some are legal and some are not, and that's why you were kidnapped and raised as rare blood source, but that woman couldn't take any blood from you because of Garal.

It was too much for my brain to take, is this a dream? Or maybe im officially crazy because i was depressed, it feels like im in movie or manga which i used to read, i asked: do you expect me to believe that my mom the woman who raised me and loved me for 21 years is actually a criminal who kidnapped me to sell my blood?? And im here tied up, cant move and im saved now??!.

The girl said: thats why when i started talking i told you that you wont believe me, i couldn't talk to you before because you were never alone, and even if i managed to do so, would you believe me and agree to come with me with your own will? I had to do this, listen i know you were isolated all your life, im like you, i was isolated too but for different reasons, i was kept in small hut in forest since i was 10years old, by a man who raised me and trained me, i couldn't have friends or deal with anyone too, i barely knew about anything outside the hut.

Suddenly we heard a bell ringing, she said: i have to go continue my work, dont make any sound, i will tell you more later, as for what i told you, think about it, think why she never left you alone and she didn't allow you to talk with strangers.

She put the tape back on my mouth and left after locking the door, and i started thinking about it, it does make some sense that i might be kidnapped, but moving to another world its too much, but again my mom and her friend used to talk with strange language that the applications couldn't recognize, but what about my gaurdian angel why before i could see him only in mirrors but now i can see him in front of me, and why he didnt talk to me all these years, and if i was really kidnapped why he didn't save me, and why no one other than me couldn't see him before, so many questions in my head, i got headache thinking, what if she was telling the truth, so im in different world? But how i moved to this world, what if she is planning to get my blood to herself? , my head i can't think anymore, what i should think for now is a way to escape.

Next chapter (dead man diaries)

Chapter 2

Dead man diaries

I thought the best way to survive now is to convince her that i believe everything and do as she want until i gain her trust then i can later escape.

She came back after what seemed to me like a very long time, it was sunset because the room was getting darker, she turned the lights on, i saw her holding a plate and bottle of water, she said: sorry for being late, i went to the kitchen to get you some food you must be hungry, i will untie you now dont try to do anything stupid like trying to get out of this room, unless you want to die.

I asked her: i thought you are saving me but now u just threatened me? I don't understand how is staying here is saving?, she smiled and said: u misunderstood me, im not the one who will kill you, this place is full of people who isn't friendly towards strangers, once you get out from this room you will get caught and then they will take a sample from your blood, once they know that you are from the originals they might let you go but you will be hunted by so many people, after all your blood is very precious, now eat.

I started eating, it was sandwich which was really tasty, after eating i started to feel better, i asked her if can move around because i was tied up for hours, she said: u can move but dont go near the door or my gaurd will stop you by force, he is not friendly guy. Your gaurd?!! I don't see anyone other than Garal, i said, again she smiled uffff i hate her smile, i dont like her at all, she said: you cant see him, only me and people with same power like me can see him. This is just some nonsense, more lies so i wont escape, even if its a lie i still cant escape because Garal was already there, it hurt to see him turning from a gaurdian that protects me into my enemy, it broke my heart, i cant believe i liked him.

The room was very small, it had 2 doors and one window, with bed, closet and small table and chair, where is the bathroom? I asked, she pointed to one of the doors, after i finished from using the bathroom i went to the window to check the view, it was dark now so i wasn't able to see much, but it seemed like a garden, then started to check the things on the table, maybe i will find something to help me escape, i asked her: so what is this building?, she answered: its a boarding school, i was surprised: school?!! Then you are a teacher? She said: no im just housekeeper here, i noticed beautiful notebook, i opened it and it was kinda confusing because it had 2 writings, one with black ink which was something like poems, the other one was golden ink that was like a massage to Lara, i asked her: who is Lara?, she was surprised and said: i cant believe you can read the golden ink, but its understandable because after all you are one of the originals, im Lara, this notebook belonged to the man who raised me, the night he died he gave it to me, he wrote his diaries and many informations, plus the plan, since you are able to read it, it saves a lot of time explaining many things, so go ahead and start reading it.

I sat down on the chair and started reading:

Dear Lara, it's time for you to learn about me, and about this world, i have kept you away in this isolated small village, teaching you how to control your powers and how to take care of yourself, I couldn't tall you much fearing that you might get curious and start thinking obout leaving and discovering the world, which is very dangerous especially for you, forgive me for keeping you in darkness all this time, it was for your own sake.


My name wasn't Barnt all the time, I had other names before, the one was given to me from birth, Elron.

I was the youngest child, had many sisters and brothers, so I was free from the pressure that usually sons of rich families suffer from, the only thing that I was asked to do is to keep the secret of the family.

Illnous is what people with mind powers called, they can do amazing and terrifying things at same time, they can earse memories and get it back, also put fake ones, make themselves invisible by manipulating the brain and make illusions , they can use special ink which only they can see, which I'm using right now to write, reading the minds.

Sadly we can't reveal our power, it's because in ancient times we were hated by other people, they saw us as privacy invaders, whenever there were crime the criminals claimed that an illnous made him do it, some of us even now are hold hostages in governments to use them, if people knew we are illnous it will be the end for us.

Library was my heaven, I was fascinated with our world, how to transport power by blood, what powers other people have, what other countries looks like based on blood type of that country, I spent all the time reading, my family didn't allow me to play with other children or go to school, they brought one of us as teacher for me, to teach me how to hide my powers, and to live like a basic (it's what people with no power at all called), also to learn what other children study in my age, I excelled

In every subject, so the teacher asked my father to allow me to go to school, and after so many tries from me, mom, and teacher, he agreed finally, but he had few conditions: first to use fake name (which wasn't hard to arrange that since my family own the school) , second I have to keep my grades high, third I'm not allowed to talk to other students, last and most importantly: never use my powers under any circumstances, which I gladly accept, I wanted to see the world, and learn more, so even if its going wearing dress I wouldv accept without any regrets.

Asinis boarding school, one of the oldest elite schools in my country, it was an old castle for adventurer long ago, it's huge and full of secrets, even after 200 years of exploring some places still not discovered yet, the adventurer who built it stored everything he acquired, treasures, machines, exotic plants and animals, rare books etc.., and to protect it all, he hide it in secret places and set traps everywhere, it took a whole squad of Zeta (sixth grade of power) a whole year to clean area big enough to make it school, that's why there is forbidden section there, as how my family own a school like that, simply because the adventurer who built it was my ancestor, my mother told me about this proudly.

I was 15 years old when I had my second name John Sliek, father had everything ready for me, the only one who knew my real identity in the school was the principal, which he was asked not give me any special treatment, I can never forget when my father warned me: if you got discovered as illnous erase your memory before they learn about us, when u act remember that not just you will be in danger, but also your family, so think alot before you do or say anything.

It felt wierd wearing my clothes without the crest, it was kinda sad feeling like I'm stranger, i was thinking about a good story to tell if anyone asked me about my family, when I heard the teacher voice telling me that we arrived, I never imagined it will be this huge, it's was on top of mountain, the town houses near it, looks like ants standing near gaint, it took us 15 minutes until we reached the gate, my teacher handed the guards some papers, while waiting my teacher gave me a present, I was so happy while opening it, a notebook the very same one you are reading from, after that day I never saw him again.

After few days I started learning about the school system, there was six sections:

Section 1: (smallest) was for the principal office and guests.

Section 2: (biggest) for Basic and Galia use, it had classrooms, labs, storages, study rooms, canteen, and shops.

section 3: (a little smaller than 2), exclusively for Galia (what people with powers called), it also had storages and speical rooms to practice different kinds of power, it also had special labs for Galia blood.

Section 4: (smaller than 3) I was told by the student who showed me the school that this library is one of the biggest in the country, I was given a map especially for it, can you imagine my excitement!

Section 5: (almost same size as 4) the bedrooms, the higher the floor is the better, at each floor there is a room especially for teacher to supervise, top floor for Galia teachers, then Galia students depending on classes, under all is the Basics, there wasn't many Basic students, so they all got the 1st floor.

Section 6: (almost the other half of the castle) the forbidden, no one under any circumstances is allowed to go there, gaurds at every entrance, only a fool or someone wish to die would try to go there, but no one ever yet had mange to pass the security measures.

How foolish I was to think that the school would be like dream coming true, soon reality hit me, Galia had the elite treatment they were given the priority in everything , while Basics hardly anyone cared for, which caused Galia students to bully the Basics, even in the library basic students were allowed to read books in library, but never allowed to borrow it, and if a Galia student needed a book that Basic is reading, he have to give the book to the Galia student at once even if he is not finished yet.

I was lucky to have a quiet roommate (Titus) , he was kinda like me, he always reading books and studying so we got along just fine, he was the closest thing to what u can call a friend, even we never said anything to each other.

First semester ended and many students left to visit families, I had to stay, I thought it's better not to go home until I graduate, using another name made me very cautious of everything I do, I also had another reason, from the start I was studying nonstop to get the promised high marks, so I haven't got a chance to read about more about the school, and my ancestor, I went to library and I was so happy to know I was allowed to borrow books (as long as the next semester didn't start yet), seems Titus was the same too, but he was more interested in medical and blood books, he even took some grass from garden that matched one he saw in books.

After few days Titus got sick, really sick, he had very bad fever, was sweating badly, he even fall when he tried to get up to wash his face, it was the first time I talk to him when I asked him if he need help to take him to the infirmary room, he refused and got even worse, he begged me that no matter what, not to tell anyone about his sicknes.

Next day I brought some food to him, he barely ate anything, when I entered he wasn't there , then found him unconscious in the bathroom, he soaked himself in cold water, but because he lost consciousnes he almost drawn, I woke him up, helped him to walk back to bed, he was naked, so had to dress him, while doing so I saw a tattoo on his back, it was snake climbing tree, he asked me to bring him a herb that also grow in the garden and make tea for him.

When the herbal tea was ready, his fever was gone, he drank the tea and slept, next morning he was better, he was already awake looking at me when I woke up, like he was waiting for me looking very worried, he asked me in shaking voice: you saw it havnt you? Saw what? I asked, the tattoo he answered, I wasn't sure what to say, lie and act like I don't know what he is talking about to make him feel better, or tell him the truth, he wasn't stupid, in fact he was one of top students, I decided to tell him the truth, and said: yes I saw it, his face became pale, he asked again: what do you intend to do?, actually I thought about it all night, this tattoo he had belongs to a very nasty clan, a clan that was known that its full of criminals, and experiments on people, if anyone in this school knew about this, he won't stay for a second, and maybe even the government might take him to question him, it will be bad no matter what, I remembered my dad warning not to get discovered or I will put myself and my family in danger, he must be in same situation, that explains why I found him very similar to me, he had no friends, didn't talk to anyone, and all he did was studying, I thought what if it was me who got discovered, and reached a decision, i answered him: don't worry, I saw nothing, he didn't say anything, seems he was wondering if I'm honest, and maybe if he have to get rid of me, but I think because I saved his life, he believed me, because after a while he looked at me and said, thank you, you saved my life twice in one day, I'm in your debt, to be honest I was still worried, what if he acting like this then maybe kill me later to keep his secret, couldn't sleep well for days, and that was how I made my first friend ever.

Next chapter (school full of secrets)

Chapter 3

School Full Of Secrets

I forgot i was kidnapped while reading this diaries, i wanted to know more about Barnt and Titus, but Lara stopped me, she said she have to wake up early so she need to turn off the light, i slept on a blanket she put on the ground, and gave me a pillow, it wasn't comfortable at all.

Garal was still standing, he is like a statue, his been standing tgis whole time, didn't move at all, thinking about it whenever i used to look at him he is always standing, now knowing that he isn't an angel, how he can stand all this time without getting tired, i also never saw him eat or drink, surely he is not human, but what is he exactly? He is the most handsome man i ever seen, i liked him since i was 14years old, but now i cant trust him any more.

Titus tattoo was the same as the necklace my mom and her friends wear, so is Titus related to my mom?, but Barnt said that this symbol is for nasty clan, so what Lara told me was true?, my mom used to speak wierd language when i wasn't around, and so many strange behaviors, and mrs Ronta was kinda wierd, also that kinda explains why Garal hated my mom and pushed her when she wanted to give me the medicine, it breaks my heart to think about it, i spent years thinking i have mental issues and isolated, i felt lonely and mom was always cold towards me, yes she took care of all my needs but when i had nightmares or needed hug she never cared, is that means that she was faking her sickness in order to keep me with her in the house, was all my life a big lie?.

Tears started falling on the pillow, i dont want to think about it, it hurts alot, even if everything was true, she couldn't hurt me because of Garal, i wish i stayed the way I am, no no i cant believe it, maybe she wrote this book herself to trick me, i have to go out and search for the truth, thats why i have to act friendly towards her, until the right time comes to run.

When i woke up, all my body hurt alot, sleeping of ground is not for me, Garal was still standing in same spot, i said good morning to him but he didn't answer, Lara left some food and note on the table, the note was: good morning, i went to work, dont think about going out, also dont open the curtain, no one should know you are here or your life will be in danger.

I took a quick look at the window, it was big garden, a very beautiful one, i wish i can look more to check details but i must follow the orders so she would trust me.

After eating, i opened the notebook and continued reading:

I was surprised after that day, how Titus attitude with me changed completely, he started to talk alot, he told me about his clan, it was very interesting for me, long ago the white city is one of the most famous cities for excelling in medical expertise, but one day the streets suddenly started to collapse, they discovered that thier city was build on an ancient city underground, the problem kept getting worse until one day a Basic pirate found weird kind of trees that grows at very fast rate, a whole big tree can grow in month, he plant it in the ancient city to climb and search for treasures, the trees kept growing non stop until it covered the whole city, and the supported the white city streets and buildings, the problem was solved and the people started coming back to live in thier city, to discover that the ancient city under them aslo became inhabitant with the pirate crew and criminals, they tried to attack and caught them, but they found out that the trees had two benefits other than supporting, first it formed a maze and a place for the criminals to hide easily and attack, more like trap, and second the trees for unknown reason (maybe the flowers scent side effect ) stopped the Galia from using thier power, to protect themselves they made traps everywhere, the pirates crew stole all the medical information and records, later the ancient city name became city of trees, this was how the Snaree clan was formed, as for the white city they reached a truce, as long as white city provides Snaree with food and medical supplies or whatever needed, the Snaree won't ever attack, steal, or kidnap from them.

The books that was found in ancient city were about blood transporting and enhancing, which was great addition to what they stole, that was enough to start thier own business, selling rare blood, and enhance the body, making medicine and poison, they kept thier word and never kidnapped anyone from the white city, but they sure kidnapped alot of people, children were sorted rare blood was taken by mostly women to raise far away, to hide and farm them, common Galia, blood was taken from them for experiments, or raised as gaurdians for the rare blood, basic children were kept as slaves, men were used for organs, and experiments, women for population, and all given tattoos of the clan symbol like what farmers do with thier cows (labeling them as property), I was very surprised to know that to keep them from escaping, they earse thier memories and plant new ones to think they are Snaree, of course Snaree people being Basic can't do that, only illnous can, which they have one working for them.

Titus was one of the top students in Snaree, that's why he was sent to Asinis to learn more and to get more information from the rare books in the library, he found many interesting books about herbs, but he hate experimenting on people so he tried one of the herbs which caused him to get sick, as much as he loved science he hated what Snaree do, but sadly had no choice.

Two days until the semester of second year start, I kinda got used to living there, nothing much happened after I became friends with Titus, i asked him not to talk to me out of our room, in case the principal saw me and tell my father, which made me think if he knows how I look like, I never saw him, actually even the school I only go to section 2, 4 and 5, I go to 3 sometimes if a teacher asked me for help to carry some books or papers there (only Basic have to help teachers), I hated to go there, almost everyone looked at me like I'm begger or laughed, and whispered about how Basics should serve the Galia, and why wasting time learning, they only useful in labors and serving, I was angry how the sort people only based on powers, Titus is Basic but he is a true genius, he is way better than them, as they called the Basic students the servants, we also called them gold badge, because only Galia can wear gold badges, while Basic wear silver. Section 3 was very different from 2 and way better, I loved going there even though I was bullied, so many weird machines, and you can see students preforming and showing thier powers, all I can get was a fast glance while passing by but still it was fun, because of that I volunteered all the time when a teacher needed help, almost went there daily, I even started to memorize what each room was used for, and of course the numbers of the doors (the school use numbers on doors to sort it), I wished I could see section 1, even teachers rarely went there, as for section 6 it was a dream to me to enter there.

I went to library to borrow some books about the school as usual, I did read many books by now, mostly about the school itself how it was founded and the system, events and many more, but nothing much about my ancestor, just very few informations that I already knew way more from my mother, while walking thinking of what I should borrow this time, I bumped with gold badge, he looked angry pushed me hard on floor kicked me then walked away talking to his friend: not just I had to return the damn book myself because I forgot to return it, I also got bumped by garbage what a horrible day, for the first time I'm thankful I was bullied, on the floor under bookshelf there was writing, took me a minute to figure it's written with illnous ink and code, i never thought I would see it outside my house, I crawled under the shelf to have better look, it says: knowledge for blood, I cut the tip of my finger, and squeezed until a drop of blood fall on the writing, a line appeared that led me to another bookshelf, looked under it the line seems to go up on the wall, I removed some books and found the line made a circle around a stone, i put another blood drop on the stone, and it opened.

Only old black book, again the writing was illnous, I was so excited checking the content, with illnous ink, the title was Part 10, it looked like a dairy, but in normal ink it was poetry book, it didn't have the library label, so I got it out easily, I went to my room and started reading non stop even missed my meal, the person who wrote the book was none other than my ancestor, a catalogue of some items he gained from his adventures, what the items are and clues to where he hide it, there was some hints about the other parts, seems over 50 part or maybe more, there was like 5 objects, 2 caught my attention, first was very rare vial of blood which was the only thing without much informations of what the blood was, the vial wasn't like any I seen or study, best vial preserve blood for 1 month maximum, but this one can preserve blood without limits as long as it's not open, second a door used to travel to other worlds, I heard about these doors but I thought it was only legend, and when I asked Titus if he ever heard about doors that leads to other worlds, he said his clan found one in the ancient city and they are using it to hide the rare blood people they kidnap.

I spent days studying the locations, finally I figured that the vial was in section 3 while the teleport door was in 6, so naturally I went after the vial first, I kept helping teachers to section 3 trying to find the location, there was 4 rooms I suspect that maybe one have it, but it was impossible for me to figure out which one, because of rules that doesn't allow basic students to enter this section plus bullies everywhere, and most doors locked, only teachers and cleaning staff have the keys, how can I know what exact room I need and even if I knew, there was no way I could enter it.

A month later while going back to section 4 using a shortcut that I newly discovered (usually no one use, because for some reason it's always dark this even in daylight), two gold badges bullying a boy, I couldn't stop myself from interfering, he was like 12 years old, i ran as fast as possible toward the one that was hitting and pushed him, we both fall on ground, the boy ran away, they were really angry I tried to stand up but the other one started kicking me and hit me, the other one joined him, I covered my face with my hands, and left my knees to my stomach, but suddenly I heard a voice (very calm): oh my, bullying here again, once they heard it both ran away, I saw a hand grabbing me, someone is helping me standing, I left my hands, he was tall and very handsome, he asked me if I'm OK, I said: yes thanks, while looking at his badge which was silver, why two Galia students were that scared of Basic?, the boy was beside him, it seems he ran away and called senior for help, the boy thanked me, I nodded and went back to my room, i was lucky having Titus as roommate because he was sure a genuis at medicine, he applied some of what he made on my body and I felt way better.

Week later I noticed that the boy I saved is stalking me, I see him everywhere I go, and he sit at same table in library and canteen, it was annoying, what if the principle saw this, and thought he was my friend and told my father, thinking of father I really miss my family, but still 2 years to go, I can't contact them because of the conditions, and I havnt got anything from them since I live in the school as someone else, so getting anything from them will make everyone suspicious.

After few days the boy greeted me, I wanted to shake him off, but the way he was standing and looking to me, it was obvious he was nervous, and he collected alot of courage to talk to me so I couldn't do anything about it, he interdoced himself, his name is Cato (I was very shocked to know that he was a senior), he came from another country this year to study the Galia machines, since he is from Fasahar most advanced country in this world, what was interesting is that all the citizens in this country were Basic, not a single Galia lives there, also not allowed to enter, they have really different life from us, I couldn't control myself from asking more informations about his country and he was happy and proud telling me alot, which took us like a whole hour, standing in the same shortcut we met at first time, it was amazing how far they reached at technology like they live in the future, they are also very rich because they invented the blood vials and many tools we use, but they don't share technology, so they keep many items just for themselves, only sell things that become useless for them, yet they are facing some problems, seems that there was a bad copy of the blood vials they make in the market, and how he gets bullied because the gold badges trying to get some of his personal gadgets which he not welling to give or sell, he was sweet and fun guy, we became friends, and I asked him not to talk to me in public but can't tell him why, he was understanding thankfully, and said :that explains why you stay alone all the time., I asked him to visit me in my room and interdoced him to Titus, and started to hang out alot.

I was starting to lose hope, I even stopped from going to library to read about the school and to find good maps, Titus noticed and asked me about after he and Cota asked me if I want to go to library at weekend and I declined, I told them that I'm looking for something in section 3 and wanted to search there but I cant since I'm silver badge, but there was no way to check the rooms, after few minutes of silence Titus said: I think Bulan might help you, I asked: who is Bulan? Cota said its the guy I brought with me to help that day, I asked: how he can help?, Titus and Cota looked at each other and started explaining to me who Bulan was exactly.

Bulan is called the prince of Inua, it's clan specializes in informations collecting and assassinations, there are other clans who do that too but Inua is the best, they have reputation for fast and correct informations, no matter what and where the place is, they will do the job, people are scared from them because the way they assassin never looks like murder, it's always accidents and sometimes natural death (Titus told me later that Inua have business with Snaree, since they buy untraceable poisons from them) they have the power of shadows, they can make any place dark even in daylight and within the shadow zone they are hunters, if victim get trapped in thier zone he won't be able to see or sense anything and will be killed in eyeblink, to be able to enter the school Bulan was admitted as Basic to be accepted even though he was Galia, and because of the very strong relations of Inua that was no problem (Bulan was the complete opposite of me since he never even tried to hide his real identity), he was famous and popular in the school, so it won't be a problem for him to help me get what I want, the real problem was its super expensive, he doesn't always ask for money but whatever he demanded it's surely high price, I had good amount of money but was that enough?, Cota said he have something Bulan wanted so badly so I don't have to worry about the price.

Cota called Bulan to my room, and after explaining everything to him he asked me if I wanted to find something that he can get it to me or I want to go there myself, i was shocked that he can do that, and I was also happy that none of them asked me what was the thing I'm looking for, Bulan asked for few days to arrange everything, I was overwhelmed by happiness.

*Next chapter soon (girl with changing eyes)

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