
Healer [#3]

Peter was... Conflicted, to say the least.

In one side, he had this whole revenge planna out that he would follow after is healed enough to leave.

On the other, he has a Mate here, someone who is supposedly his other half and is destined to cherish and love him, which is the most bullshit thing he ever heard. You known why? Because Peter is sure someome like Erik couldn't love someone like him, due to his very nature! Peter is shady, shifty, cruel, and very much evil while everything Erik has shown till now is good, even his fucking natural scent reeks of that scent of 'righteousness' which used to make Peter sick to his stomach, but now it makes his wolf excited- his wolf, the most brutal and ruthless beast he has ever known in his entire life - and acting like a puppy, a puppy! Not a normal fucking puppy, an overly excited and happy puppy, which makes Peter so fucking confused because he's pretty sure his anchor changed from the ever so adgy concept of ruthless revenge to the rambling ball of sunlight named Erik Goodman- His fucking surname was Goodman! How did he learn it? Well...

Erik was rambling about a random topic that somehow ended up in surnames, he mentioned the Hales which made Peter almost loose control and then he heard Erik's voice and he returned to his senses easily, and he kept talking about surnames until he ended up saying: "By the by, my surname is also ridiculous, like, who the fuck names their kid Erik Asclepius Goodman!?" Also, Asclepius, the greek god of healing or something like that right? A doctor so good he could bring the dead back to life so Hades went to Zeus and Zeus killed the guy... Maybe? No, no, don't cling to a stupid concept such as hope, Peter Hale!

Two weeks after Jennifer being arrested- which happened three days after Erik managed to kick her out of being his exclusive nurse, and somehow became his personal hospital assigned nurse instead- for Extended Torture and being a Bitch (Erik's words, not his), Peter moved a single finger after a great effort, which promptly sent Erik into a frenzy of awe and praise that made Peter honestly shy.

Fuck this whole Mate thing! Fuck Erik... Okay, he wants to do that though- I mean, he has seen the guy, okay? He's like, hot, and really handsome too which is great since Peter doesn't do ugly (He can't admit it to himself yet, but he would totally do Erik no matter how he looks) even if they're Mate! "Good morning Petey!" Ah, his werwolf abilities were slowly returning, so he heard Erik coming to the room when he was a few feet away from the door, he could hear him humming to a song Peter didn't know while opening the door: "Today i brought you some scented candles and some lotions so i can massage your muscles! They're mint scented, just like you asked!" No, he can't talk yet, his body healed only enough for him to move his fingers with great effort, so Erik would ask yes or no questions and he'd answer but only a few before he got too weak to move his body at all. Erik, if course, took this as an opportunity to ask him about the scents of the things he was using and which one he'd want, while Peter felt pathetic from being unable to even move a finger!

So what did Erik did? Physiotherapy.

He actually knew some Physiotherapy exercises and he put Peter through them twice a week, using a lotion he liked the scent of, and touching him, which made Peter have some... Bodily reactions due mostly to his wolf i swear! "Today we're doing arms, since yesterday was legs!" He mainly focused on the important members of Peter's body, using a lotion that was warm and slightly sliperry but also had the scent he liked the most: Mint. Because it smelled just like Erik's scent when he smelled of arousal that one time Peter had a bodily reaction to his touch: "It'll be a slow progress, but it'll be a steady one." He paused, smiling at Peter and saying: "And remember, small progress is still progress, so don't be angry at yourself for not being able to do more."

And now, a month in after Erik kicked that bitch Jennifer off of her high horse, Peter felt... Good.

He went through two physiotherapy sessions with Erik, and they had some effect already seeing as he could move all his fingers even better than before. He didn't have to hide his eye movement now, since Jennifer would make it worse if he ever showed signs of being awake, and he could look around his room freely since whenever he moved his eyes Erik would come to help him, or whenever he managed to make a noise be it a groan or tapping his fingers. "Well, right or left first? Which one hurts?" They didn't exactly hurt... His healing was fucked up and his muscles were now atrophied, meaning he had no strength in them and they healed at a speed even slower than a human's. "I could- No, it's better not to... I mean, you wouldn't believe me Petey, maybe once you can talk I'll ask you, okay?" Peter had no idea what this man wanted to tell him, but he felt like nodding even though his trust issues got worse after the fire.

And now he has abandonment issues too, since Derek and Laura left him! THEY FUCKING LEFT HI- "Hey Petey, you okay?" Peter felt his ever so burning inferno of hatred stop and become less than an ember when his Mate spoke, like- Like he was holy, ever bigger, ever better than Peter is: "Well, i wanted to tell you that... I can try something? One tap for yes, two for no?" Peter considered his options for a second- Erik could be a hunter in disguise, ready to betray him, maybe this is a sick game for him? Maybe he likes it, maybe he just wants to give him hope and then take it away from him? Hesitated. He hesitated for a second before tapping the wheelchair once, a single tap he dreaded his fate for a second- "Good." he thought he was about to die, or worse, be tortured, when a light shone where the man's hand touched his arm-

Peter looked at Erik's face, and to his shock, a pair of beautiful white feathery wings spread from behind the nurse as a beautiful white glow surrounded his body- Peter felt warm, a simple warmth that spread through his whole body, before setting within him- Inside him, physically, his muscles. He felt them burn, break, and heal- And then... He felt his muscles, stronger, better than before: "There." Erik's words made him snap out of his state of shock, and he felt himself mutter a word before he realized his vocal cords were in a state he could talk at all: "Angel..." The blush on Erik's face was amazing to see.

-Scene Cut-


A snow white bird from Roman mythology, said to be capable of absorbing other's diseases into itself and flying away to disperse the disease away before healing itself.


Disease Transference: You can transfer diseases to yourself, absorbing them from others and healing them from such ailments.

Disease Spreading: You can spread diseases you absorbed, be it into nature or into someone else, essentially freeing you from such disease.

Disease Resistance: Your bodily functions will work normally while under several deadly or otherwise dangerous diseases.

Self Healing: You can heal your body from damage, your white feathers will shine while using this ability.

(New) Aura Sight: Your eyes can see the aura around you, living and dead, healthy and sick, good and evil.

(New) Converted Healing: You convert the diseases yoi absorbed within yourself into magical energy, this magical energy is absorbed by your body, you can use this stored energy to heal someone you target, depending on the amount of healing you use it can even restore lost limbs.]

He unlocked the [Aura Sight] ability after he trained on it for a whole week, and the [Converted Healing] skill came to him as a quest reward that he finished, giving him that skill alongside a token that would heal any sickness from the one who holds it or has on their person for a whole year. The token is consumed once the disease is cured, but it has to be in contact with the skin of the one who wants to use it! "Angel..." He felt hot, Peter Hale called him an angel... Wait, called him? "It worked!" He retracted his wings back into his body, ignoring the ripped back of his hope as put his hand on Peter's side, where the scar was a little bit less scarred: "It even healed the scar..." He smirked happily as Peter just stared in awe at him, his eyes wide as his aura took the familiar color of pink, which when Erik first saw it made him confused- I mean, he thought pink was love, but no one he ever met had ever shine pink so bright like Peter was shining right now!

Then a single thread of the aura rushed towards him, it wasn't from the aura though, it came from somewhere else, and he saw it approaching him and it touched his skin- It went through his skin and settled inside his heart. It snapped in place and he felt joy, and... love? "Huh, neat." He whispered to himself as a sudden rush illuminated his mind, and into his mind's eye a wolf, a black and large wolf with glowing blue eyes. It was beautiful, and breathtaking to be honest- "Huh, cute." Peter moved his arm, which means it worked! Erik focused on healing the muscles of Peter's body and fill them with energy, unknowingly feeding his energy to heal a certain broken part of the man- His wolf. "Hi Peter, my name's Erik, and I'm your nurse.'

"Hi..." The voice was rough, but it sounded so sexy- okay, horny mind, stop right there! Erik knce again started using his [Emotional Healing] skill which cleaned a lot from the emotional damage (*throws sandal down*) and trauma he received in life, which was surprising to Erik? Because after he talked to Sheriff Stilinski, Peter was mote suitable to his [Emotional Healing] skill for some reason- Now he feels connected to the man, which is weird, and he understands a little about him that is left unsaid: "So... big revelation? Kinda of a bird really, not an angel, though i think i could be..." Erik pondered- Could he get a [Form] that was an angel of a sorts? If yes, he'd like [Seraphin] or a [Throne] really. "Bird." He felt there should be an interrogating there, but he dismissed such thought before smiling at the man that he just... Trusted.

Weirdly enough, he had no reasons not to trust Peter, and no reasons to like him to such extent- Thinking about it, he felt this weird trusting and pull towards Peter, he could've ignored it but his curiosity and good nature got the better of him and now here we are! "I'm... Well, i am more like a bird- even though angels are like holy bird people, if you ignore the Eldritch Angels that are like, fucked up- Thousands of eyes, mouths, made out gold, with three head and shit like that, just so fucking Lovecraftian." And he was rambling again... Great. "You'e... ute." He had to hide his face from the smirking Peter, his voice broke when he tried talking too much, breaking away some of the letters of the words while he was trying to speak, but even so, it was obvious whag he wanted to say.

"Thanks." Erik shyly nodded, he suddenly fetl a hand on his chin and raised his head to stare at the man before him, who smiled as his eyes glowed bright blue- That color, he couldn't even stop himself from whispering: "Beautiful..." Before it left his lips, Peter was ruthless on his teasing later on when he could feeely talk.

For now, he just heard a last word that was growled out of the man's throat: "Mate..." Which, okay? He had to go to the internet for this one.

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