
Hunter (#10) [Edited]

"Open wide... Yeah, that's good..."

"I don't think i can go wider than this."

"Oh, believe me, you're very flexible."

"That does not make me pr- Urgh!"

"See? All in... And in only one stroke."

"Wait-wait-wait- don't move it yet-"

"I know, deare, i don't want to hurt you, do i?"

"No you don't." John sighed. "But you're also a sadistic bastard-" He was cut short due to the very aggressive thrust, if you thought they were having some naughty fun, you are absolutely right. Jackson had his big, throbbing dick fully inside John's greedy little hole for a few seconds beofre he started fucking the man like crazy. He got a lot loose after their inumerous rounds, where he only stopped when Johnwas crying and begging for him to stop, which always had him fuck him for another round just to hear his voice as he cried in overwhelming pleasure. Like now that Jack was ruthlessly pistoning inside him with such aggressiveness got him a very hot mess of a John and also a very angry John when they were done. But it was worth it due to the fact that John would enjoy himself so much that he would always come begging for more.

"Fuck-" John's voice was cut short by the sound of Jackson's balls slappng against his round, bubble-like ass that Jackson absolutely loved to bite, which made John extremelly annoyed but also aroused. "Mnn..." His voice broke into another moan as he felt his body being raised from the bed and placed against the wall, gravity did it's job and brought him down, right into Jack's throbbing dick, making it brush against his prostate.

"So good..." Jackson's thrust raised his body, bringing him up, before he lowered his hip fast, making gravity bring John's body down again right into Jackson's dick once again. All he did was thrust him up so gravity could bring him down, successfully fucking John against the wall. Jackson knew John loved it, and teaching a whole class full of children from 1st to 7th year in a single day was, oh well, very hardd on both of them, but John was the one who had most work to do since Jackson's Practical Lessons were only for the third year above. But they all learned something different, some learned about undeads, some learned about trolls and other tough magical creatures, and some even learned about Werewolves too!

So Jackson wanted to release some stress with John, the man was stressed because this was his first time teaching so many people! He never taught someone before...

"So great, so adorable, so good, such great slut you are..." Jackson praised and insulted him at the same time, but John was loving it, even more when Jack would call him his "personal bitch" or "adorable little slut"... Maybe he's getting even more corrupted by this man's antics. It all started with rougher movements, he would ocasionally bite him and John loved it, due to the fact that Jack could choose who to give Lycanthropy to, and like that he could bite him safely. That made John happy for two reasons:

One was that like that, Jack could keep his mark on him, alongside his scent, that signified that he had a Werewolf lover already, so other Werewolves or creatures with a sensible nose would smell.

And two, Jackson would bite his shoulder when he was going to knot him- that was a whole different experience, one that John absolutely lost his mind on, because it only happened like, twice, he could remember them to the minimal detail.

Jackson would not knot him regularly because it could hurt him until he got used to it, due to Jackson's sheer size that actually grew thicker whenver he knotted him, and the amount of cum that would fill his stomach was mindblowing. But he absolutely loved it with gusto, and also what jackson would do later, something he called nesting- He would bring several things John enjoyed, books, booze, food, fluffy blankets, and then transform into his wolf form before nuzzling alongside him, keeping company.

He explained to him that it was an instinct, to make sure he was okay, that he was happy with the mating they had, and to make sure that he has puppies or somethinglike that, even though John cannot get physically pregnant, but maybe magically. Maybe it's a werewolf thing, but Jackson seemed to be fixated on the idea of having children with John, so he would cum inside every time, which was hot but also annoying to clean out when Jack would forget to eat it out of him later, it would make him sticky and strange. Jackson even tried to put a buttplug on him once, to keep all his cum inside him, but John absolutely refused to keep it inside him, so Jackson respected his boundaries and would never suggest to keep it inside him again, and John really appreciates that.

Now they switched positions once again, John could feel the tears on his eyes as Jackson ruthlessly fucked him doggy-style, his favorite one according to him, sometimes, he told John, sometimes he just wants to transform into his wolf form and fuck John on the ground with his wolfy cock, make him beg to be bred by the wolf, and then he would be his bitch for sure. John was so tempted by that offer, and he knew that once he accepted, Jackson would want to do it in Werewolf form, which was huge. Not only his body grew, but everything about him grew, including his cock- which was enormous, he had shown it to him when he had transformed into his Werewolf form, how large and thick it was.

John's not sure if he could take it without getting addicted to the sheer size and girth of that thing, it was at least of the size of Jackson's arm in human form, and thicker than his arms as well, which was something John imagined fucking him.

"I'm gonna cum inside you, my little, cute bitch." Jackson's hands grabbed both his cheeks before pressing them together and pulled them, making John moan as he felt the sitcky, hot liquid invade his insides faster than he could say "More" or even think about saying it. His muscles relaxed and his mind felt at peace, it seems that having your brain fucked out of your head by a hot werewolf could do wonders to stress.

-Scene Cut-

The TriWizard Tournament was everything everyone talked about, everyone was excited about it, but what everyone also talked about was the two new teachers for Defense Against the Dark Arts who were such a lovely couple, everyone saw, at least once, them winking at each other or snorting, somehow sharing a connection deeper than they could imagine. They were also trying to guess their age, since when a student asked Professor Jackson when he and Professor John met one another, his answer shocked everyone, because he said 1887.

They were probably older the Headmaster Dumbledore.

But what also caught their attention was John's overwhelming mastery over magic, not even needing anwand to cast most of the most complex spells they've ever seen! The 7th year had the privilege to be taught one of his personal spells, a reflection spell that could send someone's spell back at you.

Everyone knew Professor Jackson was a werewolf, and surprisingly, not everyone cared about such thing, mostly because he was a great professor and taught them many things- even though he never used magic inside classroom, strange- and the fact that he could pretty much heaer you from ten miles away- At least that's what he said. Also, their love was a beautiful thing to see, every morning Professor Jackson would be feeding Professor John with such care and love in his eyes that gave some of boys the courage they needed to start doing the same for their boyfriends, and some girls to do the same for their girlfriends as well. Love was in the air every morning, some people finally had the courage to confess their love for their crush, being mercilessly rejected or accepted by their love, breaking hearts nad blooming romances among the four houses.

Even among Gryffindor and Slytherin!

There could be seen a pair of two boys holding hands as they whispered words of love to each other's ears walking down the corridor to the Great hall, they were met with curious eyes, but otherwise, no one else glanced at the other couples as they shared an intimate momnet among each other's embrace, they just ate their breakfast before they ran, trying to escape this public display of affection while they themselves were very much single.

But back to the TriWizard thing!

Dumbledore declared that they all preapred, every house started to prepare themselves for the arival of the two other schools of magic, the school of magic from France, the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and Durmstrang Institute, from Scandinavia. Things had to be perfect, so much that Professor John was going around using magic to clean the halls- no, not cleaning, making them shiny like gold, it was impressive what he could do, all he had to do was walk down the hall and the whole thing would turn shiny. Professor Jackson was also always beside him, no matter where he was, and he was so protective of him that it was boderline creepy, if it wasn't for the fact that Professor John visibly liked it. Some of the more extreme girls tried asking some invasive questions to the duo, activating Professor Jackson's killer glare, which had them running with their tail between their legs.

"So, Class, today we're gonna learn about the Kludde." Professor John was calm as ever, his voice soothing to the soul as he explained exaclty what a Kludde was: "A Kludde is a magical creature that is aggressive and dangerous, the live mostly on the Belgian region, where they are found in several forms, but most of these creatures are of the black coloration, with a easily identifiable floating blue sphere of fire-like energy above their heads, we call those Wisps." The illusion already had appeared in front of them, it was a black dog with souless red eyes and a floating blue fire-like sphere above its head. "Although they are aggressive, they don't tend to attack you if you are holding the items of the deceased, for they will feel the dead energy around you and think you are dying or dead, and they only eat living prey." The illusion shattered, making the class raised their hands to ask questions, Professor John smiled at them while pointing at one of the raised hands, the famous Slytherin Ice Queen, Daphne Greengrass, asked: "Professor, is there a way for use to defend ourselves from such beasts? A spell, perhaps?"

Hope could be heard from her voice, the entire class wanted to learn a special spell that professor John could teach them, because till now every spell he has taught them is one that they could learn if they at least tried reading books on the library. "Well, dear Daphne, there is three ways to escape or defend yourself against a Kludde... You can run, holding something that has the aura of the dead, like a bone or ashes from someone, or you could use the simple Spell named [Vitelare], incantaion is the same as the name. This spell hides your life energy from the prying eyes of any magical creature or any magical detection spell. For example, if i used the spell [Home Revelio] while someone is hidden by the [Vitelare] spell, there would be no signal of lhuman life detected by the [Homo Revelio]."

The class was excited to learn another new spell, but their excitment would only grow for the next couple of weeks, when the two schools are scheduled to arrive.

"And the third... Well, you kill it."

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