
True Love story

Chapter 1

Thou I was new at the country, I felt free and secure, no parents around for strict lectures whenever I do something wrong though I really didn't want to make mistakes. I was really happy for getting the sponsorship since visiting a developed country was a dream. My friend Leah didn't make me feel lonely at all,she was always there for me,taking me around the huge city and having the different kinds of food, I really enjoyed. She came from a rich background and she never let me feel low because of how I was.

One day as I was sitting at the garden, I was approached by this guy who didn't look familiar, he was not in my class and I had never met him before. He stood there for a while staring at me not saying anything, it was as if he wanted something, but didn't know how to ask it. I felt as if he wanted to sit but I was the problem so I stood to leave.

"Shashin," he called, I was stunned,how did he know my name? Does he know me? Did Leah, no.it can't be her.

Chapter 2

Maybe it's one of the boys from our class who told him about my name,i thought as I turned to look at him, eager to hear what he wanted to tell me. "I'm Keiley," he said as he brought his right hand forward. Thou I was nervous I also have my right hand for greetings,as there is no harm in greetings.

"Actually I'm new in the school thus u I was asking if you would be interested in showing me around." I stared for a while,was he serious? How could I do that? I'm also new here,and of all the people in the campus why me only? Couldn't he found other..."Hey, what is that you want to ask?" He questioned as if he was reading my mind. Thou anyone could think that way because of how i gazed at him.

"No, there's nothing,you can find me when you have time I'll walk you around." What was really happening to me? How did I just agree? He smiled and appreciated. I hit my head with my hand while leaving, I was such a fool.

I headed directly to our room where I found Leah, thou she noticed how weired I looked I didn't mention anything to her. I thought of avoiding going to the garden not to be seen by the guy Keiley, there was something strange about him which even I didn't understand.

Chapter 3.

"Hello," he startled me one day as I was leaving from class," its been a while since I saw you how have you been?"" I'm well thank you,so how did it go?" I asked. I knew he might have been looking for me since that day, and by asking I wanted him to tell me that he found someone else who could take him around ." I'm, can we meet this weekend I would really to talk to you,so please don't refuse me." Oh gosh was this again,meeting,talking on weekend,what was this about? What does he wanna tell me? Is there something I did to him or..." Hey,why do you like going quiet like that,i hope you aren't trying to find an excuse,can we meet from two at the garden we first met?"" Yea,right I'll come there at two." I answered

Why I'm I acting this way with this guy? And what is it he wanted to tell me? I was nervous and again I was anxious, nervous because I became dumb whenever he asks and talks to me and anxious to hear what he wanted to tell me. Maybe he's angry with me since I lied to him about showing him around or maybe he wants to know more about our school,what was it really that he wanted,i couldn't think properly.

So I decided to talk to Leah about it,maybe she could help me. But she was the worst in offering advice, she thought otherwise and her advice wasn't helping at all.

It surprised me on how the weekend reached so quickly,i was sleepless for no reason that Friday night,and I didn't understand why I felt that way,the guy was strange but his thoughts in my mind why?

I was ready that afternoon,i dressed well and was ready to leave, Leah was just observing me,she said nothing,and this made me worried. I wanted to back out from meeting Keiley but Leah pushed me of how the guy would feel with this second lie so I decided to go. Standing some distance from the garden I saw him,waiting for me there, fear cought me,i was scared again but I had to show my courage Infront of him so I went and on seeing me he stepped for.

Chapter 4

"Hello,thanks for coming," he said smiling, " You are welcome," I answered back. " Well,i wanted to tell you something," yea that I know and that's why we are here,why aren't just saying it,". Yes," I said because I was eager to her but again he went quiet,was he nervous? Wow it seems I wasn't the only nervous one,say it say it that's what I was thinking," I've been observing you for a while Shashin and," and what again why was he talking like this,us there any problem or something, thou I wanted him to take time is saying it I was also in a hurry to hear him say it.

I found my self in his car still waiting to hear what he wanted to say and he was taking too much time in saying it that I started getting bored. " Is there any problem or did I do something? What's the problem?" "No,of cause not,there isn't any problem at all," ooh I see, then what's up with him? Did we come here only to stare at each other or something?Why wasn't he saying it. " Actually Shashin,i found out that you are good in maths and I'm poor in it so i wanted to ask you if maybe you would help me, I'd really appreciate it," i thought he was continuing so I waited for more which didn't come. Is that all he wanted to say? Me coming here just for him to say that,w as he serious? Was there even a need for a meeting? He would have just told me that day instead of taking all this time in say it." Ok I will help you then, is there anything else you wanted to tell me?" I wasn't satisfied with his words so I wanted to know, "Thank you very much,yes that's what I wanted to tell you, could we meet in the evenings after classes? He asked with a his beautiful smile," Yea why not," he offered to drive me home with that car and I wondered what the problem was with such rich kids, couldn't his father find him a tutor or lecturer? I was mad actually but I don't know why, I felt bad and unsatisfied at the same time, how could he have taken such a long time only to tell me that?

Chapter 5

I finally reached home and I doubt if I was in my right mind,i didn't Even notice anything Infront of me,not even Leah standing there. I was worried but didn't know why,i felt strange but didn't understand why,what was it with that boy? I've never felt this way at all, I'm restless for no reason at all. And what he wanted to tell me,why didn't he say it,he was scared of saying it but why? I was eager to know. I decided that if teaching him maths will make him do it then I will do that.

The next day after our classes I went to the garden to find him but he was no where to be seen, I didn't even know his friends and I don't know his class how will I meet him? I was about to go when I saw him running towards me,what kept him that long? I was waiting for almost an hour for him.

" Hello,sorry for keeping you,can we start now?" I just nodded my head for reply, in our first day,i noticed that the guy was quite sharp,he understood things so quickly, how was he not able to understand why it is being taught in class? But I assumed people are different, they understand differently, " Ate you ok?" The flashback started, " Yes I'm ok," I asked after noticing him staring at me instead of concentrating on what I was teaching him. It didn't happen once, he did that for sometime till I excused myself to the bathroom thinking something was on my face but there was nothing, " Shashin, shashin," Leah called, " Why are you like this? What are you thinking about for a long time?," She enquired with a worrying face. " No there's nothing,im ok,was just thinking about our today's class," I answered. There was something about Keiley which I thought I should know, I Haven't been with him for long but it seems I already know him well. I have to find out

[17:06, 01/05/2021] Apna: Chapter 6

Days went by and our discussions were going quite well. He was getting things and I was also learning somethings from him. We got close that we started sharing about our homes,parents and how life has been with all of us, we could find time and go out and enjoy together, Leah was feeling a little left out but she didn't care as long as I was happy and stress free.

Unfortunately I failed to attend my class and also the discussion for some days,i wanted to go but I was feeling a little unwell. Leah had even refused going to class so that she could take care of me but I insisted.

I woke up and found myself in a hospital room, not knowing when and how I got there,had I became worse that I had to be brought here? I thought it wasn't necessary and decided to ask Leah why she brought me here. Since I was feeling better I was discharged and I headed home with Leah, she was quiet and said nothing the whole time till we reached the house.

"Why did you have to bring me to the hospital,i was getting better wasn't I? I asked, she just stared saying nothing. What was really happening? she was fond of talking what happened to her this time, that I didn't understand. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Keiley walked in, what a surprise! What was he doing here? I know i hadn't gone to school for a while now but he should have waited a little longer, was I even thinking,he was a friend and that's what friends do so it's ok.

" How are you feeling? He asked me, so he even knew I was sick but how? Has Leah been telling him everything but why? "Yes I'm fine," I answered after a lot of stare.

" Ok I would like to talk to you,if that's ok with you," before I could say anything Leah stood up and left the room. Was this a plan? Why did she leave? I wondered what he wanted to say this time, my heart was beating so fast and loud thought he could here it.

" Ok,you can tell me," I said with a nervous kind of voice.

" Shashin, I want to tell you something and I'm hoping you won't feel bad about it, it's very important that I say this to you, I've been trying to hide it for a while now but, but I feel I should let it out."

He sounded so serious, which made me so nervous, I didn't answer or say anything in the whole conversation, I've never seen him that way too.


Chapter 7

"I love you and I'm not going to hide it anymore, I have loved you even before I approached you,since you arrived here I've always liked you, I know you might feel I'm going too far since we are friends but that's how I feel about you,"

He finally said it, that's is what he's been trying to say,i knew there was something but I didn't expect this kind of news, in a way I was excited that he brought it out but again what he said was impossible, he was my friend and that's all I could offer him.

"I'm, I'm glad that you've said it today, but nothing can go on between us, look at me, we are different, there is nothing similar about us except studying in the same school. I can't deny your love but I can't accept it either.

It's not like you are a bad person but, you deserve something better than just me, there are beautiful girls here, who am sure will accept you but I can't accept it," that was my answer.

He became quiet for a while," You are also beautiful and good hearted Shashin,my heart chose you and not the other girls, why do you feel that way or have I done something to you?" "Of cause not you've done nothing nothing at all. All I want is just friendship and nothing more if that's ok with you then we can move on,"

"Ok, as you say,i wouldn't want to loose your friendship so let's continue being friends, I'll have to leave now, hope I see you soon in school,thank you and get better soon.

As he was leaving,i felt some guilt in me, he was a guy any girl would want to have and he's helped me for a while now, but,but I had no choice than to say no to him, things have to be the way they should, only studying brought me here and that's where I should focus my head to and not having relationship.

Immediately he was gone, Leah got in, and this time with a smiling face, " hey, how did everything go? What did talk about?" She seemed anxious to know, " " He confessed his love for me, he wants us to be in a relationship,"

"Wow Shashin, that's good, did you agree?

"No I refused,"

The expression in Leah's face explained how she felt, I knew she wasn't going to be good this time, but why anyways would she take Kelley's side was there something?

Chapter 8

"Listen Shashin, the guy loves you and I've seen it, you also love the guy too and I don't lie to me because I know you already by now. You were just unwell and I'm thankful he came here looking for you else no one knows what would have happened,"

" What do you mean Leah? And why are talking like this?"

" I'm just telling the truth, you had. Collapsed and he found you since I was out, he was the one who took you to hospital and has been asking about you and how you are doing always, isn't that love? And you, you started loosing your concentration, you found yourself calling his name in our conversation, what does that mean Shashin? I'm trying to think better for you, sorry that you might feel I'm going against your wish but that's just the I feel and I'm angry about what you did,"

" Hey, it's not that way, you don't understand, Leah, Leah!" She left while I was still talking to her.

Thus feeling felt like it was killing the inside of me, I've broken two hearts all at once, but how would I even explain it to them, they won't understand me. Keiley was a good person but I had to force myself to forget the feelings I had for him, nothing could go on between us,i remembered how Mercy went through pain, I can't let it repeat itself they just have to understand me and let me be .

Thou I was also hurt I spent the night in tears, I didn't even know when Leah came in, I just saw her sleeping when I woke up.

I got ready to go to school as I couldn't afford to miss another class.

"Morning Shashin,how are you feeling?" She asked, at least I could sense her mood had changed.

"I'm ok Leah thank you," I replied trying to show a fake smile but I knew I was only lying to myself but deep down I was hurt. Leah also prepared herself and we left for school. During those times I was trying my best not to see him, i was trying to avoid it any any way I can and thankfully I think God was on my side for I was always the first one to see him and hide before he could see me. Leah had also been observing what I've been doing but choose to stay quiet as she thought it was not for her to interfere.

Chapter 9

One day Leah decided enough is enough and decided to face me,

"You've been ignoring your feelings for a while now, what's wrong with you? Why are you just letting things go just like that? Are you still leaving by the past? Hey, answer me,"

As she was asking I was there listening like a dumb person, I said nothing I was in my own world, it was a knock on the door that brought my senses back again.

To my surprise it was Keiley on the door, he had come here again, what is it he wanted now?

"Hello!" He greeted

Leah was the one who answered I was just staring,

"Shashin, can I talk to you for a while?"

I nodded and left to go outside.

"Shashin, you've been avoiding me for a while now and I don't know why you are doing this. If I had done something wrong to you then I apologize, you've been moving far from me since we talked the other day, you don't even come for our discussions nowadays, aren't you interested in helping me again?"

His voice showed how sad he was, which made feel the guilt.

"I'm sorry,its just that I have been busy lately and i also wanted you to have some space," I think this I where I said it wrong,

"Space, what space Shashin?"

"I want you to let go of what you told me and have time to notice other people too. There are other girls more beautiful than I am Keiley, I want you to see them and let me go, we are from different worlds don't you see?"

" Are you serious about this? Is it you saying all this? Is it me or you who wanted that space? I love you, and I'm willing to put my love down only to be close to you then why are you doing all this? This is what I will promise you, the more you continue going far from me the more I will try getting closer to you, I didn't ask you for space did I? There is something I see in you that I don't see in the other girls, I don't believe in things like different worlds,what is that anyways? I'm sorry to say this but, I need to continue our discussion and I'll be here every day if you keep doing this, nice time!"

TRUE LOVe (10)

I've never seen him that way, it seemed like he was angry and begging at the same time. Angry because of that thing called space and begging not to keep away with the distance. I felt bad, so guilty,i made him angry, I promised myself not to do that again thou he left without me saying anything.

The next day, I tried my best to go to our discussion early, didn't want to see him in such away again.

When he arrived,he looked different, at least not mad like he was the previous day. He greeted me in a jovial mood and I was happy seeing that, that was Keiley that I know not the one who was angry.

"I'm, shall we continue from where we last stopped?" I asked,

"Yes of cause, I have a lot to ask since our last discussion, it's been a while now,"

"Yes,but can I ask you something?"

"Feel free to,"

"In our previous discussion, I always feel like it's you who teaches me and not me teaching you, you come up with the question, so I wondered why you need my help most."

" It's because I want to learn and u learn faster and easier with you,"

"Ooh! I see,"

Yes, so shall we continue?"


Thou I wasn't satisfied with his answer, I had daily thoughts, so I had to believe him, at least I was learning from him also and the discussions were also good.

As time passed, we learned a lot, we had a lot of fun during the weekend. We become so close, something I was trying to avoid. I felt I should tell him how I feel but there was this fear inside me that pushes me from being free with him.

We did a lot of exams and they were positive, we were really killing it, and Leah she was happy for me like a friend should be, always there for me.

He had been asking me to go to his home to visit his family, but my conscience couldn't allow me, so I made excuses for that.

Other students at the campus thought that I and Keiley were dating because of how close we are but, are we really dating? We've been close for a while now but no, we are definitely not dating, we are just friends, close friends, that's the answer i was giving myself and anyone who would us about us.

The unexpected came, what I feared, being away from him, yes I knew we would separate and not be close again, but not this early, a month's holiday, that's a long time, I had decided I wasn't going to spend the holiday at home so I was deciding where to stay for the holiday since everyone school hostels will be closed.A s this was eating my head something was troubling Keiley too, I could tell it from his face.

Chapter 11

Hopefully, Leah decided to host me at their place, thou I was scared since it was a new place she encouraged me that nothing would go wrong with me there.

One day I saw her and Keiley talking at the garden, the conversation between the two seemed serious so I decided not to interfere, maybe I'll ask Leah later if there is any problem, but why would Keiley tell me what was disturbing him? Maybe he found security in Leah. But still I felt something burning inside me, like I was jealous but decided to control myself.

That evening I couldn't relax,i had to ask Leah what Keiley's problem was since I saw the two talking.

"Nothing serious, he was just worried about you,"

"Me, how? Why?"

He was thinking about loosing you then what will happen if it happens that way,"

"Oh, I see,"

"Yea, but he became cool after knowing you are coming with me for holidays, he felt safe."

Why would Keiley feel safe when I go to Leah's home for holidays? Didn't he want me to go home? But why, how does he feel safe about that? That's what I didn't understand.

The day came and I left with Leah to her home. When we reached we were happily welcomed by her parents who seemed sweet by the way they were. Leah belonged to a rich family, but looking at her no one could tell, she didn't like showing off like other students at the compass and this made me to really love her more.

I came to meet her elder brother Ronny after two days. He's also been out of the country for some family business which he takes care off and had now returned. According to how he behaved with Leah I could see how much they loved each other, I felt she was lucky to have such a brother.

He took us out at least to remove the stress from school and it was really fun having him around, he seemed like a really nice guy.

Keiley on the other hand never gave up on his love, he used to come by Leah's gate thou he stayed in a different city so we could meet. We had lots of fun with him too, I really had fallen for him, thou my mouth couldn't utter anything about it. I also knew that he was bringing me closer to hear those three words but I became more hesitant to utter them, maybe a day would come and I would say it without thinking.

Chapter 12

Days went by fast than I could ever expect them to, we were soon going back to school, I guess we had heard enough fun in the holiday. I was sure Keiley would be happy to be back in school since his worry would completely be over and he would be seeing me daily. Actually I wasn't talking about Keiley, I was even hiding it from myself, I felt better that we were returning back to school. I had missed him thou I see him after sometime I missed being with him everyday, I felt I was always missing something when not around him.

I woke up very early that morning, I was a morning riser but Today was different at least we'll be back in school. We got ready and Ronny offered to drive us to school, he was always ready to do anything for his sister.

We were among the first ones so we managed to get the hostel before they were finished. I spent the remaining part of the day looking at the window. Maybe I'll be able to see Keiley, but to my disappointment I didn't see him, maybe he was still home and hasn't reported yet, but life has to go on, what if I don't see him will I die? Of cause not, there's nothing special about him anyway so I should just be cool.

Students were still reporting till the next day and I was only waiting to see Keiley, he had occupied some part in me that made me restless until I see him.

After reporting back to school, classes continued as usual and I was waiting for that discussion group. While I was walking to the discussion area I bumped into Ronny. What was he doing here? Not even a week passed after coming here, anyways, what was my business in that, his sister studies here so maybe he came to see her.


"Hi, I'm sorry didn't think I'd see you here In school again,"

"Oh right, I came here for some work and I was also thinking of seeing Leah."

"Ooh, that's great, I'm sure she's done with her classes for Today,"

That's great then, I'll just see her,"


What a nice brother, he really loves his sister a lot. Anyways, I had to go for my discussion and he had to find Leah.

Wow, I felt glad to see Keiley again, but I pretended to act normal, to say the truth, I felt like I went for the discussion to be with him and not to learn again, I began feeling jealous for no reason whenever he was called by other groups of girls to teach them, why didn't they just call me but him?

That day I had to go before the discussion ended since I felt it wasn't me learning but other girls.

Chapter 13

I found Leah listening to music.

"Hi Leah,"

"Hi, how was your Today classes?"

"They were fine,"

"How about your discussion, you came early today,"

"It was fine, I was just tired,"


"And hey, I thought I'd still find Ronny here you people love talking to each other,"


"Yea, I met him and he said he was coming to see you,"

"What? No I haven't seen him, how could he came here without meeting me? I'll call him to find out,"

"Maybe he was just in a hurry,"

"I'll call him later on to check,"

"Well, ok."

I was also surprised, he said he was coming to meet Leah so how did he not? Maybe he will still come the day isn't over yet.

When I was about to sleep, I received Keiley's call, and his question was why did I not wait for him so as to finish our discussion, it was kinda disrespectful and it could actually made him worried since I didn't tell him before leaving. I apologized, I shouldn't have left like that.

My morning wasn't perfect, I woke up feeling dizzy, I didn't really understand why but I thought I should try to rest for the day. Leah went to school and left me, after sometime, I had the door knocking, to my surprise it was Ronny, again,

"Good morning!" He greeted,

Good morning too,"

"Is Leah around, I came to see her since I couldn't make it yesterday,"

"No, she's left for her classes,"

"Ooh, I see, but don't you have classes in the morning?"

"I do just that I wasn't feeling well,"

"What's the problem?" He acted surprised than ever,

"Nothing really, I'll be ok,"

"Can I take you to the hospital?"

"Of course not, I will just rest and I'll be fine,"

"Are you sure?"

I nodded.

"Can I stay here with you while I wait for Leah?

"She will come back in the evening so maybe you can come back later,"

"Fine then,"

That fine then seemed so unsatisfied, did he want to stay and wait for Leah till evening? He's a busy man I'm sure he'd be having some work before then, and I needed rest, and I won't rest well while he's here, so he just had to leave.

"I'll tell Leah to call you when she comes back,"

"Ok then, you take care,"

Hhhm, he came to find his sister at a wrong time and was even willing to stay waiting for her, Leah is really lucky.

The next person i knew would be Keiley at the door, so before he comes I should have gotten enough rest not to look the way I do, I would never want him to see me looking weak, he gets worried quickly.

I was woken up by Leah at the door, had I slept that much? But at least I felt better.

Chapter 14

That evening I remained with some questions when Leah refused that she wasn't to meet with his brother that day,

"I told him that I will be having classes from morning till evening and he said he won't make it this evening so why did he come this morning?"

"Maybe he thought he will surprise you before you left for class,"

Maybe, but he's not always like this, he's never comes to my school except when he escorts me, and now there's something, and I'll have to ask him,"

Hhhm, that was Leah, she understands her brother better. The person i was waiting for that day didn't come, the door wasn't knocked like I expected, and it left me wondering whether things are ok with him or not. We'll just have to wait till tomorrow to know that. That night I couldn't sleep, first it was because I slept the whole day, and also Keiley wasn't online, it wasn't his normal thing to be offline, he's always online to talk about unimportant things so what happened today? I thought that I should find him early before my classes.

When tomorrow came, i still couldn't find him, even thou I tried asking to find him I still couldn't get where he was which made me more worried, his phone was off and he wasn't seen in school the whole day. Why is he doing this to me, turning off his phone so that I don't call him, why did he do this? Or did anything happen to him? That I couldn't understand, and I couldn't even concentrate, I found out that he was only seen in the morning in school the previous day, from there no body saw him.

That evening I returned home so stressed, I wasn't thinking of anything but him,

"Shashin, Shashin,"

"Yes," it was Leah,

"Where's your mind Shashin I've been calling you,"

"Oh sorry was just tired,"

"Look at all this brought for me and you,"

There were a lot of wrapped things on the floor, what cought my eyes were the flowers, Keiley, so he failed to show up just to surprise him with this, I will not forgive him.

"Will you not at least read that note Shashin?"

I took the note and read it out loud,

"Dear Shashin, I'm sorry for yesterday, and thank you for being so special to me and your friend there, I wish you all the best as you recover fully, yo..."

"What happened Shashin?"

So it was Ronny, Ronny brought all this things here, but what about my Keiley,



"Hey, where are you?"

My mind was only thinking about Keiley, and nothing more, I thought this were from him, to console me for not seeing me yesterday, but, but no.

Chapter 15

My heart was in pain, I didn't care about the gifts which were brought. And even talking to Leah did not make me calm,

"Maybe there was some problem at home so he left for home, don't worry I'm sure he will be on soon, and also, he can't miss class for a long time you know him right, he loves studying,"

I could only pretend to be fine after these words but deep down I was not,

"Shashin, you'll get sick again, you know your health isn't good, and I'm sure you wouldn't want Keiley to find you sick, so please stop worrying and get some rest,"

Leah was right, I had to rest, maybe Keiley would be around tomorrow, so I should not worry much. I tried my best to sleep with the thought that I'll see Keiley just the next day.

Again, things weren't as I thought, Keiley did not show up, he didn't come, his phone was still off and no body had seen him, where was he really? Wasn't he thinking about me at all? Didn't he know I would break without him? We have our discussion so why wasn't he here to discuss, where was he?

I decided the best to do is just to keep myself strong, I was ready to go to his home place but Leah refused to have known where he lived, she only knew the town but not the place, so there was no chance of me finding him, and it killed me inside to know that. But days had to move on, life had to go on, and Ronny after knowing what was happening tried to be there at least but It helped with nothing for I didn't even want him around.

I decided not to go to school the next day, Even if I do go then I won't even concentrate so I better just stay home sleeping and try to cool my mind.

There's a door knock, I was bored, what is Ronny coming to do here again? I've heard enough with his visits why can't he just let me relax? I stood up lazily going to open the door, when I did I felt as if my mind wasn't working again, and when I found myself, I could only hug him with tears filled in my eyes, I couldn't prevent it, I was in pain all this while without any knowledge where he was. Why did he leave me like this? Didn't he think it was important for him to tell me? These were the questions I had in my head, planning to ask him but I found myself asking myself again. Still in that hug, I felt my energy loosening, no air enough for me to breathe, and I could hear him calling my name from far and then I didn't here him calling again.

Chapter 16

When I later opened my eyes, Lear

was the only one I saw, she was there looking at me with worry, was I imagining what I had seen at the door? I thought I saw Keiley, or did missing him make me to start seeing him,

"Leah," I called,

"Yes dear, how are you feeling?"

"I only have a slight headache, but I'm feeling better,"

"Thank God, you got us all worried,"

"I'm sorry Leah, but where did Keiley go?"


"Yes Keiley," Wasn't Keiley here? Why is Leah asking me like that?

"Oh sorry, he was here, he had followed the school nurse to pick some medicine,"

"Was the school nurse here?"

"Yes, I had to go call her, when I came in, I found Keiley holding you at the door trying to wake you up, so I quickly went to call the nurse, and she advised that you reduce tension or you won't like it,"

At least he came, I thought I had seen my own things, it seemed like half of me wasn't there when he was away, will I be able to take it after we graduate? Because I know that all this relationship will end here, and I'll go back to my country.

As I was still in thoughts, Keiley came in, he didn't say anything, and I also because dumbfounded, so we remained quite till Lear broke the silence,

"What's with you two? Aren't you gonna say anything or I am the problem here? Ok I'll leave, Keiley please talk to her for me, she's quite stubborn,"

"Ok Leah," he answered

That's better he spoke something, I was yearning for his voice, my handsome gift from heaven,

"So how are you feeling?"

I was silent, I remembered i was still angry with him,

"Shashin how are you feeling now?"

"Keiley," I decided to speak out,

"Yes, how are you feeling?"

Where were you all this while?"

"Why do you ask?"

I felt tears get ready to fall from my eyes, is he really asking me that? After knowing how much I care for him, he's still asking me that,

"I just wanted to know because, because you, we always talk when we would miss our discussion right? Don't you, don't you..."

I couldn't avoid those tears from falling, I felt broken again, that's not a question I thought he would ask after all we've been doing together, shouldn't I care about him? Or what did he really mean by that?

"Hey, hey,"

I covered my face with my hands to cover my eyes which couldn't stop tearing, then I felt his hands around me and his head on my shoulder.

And after investigating I came to find out that my Shashin wasn't really her after what happened to her, and the baby I was really expecting to see and have was also not there. And the person who did that to her, no one knows where he escaped to how could this even be? She doesn't even remember me, her love, ehi was about to have a baby with her. I wish I was close when this happened, maybe it wouldn't have gotten this way. If I had the means I would have come here right away when she cut our conversation, but it already happened and I guess I should just accept it.

At work I could only observe her as she was doing her work, I wondered who could just hit her and go just like that? And according to her friends explanation, it was a planned accident, and it killed my unborn, I can never forgive who ever did that, for he managed to add another distance between me and my love, but I'm going to make sure everything becomes fine, I'll make sure she recovers and remembers everything, that's a promise I made to myself.After two weeks of work I asked her as my secretary she needed to accompany me to London, that I knew she wasn't going to refuse since it's about work, and she agreed after a lot of thought as I could also noticed that. But at least my first plan of getting her to remember is going to come though.I had my own personal jet which ensured we reached safely, I thought she'd feel insecure when I take her to stay with us at my parents house so I rented a house where I was going to stay with her, I could only hope she feels safe with me thou I knew it would be in easy for her but she had no choice than to agree with me.My dad's company had many branches and that was good for since it would enable me walk her around the time and hopefully she remembers everything.Things were going well till one day we bumped into Ronny who in a way acted surprised to see us.

"Hey, it's been a long time, how have you guys been?" He asked,

"Ok, and you?" I answered

"I'm good, how have you been Shashin? You didn't even tell Leah you are here,"

"Leah!" She answered in a surprised kind of way,

"Yea Leah, she's married now, you can come visit her,"

How was she to act after hearing a name she doesn't know? Surprised and confused also, that's how she acted and Ronny noticed it.

"Can I talk to you for a while? He called me aside.

"I left her for you so you could take care of her not make her like this, I'm not going to stay here and watch her get hurt, keep that in mind."





Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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