
Perception and Perspective [#4]

The moment arrived that very day.

Billy was being eacorted to the soldier room when he saw Lucifer, those same green eyes stared at him- But living five years alongside him, talking to him, training with him, playig with him even, and most of the time always making eye contact with him- Billy knew his eyes, those weren't his eyes. Those eyes were lifeless, empty, but behind them he felt his mind, his now weak Telepathy reach out and touch the cage that blocked Lucifer within his own mind, he felt another person on the forefront, controlling the body while he was trapped within! 'Now is my time.' He gave the signal they agreed upon years, or rather, hours ago- He kept the eye contact and frowned before blinking twice, and at that moment he saw how Lucifer's eyes went from blank to have a spark behind them, a spark of life and conciousness!

They were going to the same place, so of course it was normal for them to be near each other! So when they were going to the same hallway, Billy acted. Superior strength, Telepathy, and the element of surprise were on his side since they thought he already was a Russian brainwashed Soldier! His fingers flexed and moved, the moment his skim touched the metal of the shackle he felt it burn his flesh painfully, like a raging inferno melted his whole body- He didn't let go, instead applying force and brute finesse by sharpening his nails by moving that red force thay ripped through his muslces straight into his fingers, red lightning flowed out of his body as he felt the burn in his fingers increase as the pain almost made him let go, but his nails pierced the flesh of Lucifer before pulling the metal- He heard it crack before it shattered, and at that moment the left arm sparked to life and ripped off the right one before a new one was almost instantly grown to replace it, and even faster than that he ripped off both legs and regrew them instsntly, the four limbs simply turned to dust and scattered in the air-

And like that, five seconds had gone by.

Lucifer, on all his sadly not naked glory, stretched- Billy was panting, his red eyes slowly returning to his natural blue as his hair settled down, previously it was swaying with the excessive energy flowing through his veins and now returned back into his body- "Ah..." He heard Lucifer sigh, and suddenly they weren't on the base anymore, no, there wasn't even a base anymore.

It was simply gone.

"Erased from reality." Lucifer's voice entered his as his fingers curled around the grass beneath his feet, he was naked again, they were naked again- Maybe it was because he spent so much time naked, but it felt so much better being on natural like this. "Erase from our world..." A long tail wrapprd around his waist intimately and he felt a shiver go down his spine, he was 19 now, far away from home and... Naked. "Beautiful as always, aren't you, little guy?" Oh, how glad he is that he's going to hell after all. "Hell?" Oh, did he say that out loud? "No, baby..." He shivered when a hand made him look up by touching his chin- "I'll bring you to heaven."

-Scene Cut- (Yes, I'm stealing the smut from under your noses)

The sky was dark- Red lightning flashed as a shadow of a spider-like shadow creeped above the dark dimension known as the Upside-Down, the dimension that copied the Upright-Up, also known as the Real World, its creator and ruler- Vecna, Henry, or 001 was a psychopathic narcissistic megalomaniac who saw humanity as beneath him. His belief was that humanity was prey, while he was a predator, and his seed- The boy he infected the deepest, Billy Hargrove, was one of the few exceptions to this rule seeing as he planted the seed after the boy had died and specifically ressurected him for the purpose of being his vessel, the girl too was another one of the exceptions. Him, Will as those children called him, was also a... particularly annoying side effect of having a part of him in the other side of this dimension.

He saw her, but suddenly he didn't.

He saw HIM, red and big, strong, stronger than him- Fear filled his mind as he tried to disconnect himself from the boy he planted his seed on, but he was tightly held by an invisible force, his mind peered into the undying and burning gaze of the demon before him as he understood something about the nature of this world. No matter what, there's always a bigger fish.

He felt the connection he had to the seed shatter, like a thousand mirrors, sending shards of energy into his mind- the pain of loosing that connection took part of his soul alongside it, and that hurt him in more ways than physically and mentally. He felt it- Part of himself vanished.

He never felt loss before- And now?

Now he understands loss.

-Scene Cut- (Sike, wouldn't dare to cut that smut!)

Lucifer was a lot of things.

A Demon, A murderer, an almost maniac, possibly insane, and of course- Very, very gay.

Like, a rainbow sparkled with glitter and golden clouds that rain rainbow tears. That level of gay. He was also very physically attractive, Billy or the nickname he liked to call him just to annoy him: Red, couldn't keep his eyes away from him, he should know! After all, they spent five years inside his mind where he was fully naked all the time, the reason he was naked was purely exhibitionism- He spends a lot of time naked inside his mind, so he got used to it and doesn't mind being naked at all, so he just stays naked as it is more natural to him. "Wow. Fuck me-" He chuckled at Billy's reaction to his body, he understood it as he also had the familiarity with Billy's body but never touched it in the way he was now- Soft fingers curled around his waist as his beard and nose scrapped on Billy's own neck as he was held by Lucifer's hands.

The difference between their sizes was large, Billy was about 5'11 while he was between 6'8 or 7', he doesn't really remember or bothers to check- even more now that he has his long 1' foot long licking away at the body of the young man in his arms! "Fuck..." Cursing again, Billy's whole body shivered as Lucifer's forked tongue licked right above where he wanted him to touch, wanted his to lick, suck, and worship: "Hm... I don't actually have a lot experience in the sex department, dear-" He saw how Billy's body reacted to being called a sweet and tender name in such filthy and hot situation, he grinned when he understood what it meant very well, his tail moved to swiftly carress those naked buttocks of his angel and slowly laid him down on the soft and tender grass as he positioned himself above him, hands right on the sides of his love's head and let himself be exposed for him to see and delight upon the sight: "See anything you like, love?"

They used to tease each other with tender nicknames, most of the time speaking sarcastically, but now it was the most natural abd sweet thing to call him his love- Because he kinda was? Yeah, kinda... Lucifer has never been in love, so he doesn't know what it feels like, but he knows he has a deep sense of ownership over Billy, which sounds fucked up but it is what it is.

"Oh, i do..." Not expecting him to tease back, Lucifer was caught off guard when a hand reached and grasped the head of his penis- It was red, like the rest of his body, but the head was really was and big, like the rest of his dick- Veins pulsed with blood as he flexed his muscles, clenched his buttcheeks and saw the dick slap bsck against his stomach like every man can do: "Oh shit, oh fuck- I don't think that'll fit me, you're a big one aren't you princess?" Well, princess wasn't his favorite nickname but also not his least favorite- He loved being mentioned by Billy, be it in any way, shape, or form: "Yep." He popped the p in the end of the sentence as he awkwardly stared down at Billy for a few seconds...

"So... How do i do it?"

There was an awkward pause before- "Pffffft-" Billy broke the silence by laughing: "Wait- hahahaha- Y-you acted so confident and 'I'm the top here' and yet, you don't- You don't know do you?" The laughter and joyful mood died down as something darker, a deeper realization settled on Billy's bones- Why didn't he know how to do this? I mean, Billy's not a virgin, and he's pretty sure Lucifer's older than him, so he must've had his experiences before right? Maybe not with a man but with a woman instead? "I mean, no...?" Lucifer sounded a little more confused than Billy expected, which didn't sound good: "Hey, Luci... Have you ever fapped before, y'know-" Billy did the motion with his hands (He had to use both of them) to Lucifer's cock and to his surprise it jumped right at the contact and fricton, a wide and open expression appeared on Lucifer's normally closed off or cold face: "Wait, t-this is your first time in fapping- Have you ever had an orgasm before?"

"I mean- No?" Lucifer sounded even more confused: "Why would i? I mean, i don't know if other people would but i certainly wouldn't get aroused being touches by scientists at least a few decades older than me when I'm being tested in a goverment laboratory when i was a teen- I was more like, confused all the time and really nervous that i would blow up the planet or something like that, so i didn't really have the time to do such things." Lucifer's tail was moving like a cat's tail by now, teasingly touching and sliding against Billy's legs: "So... How long have you been here again?" When the question was asked, Billy literally saw Lucifer do math equations in the air as numbers appeared and dissappeared from view around his head- "Probably, like, 11 or 13 years? I think i spent the first two or three years not really being me... So i count it as 10 years more or less, even though i wasn't fully me in these 10 years, being in constant and ever agonizing pain that made me retreat to the back of my mind and being on the backseat of control of my body because of my own mind creating a copy of myself to control the body against my own will, so i guess about 10 years?"

Billy was speechless for a second- He didn't even touch the metal around his wrist for more than five seconds and he felt like he was dying! Being always on contact with such thing- No wonder he couldn't use his abilities well, he couldn't focus enough under such pain! It was a miracle he could even use it in some form: "So... I'm your first?" Billy sounded quite happy about it, even though he had lost his virginity when he was 16 to another boy of his age, taking the virginity of some who knows how old demon sounds pretty badass in his not so humble opinion! "Yep..." Lucifer really didn't know what to do in this situation- i mean, he imagined what he could do, but the fear of making a mistake and ending up hurting the person beaneath him was greater than this hot and bothering sensation on his body that didn't compare to the pain, even though his penis was hurting from being this hard.

Like, hurting for real.

"Let me teach you then."

-Author Notes-

If you desire an image of their height difference, please do comment on this paragraph for the image is shadowbanned by Webnovel and thus cannot be viewed by normal means. If you do wish to see it in another way, i do have a Tumblr where you can see it. DaoOfGay is always a minute away from your house- Just kidding.

Or am i?

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