
The Calm Before The Storm- The Viscount's Sins

The scene was much too familiar.

The chilliness of the night.

The scent of Pinal encased in the form of tea.

The Duke as prey.

Michi had witnessed this scene one too many times over the years. Young women; from whores to noble women, daring enough to try and seduce the master. With all sorts of tricks under their dresses and within their bosoms, they'd seek the Duke out in the middle of the night. Sadly, it never ended well for any of them as the Duke had never let any woman graze his skin. Many of the women who snuck into the Duke's chambers with such purpose in mind often ran out screaming in horror while some didn't even make it out alive. Recalling the numerous incidents, Michi knew something for sure. The fine house of Viscount Imai was about to be in an uproar.

"Tell me you've found something"

"Yes, I have, master. It's worse than you'd imagine" Michi said.

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