
Cursed and Blessed [#4]

So as it turns out, a giant strawberry can catch the attention of a hungry kid who didn't like to speak much- Luxian didn't like the idea to call the kid Kid all the time inside his head, so he decided to give him a name: Little Berry. Why? Because he became obsessed with the giant strawberry Luxian ended up getting from his skill. And simce he can get food twice per day, he pulled out the next one- He regretted instantly, because the thing be pulled was black, pure black and oily, and it burned his hand to the bone, melting his skin and flesh until nothing but pure white was left, he didn't scream because it happened so quickly that he barely felt the pain of the acid before his nerves were gone, left behind was the skeleton of his hand limply holding the black oily but somewhat slimy thing he got:

[Acidic Slime:

1 Rank: D-

Description: A highly acidic edible slime, it tasted like lime, but eat it quickly before it burns your insides- Just kidding, it'll probably kill you before you can eat it. For some reason, it cannot melt bones.]

He remembered the thing he got: [Inventory], he thought about it and the thing vanished from his limp skeletal hand- "Now great... What do i do with this?" Seeing as he had lost his hand for good, he thought of maybe getting another ability later on seeing as he gets twice the extraction points and now he has [1800] Curse Points from his compensation after losing his divinity because his body is apparently too weak. 'Power...' He thought about it, power is always what he needs, with power he can pretty much do water he wants! Power is what he needs. He used the search function on his [Cursed Shop] for something to heal his hand, and the recommended one was a locked option, so he unlocked it as it cost him only [100] Curse Points, the unlocked section was the [Medicine] one:

[Healing Worm:

Cost: 500 Curse Points

2 Rank: C+

Description: This worm can release a healing silk from its body, this silk is really fragile before it hardens but once hardened it won't break unless burned away, highly resistant to impacts and pressure! It takes days to weeks (depending on the damage) to heal damaged limbs or internal organs as you can swallow the worm for internal healing. Lost limbs can be healed as well, as long as the silk stays in contact with the stump, it'll grow to accommodate the lost limb, and once fully grown, can be burned away to remove the silk.]

He bought it, and the moment he did, it appeared inside his [Inventory] so he decided to take it out- It was a small finger-sized green worm with a strange white lines pattern, but the thing had a mouth that stretched really well. Luxian could see its emotions, a white blank like most insects, meaning it didn't have a will and could be easily controlled by him! He made it move to his arm by Inducing it the feeling of wonder and curiosity, the intent behind the emotion was to find out what was up Luxian's arm, which it did move upwards, once the worm was out of his hand, he decided to cut off the bone hand- He considered his option and bought another item from the shop:

[Unusually Sharp Blade

Cost: 200

1 Rank: D+

Description: A unusually sharp blade that is cursed to quickly rot and decay once used to draw blood, making such weapon useless in combat.]

Well, as far as he knows, there isn't blood inside his bones... Right? Well, his skin and blood vessels that connected to his hand were burned closed so he wasn't bleeding thankfully! He pondered if it'd hurt, but he bought the blade quickly and slashed it on his bone from the base where his skin and bone met, cutting it almost flawlessly. "Huh." He commanded the worm and it moved, using its silk to coat his stump easily in 20 minutes, and after it did so, Luxian watched as the worm curled and seemingly died, but he could still see white smoke-like aura coming off of it, which meant it was still alive. 'Huh, weird.'

Well... Another day, another slay as they say.

-Scene Cut-

Days passed by- 7 to be specific, a whole week of them walking in the forest and Luxian knew, he knew something was following him and he hated the fact that the new skill he received seemed to be making everything worse! After the day his hand burned away to bones, he decided to get a skill related to his own survival, and after consideration he bought a [Specifying Glass] bringing him down to [900] Curse Points and he used the two extraction points he got on that day to get a single ability:

[Survival of the Fittest:

Classification: Evolving Skill, Neutral

Rank: F-

Description: You aren't fit to survive, you aren't made to be the strongest... So you must be tested through fire, blood, and pain to grow! You will face challenges, pain, death, and even fates worse than death and you must survive. If you do, you will grow stronger, if you don't, you will cease to exist. Simple as that.]

See? He used the word [Survival] thinking he'd get a skill that would help him somehow, he tried again using the same word the next day with a different [Specifying Glass] and that was when he learned he can't use the same word twice, so what he did? He decided to save the points for the next 6 days, and now he has 12 of them, every day he would stick his hand on the purple portal his [Dionysus' Cornucopia] skill would manifest and bring out different foods, he also made sure to immediately put them on his inventory just in case! He has 12 items, most of them are simple foods or just bigger and more nutritious versions of fruits and vegetables, but two had different effects:

[Golden Apple:

3rd Rank: S+

Description: After eating this apple, your body will be filled with wonderful and warm energy, this energy will regenerate every single cell in your body and even at the brink of death you will return ro your strongest form.]

Meaning? If he's almost dying, then he can eat the apple and he'll regenerated, he'll be healthy again. The other item he got was a strange star:

[Rainbow Star Fruit:

1st Rank: C-

Description: This star fruit has all the colors of the rainbow in it, and each time you bite off one of its corners, you will taste a completely different and unique taste and texture to the fruit. It is also highly nutritious and has Cleansing properties.]

The focus was on the 'Cleansing', he tried to eat it, and shockingly enough his skill [Alien Mind] was completely cleansed and it became a neutral or cleansed skill, meaning he no longer suffered the effects of the curse, meaning he now could act human. Not that he really thought about it, but if he wants to get money, acting and lying is essential and social skills as well! So his [Alien Mind] skill would've turned him into a complete antisocial freak, not that he isn't a freak already but you get what I'm going with- The Cleansing Quest for the [Alien Mind] vanished from his system screen completely.

Now, focus on what was happening right now: They were being followed, but by who, that Luxian didn't know. He has been feeling eyes and the gaze of someone or something on him for three days now, and he made a few preparations: His nain priority is to get the boy to a safe place, so he worked on a fine imprint on the mother bear's emotional mind that would activate like the sense of fight or flight, in which she'll run with the boy on her back, and because Luxian isn't a complete idiot, that would be the last resort and he'll also tie the boy to the mother bear! His eyes soon found the grey auras of indifference approaching their camping site, thankfully he saw only three auras in the shape of humanoids, he quickly brought out of his inventory an item that costed him [50] Cursed Points:

[Cursed Rope:

1st Rank: E+

Description: Used to hang many witches in the past, this rope can tightly hold to something and not let go, the only way to get free from this rope is if you cut it or burn it.]

He used this rope because it would be the safest rope to tie the boy, and sincerely he wasn't thinking far enough ahead because he was afraid and tense at the moment: Also, he's a teenager, a kid at the moment, he never really matured and his only instinct is to get the boy as far away from him as possible right now: "Take good care of him okay?" With these words, he placed a small coin on the boy's clothes and had the caterpillar spill out the silk and attached the coin to the boy's clothing, essentially binding them as long as the boy wears this clothing. The item he gave him was something he got from the shop as a gift, it was an item named:

[Coin of Chaos:

1st Rank: F+

Description: As long as you have this coin on you, chaos will follow you, which can be a good thing or a bad thing, this coin will be completely consumed once it changes the outcome of one event, turning to dust.]

See? He didn't even know how to use it, or how it was used, but he didn't care at the moment- If this could help, he prayed to whatever demon or god out there, and activated the mother bear's deep instincts of flight or flight, but he made sure she was absolutely terrified of him and nothing else, so she ran away leaving her cubs behind! A running brown bear can reach up to 56 kilometers per hour, or 34.7 miles per hour, now imagine a bear running for its life? Yeah, the sheer adrenaline and drive to run and get as far away as possible from where the beast was was so great that it ran, ran quickly! Luxian sighed- He had fed that bear the rest of the large strawberry he had gotten on the skill, and a really well fed mother bear could reach incredible speeds. "Target found." Before him were three men, all wearing some sort of suit?

No, it was a tactical gear, as in goverment swat team and shit! He thought about it, how did he feel observed when he was found just now? 'Don't tell me i can feel the future.' He scoffed to himself for a second, his power pushed forward as he tried to get control over the grey smoke of indifference and make it brighter and in a different color, but he failed, because when he tried to do so the aura lashed out and he lost control easily. And alongside it, a painful headache and blood began pouring out of his nose, making him dizzy for a moment. For a single moment was more than enough, apparently they were given the order to use something on him, because Luxian only heard the sound of something shooting and the prickly sensation on his left arm as a dart with a big red pom-pom at the end hit him. 'Oh, like in those movies?' That was the last thought he had, he just wanted to try and control the men to kill each other, but he failed and panicked because he didn't know what else to do.

And he couldn't get angry fast enough to kill them, so he just went to sleep unaware of the fate that his skill brought him: Survival is only for the Fittest.

-Scene Cut-

A small blond boy, probably between five or six years old, lies on a completely white bed- Bandages wrapping around his head and arms, he was apparently attacked by a bear, thankfully the bear shot by one of the hunters and the boy was brought it, he had rope tied to him around his waist and his hands were red and bloodied, the boy was also thin and scared of everything, signs of abuse. Also, the only piece of clothing he was wearing was a dirty white gown similar to a hospital's gown. No one reported a missing kid, and the doctors and the police were unaware of how the child came to be like this-

While he laid there, the only boy who knew him was being carried up to a helicopter inside a metal black coffin, reinforced to preserve the child within. Oh, the poor kid would come to grow later, and grow unnaturally and quickly.

The blond kid blinked once, blinked twice, and whispered: "Bear?"



Name: 13-CAL (Luxian Volven)

Age: 8 (17)

Cruse Points: [750]

Quests: [0]

Cleansing Quests: [1]

Cursed Powers: [1]

Clean Powers: [3]

Blessed Powers: [0]

{•Body State: Unknown•}

(•Emotional State: Unknown•)

<•Spiritual State: Cursed (Curse of Rage)•>




Strength (The ability to extent physical might): [10]

Endurance (The ability to endure damage, pain, the amount of stamina in one's body): [10]

Agility (One's hand-to-eye coordination, body speed, reflexes): [12]

Dexterity (The finesse and precision of one's physical movements and actions): [10]

Intelligence (Capability of one's mind to store, memorize, and organize information): [20]

Willpower (Capability of one's mind to resist, prevail, overcome and go beyond one's body capabilities): [25]

Wisdom (Capability of one's mind to use stored information to the best of one's capabilities): [25]

Luck (Capability of one's fate to intertwine and twist the destiny of the world around you): [10]


Cursed Skills:

[Cursed Rage (A+): You can make forcefully activate this skill to empower your body to high degrees, but it comes with a great drawback:

Your Intelligence, Willpower, and Wisdom stats become half of what they are and the chances of you hurting allies increase by 50%

This skill may activate under stress.]


Clean Skills:

[Emotional Inducement (B+): You can make anyone you want feel a certain emotion, be it glee, sadness, disgust, arousal, or any other emotion or sentiment.]

[Survival of the Fittest (F-): You aren't fit to survive, you aren't made to be the strongest... So you must be tested through fire, blood, and pain to grow! You will face challenges, pain, death, and even fates worse than death and you must survive. If you do, you will grow stronger, if you don't, you will cease to exist. Simple as that.]

[Alien Mind (E-): Your mind is so different from normal human minds that it is a challenge for Telepaths to read your mind or control your actions, as your mind is actually harmful to them.]


Blessed Skills:

[Dionysus' Cornucopia (B-): You can pull from Dionysus' Cornucopia food twice per day, the food will always be extremely nutritious and delicious, but you also have the chance to get different types of food, however, only foods from [Rank 3] and below.]


Inventory: [Golden Apple (×1)], [Giant Carrot (×2)], [Giant Pear (×1)], [Rainbow Star Fruit (×1)], [Highly Nutritious Apple (×1)], [Highly Nutritious Grape (×1)], [Giant Watermelon (×2)], [Giant Highly Nutritious Blackberry (×1)], [Perfect Roasted Beef (×1)], [Raw Meat (×1)], [Cursed Lighter (×1)], [Healing Caterpillar (×1)]

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