
Druidragon [#6]

His fingers curled as the deep impact reached his stomach easily, making him cry out a moan of pleasure and minor pain, seeing as before he could even adapt to the hit on his prostate, he was already being hit once again right there by the same long and thick appendage that was made to both pleasure and torture him. Sobbing as the man above him absolutely destroyed his insides, Hastur felt so good - so good and so boneless, so loved and so adored... He was treated like an absolute whore by Dagur through their stay at this island, living inside the cave like cavemen and fucking daily, at least three times a day.

What can I say? Dagur loved him like the beast he was.

Today they had just finished their third fucking of the day (It was still morning) which meant that tonight Dagur would not let him sleep until they fucked for at least five more rounds. "Fuck...." Pulling out his cock completely covered in white, sticky cum, the ropes of white connecting to the pink hole completely covered in white was so fucking inviting that he wanted to just shove it all back inside, but he wanted to bring something for his love.

His love...

He remembers how his father had told him how he met his mother - They were in a battle, fighting against each other, until the battlefield was invaded by dragons, and the two sides joined forces to kill all dragons! His father had his life saved by his mother many times, and he also saved her life many times. After that, his father gave his mother a Berserker Thank You, and they married each other soon after! He was literally conceived in the middle of a battlefield, both parents covered in blood and surrounded by corpses of dragons. How crazy is that!?

His dad always told him that his mother was the best warrior, giving her life to bring upon the world his sister. Sister, which he set ashore? He doesn't remember how it happened, only that he was the one to blame for such a thing. He still feels guilty for that, seeing how his dad left after to go search for his sister, never to return, forcing him to grow up alone among warriors and brutal men who killed for fun - Which shaped him into becoming a true Berserker! Someone who gives his all at everything, be it crafting, killing, farming, herding, and even loving. A Sworn Blood, or Blood Lovers, is a tradition that all Berserkers tend to do when they find someone who they wish to spend the rest of their lives with, something he never thought would happen.

After all, everyone either dies or leaves, leaving him alone. But he has been alone for the majority of his life, so he is kinda used to it by now... But Hastur? (His name translated to something inside his mind. It didn't sound like a word he knew, only a feeling - the feeling of a blade sinking into the flesh of someone, the feeling of drawing a last breath, the feeling of deep rooted madness that makes one's mind destroy everything) Hastur was... different. He was there, and the moment he gave him a Berserker Thank You, he felt different from normal sex.

For one, he made these little cute noises that sounded like the most of divine sounds, but he also felt warm. Really warm, warm enough to make the darkness and whispers inside his head just... Dissappear. He felt so good around him, and having his arms around his soft waist was also very good. But most importantly, he was like a breath of fresh air to his smoke-filled lungs.

And he loved air - even more so when he was drowning at the sea, where he found him! Saving his life! See? Just like his mama and papa! Oh, they must be smiling from the Halls of Valhalla, seeing how he finally found someone who he thinks he can spend the rest of his days with. "Stay." He said to his love - Love, huh? Ever since he swore the Oath to always love and be with him, he felt stronger, faster, and with capabilities of doing things he never could before, all fueled by his love for him - as he got to leave the cave, wearing his armor and clothes, leaving his beloved completely naked and exposed, safe within these walls. They've been on this island for a month now, spending their times together with Hastur playing with his magic and showing him what he was able to do, and that was impressive in Dagur's eyes.

I mean, he was able to transform into animals! That was impressive. After many days of trying and training, he was finally able to transform into his dragon form, and he was majestic. Silver scales reflected the sun's light and heat, large teeth and long tail, with both arms and legs, long and large wings that spread and casted a large shadow.

Dagur got himself a dragon. He was raised to kill them, but by Hastur's teachings, he was able to understand them a little bit better and even come to like them a little bit. I mean, he still wanted a really cool dragon as his ride because although his love could become a dragon, he was his wife first, and he couldn't use him as a mount without feeling a little bit bad about it, just a tiny bit. 'Also, I really want a Skrill.' Indeed, Skrills were the symbol of the Berserkers. They represented everything a Berserker is! And as their king and leader, he needs one! "...huh." Dagur heard a cry of a mighty dragon, one he was once extremely obsessed with, as he was falling from the heavens onto the island - In the distance, he could see Dragon Hunters approaching.

-Scene Cut-


- Status -

Name: Hastur Harrington

HP: [100/100]

Age: 26

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Class: Druid Lvl 6

Subclasses: Dragonshifter


Background: [Lone Survivor]

Feats: [Spell Sniper], [Extra Wildshape], [Eldritch Concentration], [Spell Thief], [Radiant Healer]

Languages: All languages, Telepathy (1 Mile)

Proficiency: Medium Armor, Light Armor, Shield, Clubs, daggers, darts, javelins, maces, quarterstaffs, scimitars, sickles, slings, spears, Herbalism

Skills: Nature, Perception (☆), Religion, Survival (☆), Medicine, Insight, Arcana, Animal Handling

- Abilities:

Ultra Spellcasting - Gives you access to all spells, regardless of limitations and class requirements. Each spell requires their level in points for casting.

Wildshape - You can turn into animals you've seen by using Wild Points, Wild Points are equal to double your Druid Level.

(Lvl 2: No flying or swimming animals)

[Wild Points (Lvl ×2 + 2 from Extra Wildshape): 10]


Dragon Ancestry: Mithral Dragon (Darkvision, Truesight, Blindsight, Teleport)

Dragonshape: Transform into the (Young) form of your draconic ancestor! [Consumes 2 Wild Points, Lasts for (1 Hour × Character Level)]


[Spell Sniper: Doubles the range of all spells]

[Extra Wildshape: Grants you +2 uses of Wildshape every level up]

[Eldritch Concentration: Makes it easier to concentrate on two things at the same time! Opens up the door for Parallel Thinking.]

[Spell Thierf: If you see another cast a spell, you can attempt to steal it. However, it is necessary some time for you to fully understand the spell, so you'll need time to cast it successfully.]

[Radiant Healer: Your healing spells are empowered, being able to heal more than they normally would be able to]

- Spells:

Spellpoints: 30 (5× Lvl)

Lvl 0 (Cantrips):

Druidcraft (Lvl 22), Hydro Barrier (Lvl 13), Dracobolt (Lvl 20), Eldritch Blast (Lvl 18), Astral Barrier (Lvl 18), Cause Unease (Lvl 9), Cantillate (Lvl 10), Chloromorpho (Lvl 10), Color (Lvl 10), Gravity Force (Lvl 8),

Lvl 1:

Cure Wounds (Lvl 11), Entangle (Lvl 10), Arcane Tether (Lvl 10), Chaos Orb (Lvl 9), Clear Thought (Lvl 10), Detect Magic (12), Fog Cloud (Lvl 9), Jump (Lvl 7), Speak with Animals (Lvl 5)

Lvl 2:

Pass Without a Trace (Lvl 10), Angel Beat (Lvl 12), Air Cannon (Lvl 8), Moonbeam (Lvl 6), Skywrite (Lvl 5), Warding Wind (Lvl 3)

Lvl 3:

Arcane Sight (Lvl 5), Lesser Restoration (Lvl 3), Dispel Magic (Lvl 3), Call Lightning (Lvl 2), Daylight (Lvl 1)

Lvl 4:

Radiant Aura (Lvl 1)

Lvl 5:

Lvl 6:

Lvl 7:

Lvl 8:

Lvl 9:

Lvl 10:

Lvl 11:

Lvl 12:


-Scene Cut-

"You know how a near death experience can do to a man, right? Drowning isn't fun!" Dagur spread out his arms as they (He and Hiccup) pushed the rather heavy Night Fury: "Dragons, man, they are heavier than they look." Dagur chuckled a little, his maniacal laughter the same as ever: "So, uhm, what prompted you into this road to redemption?" Hiccup's question was necessary, considering that Dagur - Who tried to kill them many, many times! - is now helping him hide his dragon from Dragon Hunters! Who he worked for before. "I mean... You're trying to become someone better, right?" Dagur's grin faded as they approached the entrance of the cavern behind the waterfall he had shown him, an air of seriousness enveloped them as Dagur said: "I told you... Near-death experience and a lot of time to think about things... When you're alone, it's easier, life is simple. Actions speak louder than words, consequences? Who cares!"

As the light of the outside faded, they entered the cave, whereupon Dagur kept talking: "But when that changes..." His facial expression lowered ino a fond one, something Hiccup never thought he'd see in his life! "Heather?" Hiccup asked, something caught his eyes, though, another person wrapped in hides and furs, soundly asleep. "Yeah... And someone else." Hiccup couldn't believe his eyes. His mind had already been made about how Dagur was a crazy brute who kills first and asks questions later, but seeing this? The soft look in his eyes, the smile on his lips, and the sigh that escaped his mouth? That was love.

Love, like his love for Jack.

Love, like his sister's love for Elsa.

Love - Dagur is capable of feeling love!?

"Who is that?" Breaking the man from his lovesick gaze, Hiccup made sure to look around - there were drawings on the walls of this cavern, mostly they were intricate drawings of dragons and plants. He could see a Gronkle, a Deadly Nadder, a Monstrous Nightmare, a Skrill, and a... "What is this?" Momentarily lost, Hiccup stared at the dragon drawing on the wall - It wasn't a dragon he was familiar with. It looked like a Razorwhip, but much larger, and the tail had this whip-like ending to it. The wings reminded him of a bat, but they looked metallic, too. "Ah, that's just a drawing." Dagur easily answered the question without giving an answer, making Hiccup slightly frustrated: "I had a lot of time in my hands, you know? Well, not that much." There was a small smirk on his face, but Hiccup ignored that.

Now, his objective was helping Toothless.

"So, why did you bring me here?"

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