
Human (?) [#5]

[This chapter contains bullshit]

"What are you doing in my room?' This was the first thing Stiles asked as he saw Derek walk a little bit close, that was until he looked around and saw the potted plant on the sideline, a beautiful purple wolfsbane plant: "Oh, that? I'm sorry, i plan to put it in the garden! I love purple, yellow, and blue flowers- Wait, why am i telling you this? What are you even doing here?" Derek just sniffed the air for a second and was overwhelmed with the scent of several flowers, he did his best to not act like it hurt his nose so he just- Wait, why did he come here again? He remembers hearing Scott talk about Stiles and how he was all buddy buddy with a guy named Danny, he remembers feeling a little territorial and then he was here, checking on him to make sure he's fine? "Uh... Hi?" Okay, this is awkward, Derek flashed his best smile that made Stiles only raise his eyebrows for a second, expecting some sort of explanation: "Ergh... Scott told me."

"Scott told you?" Stiles was now very confused- Scott didn't like Derek, he made it pretty clear whenever Stiles asked about him, going as far as to say Derek isn't a good person even though he doesn't know the guy.

"Where you live." Derek was really awkward about this all, normally people would just be too stunned focused on his body, and Stiles was focused on him, on his words, on his eyes, and that made him feel seen and he didn't like it as much as he thought he would: "Why would Scott do that? He clearly told me he doesn't like you." Think of an excuse Derek, what did Scott mention- "Information." Derek groaned internally before he notices the small little smile on Stiles face as he seems to connect the dots: "You want Information... On your family?" Of course he would know that, his dad was the sheriff and apparently he knew things others didn't! Does he know that Werewolves are real? Derek hopes so, but if he doesn't find out on his own Derek can't tell him- Think of Paige.

"Well, I'll see what i can find about the Hales-" Stiles paused for a second and just turned to look at him before saying: "Also, Peter Hale's on the hospital y'know?" This Derek knew, he knew his uncle was on the hospital bed in a coma but he didn't have the guts to go see him- He didn't have the guts to go there and find that man, even more so after what he did to his family, after be abandoned his uncle there by himself! "If you want i can take you to him? I know Melissa McCall, she's a nurse on Beacon Hills Hospital, i think she'd be willing to help if it came to that... Look, i know how bad hospitals are, i hate them too, and if you want i can go there with you." Derek appreciated the look of understanding on Stiles' eyes, even though Derek knew that Stiles would never truly understand him and the way he truly feels about hospitals, waiting to receive good news, holding onto hope that someone of his family lived, only to be disappointed and feel the dread of reality.

"Thanks." Derek nodded, a small smile on his lips: "I'll... uhm, go now." Derek went back the way he came in, through the window, only leaving behind a smirking Stiles Stilinski.

-Scene Cut-

"And so you're coming with him to see his uncle?" Danny slurped on the iced latte he was holding, eyebrows raised and a grin on his lips that screamed 'I know what you're doing', making Stiles nod and blush a little: "I mean, i hate hospitals, he hates hospitals, and he looked quite... desperate I'd say, he was like a lost puppy! Plus Jackson and Lydia are going to that double date with Scott and Allison anyway, so i gotta help the guy too, he literally came into my room the other night." Danny scoffs and rolls his eyes, they were on the school library, sitting by the window and looking out into the outside: "They're going bowling right?" Nodding, his companion by his side gestures wildly with his hand while the other slaps the table before them with a book, saying: "Scott doesn't even know how to bowl! He never went bowling before in his fucking life!"

"At least you got that hospital date with Mr. Sex on Pants-" A fry hit Danny in the face while he laughs, Stiles stood there giving him the stinky eye with a groan, hissing out in anger: "Don't call it that! It's not a fucking date." Danny just rolls his eyes and take the fry out of his face and eats it, smugly saying: "Bet you wish it was, don't you Soggy~" Stiles just nodded, not even denying it because let's be honest for a second, Derek Hale is hot and he'd make the best and first date Stiles sould ever have in his psthetic bisexual single life, something like that would be considered an achievement for Stiles, a nobel prize! "Who?" Scott's voice shook Stiles for a second, but he knew very well he heard that Stiles and Danny were talking about Derek Hale: "Derek, y'know? The hot guy? I'm going with him to see his comatose uncle because he's too socially awkward to go alone and not get lost inside there." Scott instantly frowned, ready to say something when suddenly his phone vibrated from the text he received- instantly he looked down at it and saw the sender was Allison, utterly distracted he went on to tex his girlfriend.

"See? Whipped little puppy boyfriend."

"Well, i think it'd be cute if it wasn't a heterosexual couple."


-Latet that Afternoon-

"He did what?"

"Almost got me arested..."

"I'll fucking skin him alive, I'll pull the hairs out of his head and damned face and make him choke on his own blood, I'll pull each teeth out his mouth with a rusty pair of clippers and grind them to powder and make him eat it."

"That was... descriptive."

"I always fucking tell him- Leave the investigation job for me! I know how to actually do that shit, and he goes and tries to get you arrested? Fuckig hell, that guy is insane, i mean, why did he even tried to get you arrested? No, let me guess, he thought you killed your sister right?" A solemn nod was all the answer he needed from Derek as he sat beside him in his blue jeep that Stiles recently repaired himself, thanks to his wonderful powers he managed to actually fix the jeep to an optimal state rather than fixing it with tape! "I mean, I'm sorry for what he did to you Derek, I'll make sure to put some sense on his head when I talk to him... Hopefully he'll listen to me and not go around trying to get people arrested again." Derek only nodded, his eyes refusing to look at Stiles while Stiles himself kept on making calculations on his head and thinking of creating something, thanks to his [Crafting] skill and this new skill, he could now probably make what he wanted:


[Mechanics lvl 23: Increases your skill with handling machines and mechanical pieces of work by 23%. Dexterity affects this skill's performance. ]


What he wanted? A powerful bat, a bat strong and durable enough to help him fight beasts bigger than him on his next dungeon that he unlocked once the skill achieved lvl 10- The Giant Field, as the name says, a field full of giants! "We're here... Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital... I hate this place." He muttered to himself, but he was sure Derek heard him- Inside the hospital he quickly asked the receptionist if Melissa McCall was working today, and once the guy at the front recognized him he gave him a reluctant yes, Stiles dragged Derek behind him by pulling the him of his jacket, Derek didn't complain and kept following him... He was like a duckling following him, and once he found Melissa, he let Derek go: "Melissa." He called out to her and hugged the woman, who smiled gently at him: "Stiles, it's good to see you! And- oh, hello there, i didn't know you had a boyfriend Stiles, nice to meet you my name's Melissa McCall."

"Uhm... Hi. Hale, Derek Hale." Derek greeted her and took the hand she offered him, only for her to pull him in a warm hug that painfully reminded him of his mother for a moment before she let go of him: "Melissa, we actually came here to find someone- Peter Hale? You know his room?" She nodded and gave them instructions, Stiles smiled back at her as they separated, Stiles bringing Derek to Peter's room: "You might want to prepare yourself just in case, y'know, he might not be... That good y'know?" Derek had this tense expression on his face before he nodded, Stiles kept his hand on the his jacket as he pulled him along just to make sure Derek knew he was there if he needed help! As they arrived at the door of his room and entered the room, Stiles' eyes focused on the man lying down on the bed, face up, burned- 'Werewolves heal fast, something must be stopping his Regeneration from fully healing him?' He decided to use his [Observe] skill on him and-


Name: Peter Hale

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Lvl: 60

Race: Werewolf (Alpha)

Titles: [Alpha], [Hale Alpha], [...]

HP: 5000/5000

MP: 200/200

SP: 5000/5000

Status: Insane, Awake, Angry

Weaknesses: Wolfsbane, Electricity, Letharia Vulpina, Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, Loud Noises, Mountain Ash, Fire, Arrogance.


Instantly, Stiles used his [Cold Blood] to stop his body from reacting about his shock, but it wasn't fast enough because Derek looked at him so he thought about the best lie he could come up with: "He's worse than i thought he'd be... I'm sorry." Derek nodded as he stood still and stiff, his uncle, his only living family member stood there, half of his face burned and completely... "Derek...?" Snapped out of his thoughts and guilt, Derek looked at Stiles, who was holding a white plastic pot with some cream inside, probably for his uncle's scars? "Yeah?" He approached and the strong scent of mint invaded his nostrils, it was all he could smell from it, but Stiles could? "This... This is made out of dandelion, plecthratrus argentatus or the silver spur flower, and... Aconitum." Stiles raised his head to look at him with a worried face; "Yellow Aconite- this thing is poisonous! It causes heart failure Derek, it makes you feel pain all the time and it itches like fucking crazy! Who the fuck even put this shit here?"

He was sincerely pissed, because if there was one thing Stiles learned with his mother was that bad medicine is bad recovery, he truly believed this! He hated those that messed with sick people, which was why most of the times he'd threaten people whenever they made fun of Erica Reyes, the girl with epilepsy in his school, he deleted most videos from the internet whenever someone would try to post it and he'd make fun of them instead- Fun fact, right? He was also there for her multiple times at school when he happened to find her while she was having a seizure, holding her head while her body covulsed continuously and her muscles tensed. "Thank all the Gods i have this..." He pulled out of his "backpack" (since he left school and came directly to find Derek, which was easy once he sent him a text) which was actually his inventory; An antidote



Name: Antidote for Aconite Poisoning

Creator: Mieczislaw Genim Stilinski

Effects: Removes the [Poisoned] condition, is 200% more effective if the cause of poisoning is a flower of the genus aconitum.]


"What's that?" Derek asked, warily as he watched Stiles put the weird liquid on the cream pot and mix it by shaking it with the lid closed: "Aconitum Antidote. It's an antidote made specifically for Aconitum poisoning! My mom taught me how to make this because I tried to eat one of them when i was little, this antidote makes the body excrete the poison out, either up or down, or even through the pores of the body- it's a little weird but very useful in case you're poisoned, since it works for most poisons." Stiles opened the lid of the cream and looked inside, nodded once he saw that it mixed well, he just put the pot back where it was and approached the "unconscious" Peter Hale: "I think he'll be fine after i clean his wounds a little... But i serious need to talk to Melissa about whoever is his nurse because i bet she's trying to kill him..."

Stiles saw Derek tensing right before the door opened and a blond woman entered the room.

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