
Cantrip [#4]

"So, sorry about shooting you with my magic." A misunderstanding was quickly resolved by something most people don't know how to do: Basic Communication. Ezhno simply said: 'Wait, let's talk! I did not spend a whole year taking care of this child for you to villanize me and make me the bad guy in this story!' So they stopped attacking him, soon he was talking to their leader and Gregory's daddy, who was very militaristic with his subordinates and apparently the one who started this whole resistance thing after his son disappeared. "And also, thank you so much for bringing us to your home. You didn't have to, and I am grateful for you hiding us from the Agoths." As it turns out, they were part of the resistance against the Agoths, although they were really weak right now - Their spells were at least on Tier 1 and their mastery of them was small, but hey, Ezhno knew they could grow! He pulled them into his [Hideaway] that was naturally hard to find thanks to his magic skills [Murk] and [Mask] that hid him.

The Resistance, as it was called, was recently created by Gregory's daddy: Vincent Montgomery. And Holy shit, the guy was a daddy! Gregory always talked about him whenever he could. His mother wasn't the greatest, but his father was a nice guy, according to him, not always home but always kind and great when he was home. Due to him always talking about his dad, Ezhno kinda started pondering and wondering: How is he? Is he cute? Is he a nice guy? Is he a good dad? Is he even real?

And like that, he developed a little of an obsession with the guy without even meeting him. It was his vice - Love, you know? He is completely obsessed with the concept of having someone to love. He even prepared a huge list of things he could do with his future Mate, from picnics, movie dates, sex under the moonlight in a field of flowers, and so much more. "You're very welcome... Vincent." Even saying his name was like honey was dropping from his lips, it tasted sweet, and he wanted - He wanted to possess him so much, it felt like a burn, an itch, something he needs to live. He was considering slowly seduce him first. If he resists, then he just has to force him until he accepts his fate and stays with him forever! Make him addicted to his cock might be another option too, and maybe make a pact...? He is technically not human, maybe he can get access to his soul and force him into a master/slave type of thing where he can keep him forever and ever, make him love him forever - okay, not to go so far so fast! Start with the simple things: Is he single? "I fail to notice the mother of Gregory here amongst you. Is she alive still?"

The mood soon soured upon hearing that Vincent had this look of barely hidden disgust as he clicked his tongue: "No, she isn't." He whispered something that Ezhon wasn't meant to hear, but having superior senses made him hear it easily: "Ding dong, the bitch is dead, heh." The small smirk on his lips was the cutest thing Ezhno has ever seen in his life, he wants to wreck those lips until they can't close without making a large O shape due to how much he fucked it! With his plans set in motion, Ezhon decided to play a little and go for the direct attack: "Very well then, I hereby officially start the official courting ceremony." With a strong snap, Ezhno pulled out one of his antlers, making blood pour out of his injury: "First gift to be given, a gift of one's possession mixed with the second gift, a gift of one's body. This is my first gift for you, I accept your mating proposal, my little one."


What happened?

Well, Ezhno received a small gift from Vincent, who wanted to thank him for taking care of his son. Ezhon first rejected the thank you gift, but once Vincent insisted, Ezhno took it with a little bit of shocked hesitation.

"Uhm, excuse me?" Vincent looked down at the antler at his feet with confusion, but Ezhno quickly explained to him with a cheery voice of excitement: "This is tradition! Gifts given to someone is a request for mating, and as you've asked me to mate with you, we shall go through the courting ceremony! This is both the first and second gift of the three that must be given, a gift of one's possession, a gift of one's body, and a gift of one's mind and soul is the third and final gift... After the gift is given, we shall complete the mating by having what I believe you humans call marathon sex? I think that's it." So yeah, he made this whole situation to make up a whole monster thing! Ezhno was very proud of his reasoning, so he just approached Vincent, his sharp claws reaching out and pulled him closer until their bodies were touching as he started to say: "We could do it the human way? Dating, I think, could be a good start... But I heard humans like to have sex, right? We could do that too, if you want." The man was so stunned that he didn't react while Ezhno manhandled him to sit on his lap, with his butt hitting the fluffy and warm hair over Ezhon's thighs: "...fuck."

"Oh, fuck?" Ezhno pulled him a little bit closer: "We can certainly do that!" He did his best to sound excited - Not that he wasn't excited by the thought of fucking Vincent, on the contrary, he couldn't wait to fuck him, but he wanted to play the 'I'm a monster who's unaware of human culture and you're unaware of mine and now we're married' thing. "N-not that!" His body reacted by a shiver when he felt that long togue just brush a little against his neck and ear: "It-it-it's just an expression, y'know?" Ezhno purred - he can do that!? - before sighing softly but didn't release him: "Oh... Sorry." He sounded a little disappointed, and this time it wasn't acting.

Vincet managed to free himself, and soon, his subordinates pulled him a few meters away from the big bad wendigo who wanted to eat their Boss' ass in a good way, before each exploded into whispered conversation:

"But wait - Boss, you're dating a monster now!?"

"Holy shit - a monster marriage!"

"That's kinda weird, cool, but a little weird."

"Plus, he's really strong - it isn't a bad thing to have him on our side!"

"Look around you. This is his home. We could use this! Marry him, Boss, you can divorce him later, right -"

"Dad, you should date Ezhon." Their conversation stopped as their boss' son, the one they've been looking for the whole last year for, simple appeared amongst them: "He's a good guy. He can help! I mean, he told me he knows a lot about human culture, but doesn't understand it very well... He seems to like you for a long time now, I've talked about you ever since he found me a year ago." Vincent had to sigh. He liked his son, and his opinion was valid. The big monster dude was also fucking strong, really strong! He also isn't that bad looking... There are a lot of advantages here and no disadvantages, so I guess he can take advantage of this and use him to the growth of The Resistance! With this monster's help, they will save humanity from the Agoths!

"Very well..." He turned around and walked up to Ezhon, who stood there like a little kid just looking at them with this smiling expression on his face - Even though he doesn't have muscles on his skull face to smile, his whole body emenated this soft smiling vibe. Even sitting down, he absolutely towered over Vincent, who was about 6'2 feet tall! "So!" Vincent stood there for about 3 seconds before turning around and walking back to his group and whispering-shouting to them: "What the fuck do I even say!?" A few whispers later alongside a short and quick discussion of the possibilities of that long flesh tongue and how it could do things, Vincent walked back towards Ezhon and started talking again: "So! I... Accept your courting offer?"

It's just courting. How bad can it be, right?

-Scene Cut-


"You just had to provoke me, didn't you? No shirt on, sweating like crazy, smelling so fucking filthy - I can smell the precum dripping from your leaking cock, little boy, I can taste it in the air... I know you want me to wreck you, and I will wreck you so good -"

Well, that escalated quickly!

It turns out he could hold out for long! In fact, the very next day, he woke up early to see Vincent ot wearing any shirts completely covered in sweat as he exercised outside. So what did he do? He approached him from behind, grabbed his crotch with a tight grip, and began to sexually harass the poor dad. Is it sexual harassment if your "victim" is really into it? "Fuck." He whispered as Zehon's tongue slowly licked down his sweaty body and into his pants, where upon it wrapped around his cock in a vice grip: "Hm... You taste so good, I want to taste more of you..." Like a tentacle, the soft pink slick tongue moved quickly around the cock, pulling the soft foreskin of that cock and revealing the pink head of Vincent's cock - It was a good cock, not too small and not too big, for human standards it would be an above average cock, but for Ezhon? It was completely underwhelming and small.

"Hm... Turn around." Ezhon got as low as he could to get Vincent's cock on his maw, he made sure to swallow him whole while keeping eye contact. His tongue wrapped around Vincent's body, and he made sure to make his skin and tongue vibrate as it breached the tight hole that Vincent had, making the man freeze - Ezhon greedily sucked and fucked with his mouth and tongue, pushing Vincent's prostate while stimulating his cock. He resisted as much as he could, but he didn't last very long, considering that he cummed right into Ezhon's open mouth. "Fu-fuck-" Vincent had cummed so hard that his back straightened and his eyes were blown wide as he looked down at the enormous beast that had sucked him dry: "shit..." His ass was throbbing with this delicious ache that made him feel weak, he wanted to be angry at Ezhon for technically raping him, but he knew it wasn't rape.

It was fun.

He wanted it the moment his cock was touched by that tongue, it was only sex anyway so what if the other person he's fucking is a large monsters? "My turn now..." Holy shit, he felt that huge thing move between his thighs, and he braced for impact only for it to brush against his crack instead of going inside it, and he was grateful for that! (While also being a little disappointed...) "Good, close your thighs, make this fun..." Vincent had thick thighs. He worked out regularly and has been doing so ever since he was 14! Now he is big for a human, but compared to Ezhon? He was a little doll, and that excited him more than it should've. Ezhon's cock was azure blue in color, the texture of the skin had these little bumps that made the cock feel really weird in a good way! Each of the bumps was a little forked too, like a feline's cock, and as it dragged between his thighs it made him shiver at how warm and sensitive it made his skin feel.

It was almost as if it was scratching a deep itch inside him as it brushed against his hole, maming the pink flesh inside throb as he let out this little gasp - He felt his body going lax, mostly his lower body as this weak electric current went through his whole body. "Shit..." He couldn't help but curse out loud as the cock head brushed harder against his hole, breaching it out a little for a few moments but pulling back out because Ezhon knew he would end up killing Vincent if he fucks him like this, since, y'know...

Giant 2 feet cock? Hello?

That tingling sensation spread all over Vincent's body like a maddening aphrodisiac, it made him even more open to the concept of being fucked by Ezhon, uncaring for his health.


Well, let's just say Monsters' Mating Period also seems to affect humans.

Curious, isn't it?

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