
Arcane [#4]

Piltover was an enormous place, full or riches and beautiful buildings, several types of machinery flying in the air towards towers that released smoke upon the sky. Poison hummed to himself as in his hand he held a little butterfly robot that could somehow fly... It was very light and weak, so he could crush it without a try, but even so the only thing that made it fly was the weak wings that it had... "Maybe i should give it to Little Man?" He was, after all, a genius Inventor just like Powder was! He looked around with his enchanted eyesight and could find several of these little mechanical butterflies flying around, so he took them and anything he saw that looked remotely interesting to see.

He saw mechanical flowers that would bloom and move their petals, he saw little robots with little tools on their hands fixing things, so he took it as well since it was just a robot with no sentience, so it could be held inside his [Inventory]! He also saw something small, fluffy, and white- A Poro. He instantly fell in love with the little thing, took him by the arm and didn't let the little thing go, instead he gave it a little heltmet painted green with stripes of black and a white skull, it looked lile the little thing loved it because it would not let go of it after he placed it onto his little horned head. "I'll name you... Venom? No, Toxin? No... Aha!" His ears raised to the top as he smiled to the little thing, saying: "I'll name you Acid!" He chuckled as the little thing huffed in a bumble of noises. He saw several Poros around, he had to resist taking them all for himself as he went around stealing random things from Piltover.

In the end, his skill [Crime] went up to level 10 while his [Stealth] skill stood at level 9! His [Silent Steps] also level up to level 7 too since he had to evade some Enforcers to save himself from some trouble. In the end, he filled his [Inventory lvl 1] to the brim, so much that it leveled up and became [Inventory lvl 2], increasing in size.


Name: Poison

HP: 500/500

MP: 500/500

SP: 500/500

Gender: Male

Ttles: [Reborn], [Magicborn], [Born from Misery], [Survivor], [Chimera]

[Reborn: You have been Reborn from another world!

+ Unique Skill]

[Magicborn: You were born with an innate magical ability!

+ Magic Skill]

[Born from Misery: You were born in a place where misery is a normal occurrence, you're used to it.

+ Antipathy Skill]

[Survivor: You survived something someone weaker would surely die from.

+ Defy Death skill]

[Chimera: You are the amalgamation of two or more different creatures put together into something better, with more power.

+ Skills, Status, 5 Levels]

Lvl: 13 (+5 per lvl)

Class: [Thief lvl 8]


Str: 25

End: 25

Vit: 25

Agi: 30

Dex: 30

Int: 20

Wis: 20

Char: 20

Will: 29

Extra Stat Points: 85


Passive Skills: [Parkour lvl 8], [Sprinting lvl 8], [Polearm Proficiency lvl 2], [Poison Resistance lvl 18], [Disease Resistance lvl 13], [Pain Resistance lvl 22], [Acid Resistance lvl 10], [Regeneration lvl 5], [Eternal Hunger lvl 6], [Sharp Senses lvl 6], [Natural Weapon Proficiency lvl 7], [Self Control lvl 8], [Tailoring lvl 3], [Climbing lvl 2]

Active Skills: [Innate Magic: Nature lvl 2], [Antipathy lvl 3], [Fear Howl lvl 3], [Bloodlust lvl 4]

Class Skills: [(A) Stealth lvl 9], [(P) Crime lvl 10], [(A) Silent Steps lvl 7]

Unique Skills: [Inventory lvl 2], [Defy Death lvl 1]


He carefully lowered himself from the walls of Piltorver down to Zaun, with Acid hidden away on his clothing where he would be safe- he worries that this little thing won't be able to breathe down there, so he'll take him home! His [Nature Magic] wasn't strong enough for him to fully feel it, but he had some aspects of what Acid wanted to say or do, an almost empathy with the little bean! He gave it a few fruits he had and let him hide inside his pouch inside his cloack, just to be safe! He couldn't let others threaten his little thing now can he? He quickly arrived at the Undercity, he got ready to fight if necessary, since most folk from the Undercity would notice if someone would "head up top", aka go to Piltover. Pilties like to call the kids of the Undercity Sniper for some reason, he was small so people took him as a child cause he wasn't small enough to be a Yordle after all.

He just kept to himself, not looking anyone in the eye as Acid moved inside his pouch, poking his head out and staring around- Poison waited to hear him coughing, but no, he was a magical creature so of course he was able to breathe freeling! Poison sighed in relief as he kept walking, he was going home before going to the Last Drop to give Powder and Little Man their gifts, he was quite liked by the duo due to his... unique behavior. Well, he's also a huge wolf person who wasn't originally a wolf person, so of course they got curious about him and their curiousity made them more aware of who he was-

A kid like them.

Well, he puts up this independent front, which he is! He is independent, he is powerful enough to protect himself now, but he wasn't, and that's why he became this! He is afraid of being alone, because he is afraid of becoming a monster if he is taken back to Singed. He is independent, he is small, he is friendly, he is mysterious, he is older than them but not older than Vi or the others, making him the perfect playmate for them! He also liked the company, he would go crazy if he stays alone for too long! His instincts drive him to hunt and kill, but if he Isolates himself, he will suppress his instincts to the point where he explodes and goes around in a rampage and kills everything he sees. So, it's better to stay around people and suppress some of his instincts, while letting others free-

Like his tail wagging when he's happy, his ears perking up when he hears something that catches his attention, him sniffing the air curiously whenever something catches his attention, or him tick of clicking his nails on a surface when he's bored... So many things he doesn't suppress so he doesn't get overwhelmed.

'Well, time to go home.'

-Scene Cut-


Full of little firelights fluttering and flying freely through the air around him, landing on his fur and on top of Acid's helmet as the little Poro ran around the enormous tree chasing one of the firelights, Poison however was working hard on his new project! He calls it: Project with a G, where he wants to make a Golem.

Golems are essentially magical protectors of nature (at least those who are born from nature) ad will protect their settlement with their lives, and thats what Poison wants! He wants a little rock golem that'll give their life for this place and protect it from danger while he's away or injured enough that he can't fight. He wants to make something akin to a Krug he saw on the Illegal market, or something similar to a Blue Sentinel from the game or a Red Sentinel! He is following what he thinks is the process, by making a body out of scraps for the creature, alongside rocks and roots and vines to keep it together. "Let's hope this works..." He took this large boulder he made a circular pattern on top of and began to feed it as much magical energy as he possibly could!

He had no idea of what he was doing, but he kept pushing energy inside it before putting the boulder where the big body he made for the golem was- with a thud, the heart stood there... And did not work. Well, he expected that, he doesn't know what he's doing after all! "Well, that's expected." He sighed as Acid jumped onto his chest, he chuckled as the little thing purred like a kitten and just as lazily nuzzled on to him. "Wanna come with me to the Last Drop?" he placed the little Poro on top of his head, the helmet it had on his little head was firmly held, Poison made some adjustments to it so the helmet had holes where the Poro's horns could go through. "Well, let's go!" He walked away without realizing the green sparks of energy that were flowing through the golem's body after be turned his back to it.

It would come as a surprise for him later anyway.

His journey to the Last Drop was fast, he knew the Lanes now like the back of his hand, he also could take routes no one else could- Unless that person could walk on walls like he could, he dropped in front of the door and entered the bar steathly, now that he was almost undetected by most people in the bar except Vander and another woman who raised an eyebrow at him when she saw him entering and climbing the walls of the bar unseen by many, Vander only sighed before looking directly at him with clear disapproval at what he was doing but Poison kept crawling from the ceiling- His [Climbing] skill really helped him on this one! He approached fastly without making a sound where the door to downstairs was and looked at Vander right as Acid poked his head out of the pouch on the side of his body, ever the curious boy, making the older man frown for a second as Poison darted down the stairs.

There was an audible from Vander as Poison entered the room of the kids silently, he peeked through the door to see them- sleeping. Ekko wasn't here because he didn't live here, but Powder was, and she was the only one awake: "Pssst!" He called out to her, only to watch as she kept on playing with her explosive cans that didn't work: "Powder!" He hissed out a growl, calling her name, and this time she turned and looked at him- She probably saw his green glowing eyes because she suddenly smelled like fear- it was an inviting smell, but Poison opened the door and walked in slowly making a 'shhh' gesture with his finger. "Powder!" He made a 'come here' gesture with his hand as he turned to look at the door that lead to the bar, where Vander would probably come out of at any time now: "Wanna come with me?" He chuckled- He felt lonely lately, and playing was never not an opion, call him childish if you want but he will play with other kids.

"Where?" She got up and looked around at the older kids that were sleeping, Poison didn't care for them as he pulled out his Acid, the little adorable thing had its togue out as he raised him while thinking 'Simba!' before he said: "Home?" Yeah, well, he'll take them somewhere safe where they'll play- He can't remember if he had a childhood in his first life, probably not, but now he should enjoy his life as much as he could. "What is that!?" With shining stars in her little eyes, the blue haired girl got up from her bed and went to hug the Poro with love in her stance, making Poison chuckle as he said: "This is Acid, my Poro! I'm going to get Ekko too, so we can go to my home, you guys said you were curious after all!" His ear twitched to the side as he heard the door open and Vander come downstairs, he quickly picked Powder up and climbed the ceiling above the corridor, hiding there as Vander walked past them, Powder holding onto Acid with all her strength as Vander just said: "I know you're there, Poison... I'll just say, it you want to go somewhere with Powder, you can just ask."

Dropping right beside him, Poison held his head down a little ashamed of not thinking about that- "Well, not very used to ask permission for things... Well, we're going now, need to catch little man too!" He quickly took Powder out as he ran, Vander only heard the little girl's giggle as they darted past him and into The Lanes.

With a creaking sound, the door to the room opened, and walking out of it was the pink aired girl, Violet. "Who was that?" She hasn't met Poison yet, she only heard him talk now, and he sounded very much like an adult that took Powder! "Why don't you go find out?" Vander nodded as Vi walked out of the room, followed by the thin and scrawny Mylo and the cicular and strong Claggor.

They were in for a misson, a quest to find Powde4 and this... Poison, whoever he is.

Their first clue? He was going to find Ekko.

Next chapter