
The guy on the plane

Part 1

So three years ago there was two best friends.These best friends were best friends since they were 3 yrs old. There names were Kelly and Candice. They were both single and they shared everything together. Kelly was always out spoken and very popular. She made a lot of friends in high school but Candice was the opposite. She was always quite and shy so not a lot of people remember her in high school. Most people just know her as Kelly's friend.

They both had dream and after high school they both went to the same college. After college Kelly became a fashion designer & Candice became a teacher. They both loved there jobs and moved in the same apartment but both got lonely and wanted a man in their lives. So after every bad date they both wanted a vacation.

They bought plane tickets to Huwai.

Kelly: "i am so glad that we decided to go

on a vacation.

Candice: " me too! I can't wait "

Kelly : OMG who is that!

They both looked at a guy who was walking towards them.

Kevin: hi ehhh. Is this seat taken.

The girls froze as he was pointing to a seat next to Candice.

Candice: uhhhmm. No! Not at all, I'm

Candice by the way. This is my

Friend Kelly.

Kevin : uhm yeah i remember you two

From high school.

Kelly : What really! Oh wait i remember

You. You were that hot guy who

Loved writing.

Kevin : Yeah that's me i think..

Candice: so why are you going to Huwai?

Kevin : oh i am going to a wedding.

Kelly: oh is your girlfriend coming with?

Kevin : uhm no i don't have a girlfriend.

Kelly : oh that is "great "! I mean that's so

Sad, tell me more.

As she pulled her dress up so she can show off her thighs and Candice was getting jealous and annoyed.

Kevin : so what have you two girls been up


Part 2

Kelly and Candice started giving each other rude looks and kelly broke the silence by saying...

Kelly: Well i am a fashion designer of a

very famous company.

Kevin: wow that's great!

Candice: yeah. I am a High school teacher

at a private school for children

Disabled.I really miss those kids


Kevin: " It must be really hard for you?"

Candice: Yeah but a hero's work is never

never done.

Kelly: Speaking of kid! Kevin Do you have

any ?

Kevin:uhhm no but i hope someday that

god might bless me with some.

Candice : Me too after all kids do bring joy

To the world..

Kevin: Spoken like a true mom..

Kelly was getting jealous and annoyed because she felt that her friend was getting Kevin's attention.

Kelly: Oh my Candice it's a shame that the

chances of you falling pregnant are

very slime.

Candice:I'm Sorry Kelly but who asked you!

as the anger grew from Candice's face and kelly was about to say something Kevin said..

Kevin: I think it's best if you both calm

down. let's all stay quite till we

reach our destination.

Kelly: But!...

Kevin: Kelly please! It can wait.

After 2 hours of silence the plane landed and everyone got off. Kelly and Candice went to fetch their bags and said Goodbye to Kevin.

They both tock a cab to the Hotel and went to the reception.

Receptionist: Aloha. Welcome to Huwai

Kelly: Hi! We would like to book two rooms


Receptionist: "Oh I'm sorry but we only

have one room with 2 beds.

Candice: It's fine we will take it!

They tock their room key and headed to the elevator.They went inside and as the doors were closing a hand blocked it. To the girls shocking suprise it was Kevin.

Kelly: Oh My God Kevin! are you ok?

Kevin: uhh yes! are you girls following me?

Part 3

{In the elevator}

Candice: What! No. I was just going to

my hotel room.

Kelly: OMG Kevin it's so nice to see you.

I was just going to the bar do wanna

join me?

Kevin: Sure.

Candice: Ok i will join you too.

{So Kelly, Candice and Kevin went to the bar and Candice and Kelly were fighting over who can dance better}

Candice: I am having so much fun.

"Excuse me i have to use the


{Just when Candice went in the restroom}

Kelly: OUCH! AHHH! My leg

Kevin: Oh Kelly are you ok!?

Kelly: Uhhh no! could you take me to my

Hotel room ?


{Then Kevin carried kelly to her hotel room}

Kelly: Thank you soo much kevin.

Kevin: It's my pleasure i will let you rest.

Kelly: No Don't!

{She grabbed Kevin's hand and kissed him. They spended the night together.}

{The next morning Kevin was gone and kelly woke up. She went to the Càfe and found Candice there}

Kelly: Hi.

Candice: Hi.

Kelly: I am so sorry about everything


Candice: It's ok. I'm sorry too.

Kelly: Cool. So where is kevin?

Candice: Oh he sended me a message

saying he went to the wedding.

Kelly: What! He send you a message .

Even after last night.

Candice: He spend the night with me.

Kelly: He was with me too.

Candice: What! He played us

Kelly:Oh he is gonna pay! Pack your bags

"Candy" we are going to the wedding.

Candice: Do you know how much I hate

that Name?

Kelly: Yeah I know.

{Kelly and Candice tock a cab and drove to the wedding.

Part 4

{So candice and Kelly arrive at the wedding . There was a lot of cars outside of the venue and a lot of people were attending the wedding.}

Candice : WOW! This wedding is packed!

Kelly:Yeah it must be a celebrity wedding

or something.

{ Candice and Kelly looked for Kevin and it seemed as if the wedding was ending}

Kelly: OMG! There's Kevin

Candice: Where?

Kelly: down there talking to some hot guys

{ Kevin noticed the girls and had a Shocking look on his face. He then approached the girls}

Kevin: What are you two doing here?

Kelly: You think that you can just play us

Both and get away with it!?

Kevin: Let's talk about this somewhere


{Kevin guided Candice and Kelly to a room near & closed the door}

Candice: How can you do something like

That to us. You made us look like


Kevin: Hey! You were the ones who kept

Fighting over me.

Kelly: You are such a pig.

{Just then a beautiful women walked in wearing a beautiful wedding dress

Bride: Where have you been?I have been

looking everywhere for you!

Kevin: Hi honey. I was just talking to my

My Old friends Kelly & Candice. Guys

This is my beautiful Wife Shiza


Shiza: Hi. It's nice to meet you two.

Kelly : Hi we have heard so much about


Shiza: I hope it's good things.

Candice: Yes of course.

Kevin: And...

Shiza: Kevin Can't you see i am not done


Kevin: Sorry Honey.

Shiza: Well girls it was nice meeting you

I have to go and Kevin i have to

Introduce you to my Aunt so you

Better finish up if you know what's

Good for you!

Kevin: Ok my love. I am almost done.

{Shiza then left the room}

Kevin: Girls thanks for not saying anything.

Kelly: Oh You are already suffering so

we didn't want to ruin the fun.

Part 5

{ Final Chapter}

{Candice and Kelly never told Shiza Khan that Kevin Cheated on her but they Knew that her attitude towards Kevin was enough punishment.}

Kelly: "I think This vacation has been very

long & I am more than ready to go


Candice: I agree.

{Candice and Kelly Flew back to New York and went to there apartment. The next day after that long vaccinations Kelly and Candice Gave up on men & though they would both never find love. When Candice was having a 06:00 morning run, She bumped into a hot guy with beautiful blue eyes and perfect brown hair.}

Candice: I'm so sorry!

Stranger: That's Ok. I hope i didn't injure


Candice: What No! I am fine. I'm Candice

By the way.

Cameron: It's nice to meet you Candice.

I'm Cameron.

{and Candice was about to walk away when Cameron Shouted her name.}

Cameron: Candice!

Candice: Yeah?

Cameron: 'Can i get your nbr?

{Candice and Cameron exchanged numbers. They went on multiple date and after 2 years Cameron proposed and Candice fell pregnant.

{Kelly ended up marrying a 79 yr old billionaire who died of a heart attack. Which meant she got all The assets since the Man never had Children.}

{Candice and Kelly still stayed in contact and Cameron wanted to introduce his brother to Candice. So they Flew to LA and went to his brother's home. It was a big mansion

Candice: Babe your brother must be rich!

Cameron: uhm.well this mansion belongs

to his wife. Her family is very


{They both went into the mansion and waited in the 3rd living room. To Candice's Shocking suprise Shiza Khan joined them.}

Shiza: Hi Cameron! and this must be your

Beautiful fiance. I remember her

From my wedding.


{ a While later a handsome man walked in}

Cameron: Babe this is my brother Kevin.

{Kevin and Candice froze in Shock.

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