
Cursed and Blessed [#2]

It happened so fast they couldn't even react- The child showed no outward signs of aggression or any other particular emotion! Director Cecil just smiled and before they could react, the man was dead, and the child wqs aggressively growling and stomping upon his corpse reapeating the same phrase with a deep, almost demonic screech of pure rage and anger: "Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, STUPID!" His demonic screech echoed on their ears as his feet stomped on the corpse of the dead doctor, turning him into a mushy gathering of flesh, meat, bones and blood all together, they couldn't even recognize anything about him anymore- the ground beneath their feet shook as he stomped angrily, his eyes hazy, tears of black and red running down the kid's face.

He put his hand to the sides of his head and screeched loudly, it was low but then suddenly high and squeaky, and so loud that- The walls started to crack, the ceiling started to crack, everything was a chaos as the lights blinked in and out. Then the kid just- Stopped for a second and looked around, searching for something: "Brother." He said a single word, but the silence was so loud they all heard him- The kid had no brother, he was a single child from a mother who died giving birth and a father who didn't care enough to know he was born! He had no siblings, no blood relatives that cared at all. "Must find... Must protect." He sounded like a caveman speaking, but they could only assume it was because only his deep instincts were out at the moment, this power of his was... Scary to say the least. "Monster- Kill them all." The step forward he gave shook the lab, it felt like an earthquake, red lights started blinking as the emergency siren was sounded, all kids were asigned to go to the panick room-

But they took their chance, they decided to escape.

The red lights blinked in and out of sight as the demonic child slaughtered the group of scientists that were there to see his experiment, he tore them apart and broke them beyond belief, in the end turning them into red pasteurized goo. He was panting, red smoke coming out of him- his blood was turning into steam from how hot it was, his body burned inside out and it hurt, but his body was healing faster than it hurt itself, his rage was slowly but surely coming down step by step of the way... He looked down at his bloodied hands and all he could think about was his mother and himself, both lying in a pool of blood, his brother- WHERE WAS HIM!? His eyes stopped on a lonely small kid, his delirious mind didn't bother, his only focus was protecting his brother. Covered in blood from head to toe, the eight year old child in his survival mode approached the crying small kid and pulled him so they could leave.

The guards who stayed in their way were hit with an immense and almost overwhelming sense of indifference towards them- as if they were not even there. Well, if one doesn't wish to see, they don't see what's even in front of their own face.

-Scene Cut-

[Quest Updated!]

[Cleansing Quests: Rage Curse]

[Cursed Empowerment: To get rid of this Skill's curse you must:

Have the curse for at least (1) Year: (0/1)

Use it at least once: (1/1) (+100 Cursed Points)

Have more than 50 points in Willpower (20/50)

Save 5 lives (16/5) - Indirectly (+100 Cursed Points)

Kill 5 Lives (22/5) - Directly (+100 Curse Points)

Have a 1000 Curse Points (Does not consume points) (100/1000)]

Once they were out and far away, that was when Luxian blinked and looked around himself- He didn't know this, but the laboratory was in the outskirts of Dunsmuir, Northern California, and in his state of flashbacks and survival instincts, he grabbed his "brother" and ran. The problem was when he stopped, they were in the middle of a forest! He didn't know this, but he was now in the Shasta-Trinity National Forest! Meaning? He was fucked- "Uhm." The sound of audible confusion and fear caught his ears and he turned to look at the boy by his side: Possibly 5 or 6 years old, maybe even less, beside him. His feet were bloodied and he had blood on his face, thankfully they were near fucking water so they could wash the blood away. He cleaned the feet of the poor child, only then remembering what he did- And he felt numb, nothing, taking a human life felt so stupid in the face of their reality that he decided to ignore that fact for now and focus more on protecting the new package he brought with him in his delirious overprotective anger.

"You cold? Hungry? Tired? I think i can carry you, C'mon, on my back." He didn't even let the kid talk, he picked him up rather easily and placed him on his back, giving him a piggyback ride. Thankfully the blood on the kid's body wasn't his, meaning he was mostly okay besides the cut on his cheek from unknown origin. "Wa-" He didn't even had to wait for the kid to finish to bring him closer to the river they had come across, he helped him drink, only after taking a sip of it himself to make sure it wasn't too bad for the kid to drink- he hopes its safe. He focused hard to find any aura around him, there were only weak auras of animals, insects didn't have much aura so he easily made them feel loyalty and deep, deep adoration for him, so he could easily command them...

The problem was how.

They didn't understand words and he couldn't telepathically tell them what to do- So what was his answer? Pheromones, or immitate pheromones by making them feel the same way a pheromone would make a member of their species, basically he controlled their emotions by Inducing them and focusing on the intent of the emotion. 'When you're angry, who or what are you angry at? When you are sad, why are you sad? When you are happy, why are you happy?' Thinking of that, he decided to try his theory- If he could control the intent of someone's emotions, he could make anyone trust him, he could make anyone trust him to the point they will die if he tells them to.

If there is one thing Luxian learned from his father was that in this world, you can't do anything without money- so his first objective was get out of this place, find civilization, and get money. He couldn't- He looked at the boy he was holding, frail, weak, a baggage he couldn't possibly carry. He wanted to leave the boy behind, but a side of him didn't want to- he was too precious, too important, and he couldn't leave him with just anyone! 'I don't even know his name, and yet I'm so attached to him like a fucking mother bear.' He sighed and turned his attention back to the insencts and small birds all around himself, they obeyed his order when he focused on an emotion: Wonder, curiosity, and his intent was on the path ahead of him.

In an instant, he saw the beetles and centipedes running towards the direction he intended, while the birds flew above the canopy of trees, creatures with a weak will would be easily contrlled it seems. 'I can use this.' he coughed, feeling tired, but another problem arose: The night. At night, it'd be colder, and he doesn't know how to light a fire, he never went to summer camp to learn how the fuck people do this shit, but he had an option: His system. "Urgh... Question mark?" Nothing happened, so he opened his system screen and looked through it- There wasn't anything could help him, so he decided to just ask it: "Hey, uhm, system? How do you work...?"

[Automatic Answer Program Activated.]

[Explanation Given: Once every 24 hours, you will receive one (1) extraction point that will give you a random ability that can be a blessed, cursed, or neutral one, there are three types of extraction, but the only first one is available to you right now. You have [Curse Points], these points can be used to buy from the [Curse Store] for cursed items, or a [Curse Removal], which removes the curse from an ability. You can buy and use one [Specifying Glass] to narrow down the ability you can get from the extraction system, but you cannot make so the ability is specifically a blessed, cursed, or neutral one.

Any other question related to how the system works will be automatically answered.]

"Oh." Was all Luxian could say- He opened his status to take a look:


Name: 13-CAL (Luxian Volven)

Age: 8 (17)

Cruse Points: [400]

Quests: [0]

Cleansing Quests: [2]

Cursed Powers: [1]

Clean Powers: [1]

Blessed Powers: [0]

{•Body State: Tired, Small Bruise (Left Arm), Headache, Bleeding Nose.•}

(•Emotional State: Confused, Freaking out silently.

Mental State: Mental Trauma, Anti-social Behavior, Trust Issues, Attachment Issues, Overprotective, Possession Issues, Others•)

<•Spiritual State: Cursed (Curse of Rage)•>




Strength (The ability to extent physical might): [10]

Endurance (The ability to endure damage, pain, the amount of stamina in one's body): [10]

Agility (One's hand-to-eye coordination, body speed, reflexes): [12]

Dexterity (The finesse and precision of one's physical movements and actions): [8]

Intelligence (Capability of one's mind to store, memorize, and organize information): [20]

Willpower (Capability of one's mind to resist, prevail, overcome and go beyond one's body capabilities): [25]

Wisdom (Capability of one's mind to use stored information to the best of one's capabilities): [24]

Luck (Capability of one's fate to intertwine and twist the destiny of the world around you): [8]


Cursed Skills:

[Cursed Rage (A+): You can make forcefully activate this skill to empower your body to high degrees, but it comes with a great drawback:

Your Intelligence, Willpower, and Wisdom stats become half of what they are and the chances of you hurting allies increase by 50%

This skill may activate under stress.]

[Alien Mind (E-): Your mind is so different from normal human minds that it is a challenge for Telepaths to read your mind or control your actions, as your mind is actually harmful to them


You have a higher difficulty on understanding others aroung you, normal human skills come to you in different degrees of difficulty to learn.

Sometimes, you may do things that unintentionally may hurt someone.]


Clean Skills:

[Emotional Inducement (B+): You can make anyone you want feel a certain emotion, be it glee, sadness, disgust, arousal, or any other emotion or sentiment.]


Blessed Skills:


Seeing as he had [400] curse points, he decided to take a look on the shop- He called out mentally '[Cursed Shop]' and another screen appeared before his eyes, it had a small shopping cart in the left bottom corner with the little name [Total] beneath it, there were three tabs he could see, the rest had a small lock with prices on it alongside the [Unlock], meaning he had to buy them. Regardless, he saw the three tabs he had access to were: [Consumables], [Materials], [Rank 1 Weapons]. 'Huh. Neat.' He thought before clicking the [Consumables] tab and watching as the screen changed, showing several little squares with items in them alongside a price, he found a few things that caught his eyes:

[Specifying Glass:

Price: 100 Curse Points

Rank: S+

Description: You can use a single word to specify which ability you can draw from your system!

(Can only buy 1 per day)]

[Cursed Lighter:

Price: 10 Curse Points

Rank: F-

Description: A simple lighter, but it is inhabited by an evil spirit, the spirit died in a tragic fire becoming really aggressive towards the one who owes this lighter]

[Cursed Short Spear:

Price: 50 Curse Points

Rank: D-

Description: This spear was used by a warriors who was betrayed in the battlefield, this spear was once longer but it broke without a reason, whi knows if it'll break again?]

He stopped for a second- The night was approaching.

Next chapter