
Multiverse Game [#1]: Introduction to the Game

In a single moment, his eyes opened and he was not where he had died. No. He was in a complete white room, several other people were there alongside him, all confused just as he was, but he decided to keep his cool and not panick, no... Not yet at least.

"Welcome one and all." A extra flamboyant male voice shouted out as a throne of gold appeared in front of them all, the man wore a intricate golden robe and had a very long white beard that gave him this misteroius aura of wisdom and age. "You are all here because you are all dead." Several people shouted after his declaration, i mean, wasn't it obvious? He remembers it well enough, how painful it was... "Silence!" Suddenly, the flamboyant old man shouted, making everyone shut up and stare at him with fear... "Listen now, you all have been randomly selected to be one of our champions, our paawns, our servants on our new and exciting game. One of the Gods behind me-" Just then they all noticed all the different men and women behind the throne of the old man, they all had one thing in common, their otherwordly beauty. "Will come forward and offer choose you. You will become the Champion of that God, Goddess, or Divine Being, 'cause we respect your pronouns here."

The old man chuckled as he clapped, suddenly all the dead felt a pressure on their souls, forcing them to kneel in front of the old man as he said: "Of the 100 Gods, Goddesses and Divine Beings here, one by one, state your name, your Divnity, and choose your Champion." They could only hear as one by one, the Divine Beins before them chose their Champions, one by one said their names, their Divinities, and thier chosen. In the end, there was only him who had not been selected, which was surprising to him- BUt then, a shy-looking small (About, maybe, 5'4? 5'5?) Young man with short, golden hair and golden eyes walked up to him and said: "Yugonoth... Divinity of Uselessness..." There was a defening silence, before when a God announced their name and divinity, the other Gods would clap or politely cheer... But this poor boy was met with complete and utter silence. But that silence was broken by a snicker, followed by a chuckle, and thenseveral voices laughing and screaming in mad joy and cackles like Hyenas.

"SILENCE!" The old man screamed, making everyone stop laughing at the poor boy's Divinity- which was, quite literally, useless- and focused on the old man's next words: "Now! You all must select your first world to go. Remember the rules, after One Eon we'll meet here once again, your champions will fight against each other and the God who has the strongest champion will take my place as the Head God of this Pantheon." The old man opened his arms as a golden light enveloped them all, the last words they all heard were: " May the best God win."


"Champion? CHampion, please wake up..." The pitiful, sweet, low voice of the small God woke him up. He immediately sat ddown, his guard up, ready to fight for his life if necessary. "Champion!" Suddenly hearing that voice again, Nero narrowed his eyes and asked: "Yes...?" There was a little giggle, the voice must be from a child because it was too adorable! "Oh, you're finally awake!" Nero huffed at that, how fitting it seems. His eyes darted around the room to see it was a poor, broken room with a small window and a several bunk beds. An orphanage? Must be. "Champion, I'm the God Yugonoth! But you can call me Yu, my CHampion. You can ask me any question!" Nero nodded while looking around, he must assert as many information from this room as possible- There were two bunk beds, so four to six children slept here, the two extra could be squeezed in if the orphanage is really in a dire situation as he thinks they are, if not, then he has four variables to assert information from. Well, five, because he has a God on his head is rather eager to answer questions.

"Yu was it? WEll, Yu, where am I?" There was a *ding* noise in his head as a seires of words invaded his mind:

[Information Accessed. Transfering it to both CHampion and God...]

'Oh?' A sudden burst of a headache fiercily attacked Nero's mind, making the young boy clench his head with both his little hands and bite his lips from keeping him from crying out loufdue to the pain. 'So this is what people call Reincarnation huh...' Well, he is now in the Harry Potter world. He is born in August 21, the year 1977, in Britain, England. He is 11 years old now, at the age of 11, the year being 1989, the Second Wizarding War- That is, when the Noseless guy brought war to the Wizard community- has not even started yet! According to the information he received, only now he would be visited by a teacher and learn about the magical world... At least he has magic. Thank all the Gods! No, thank Yu, because Yu's with him at least. "So what's the objesctive here? What do i need to do? Collect various magical artifacts? Learn the secrets of the universe? Or other misterious bullshit?" Nero could hear the chuckle of his little God as he spoke to him: "Well, all of the above! I'm not a very powerful God, so i can't give you many boons... In fact, i'm barely able to give you any magical power at all, i'm sorry, i could only give youone spell to use."

Nero was struck. This was... This was terrible. "Is there a way i could get something more out of it? Something more,like, if i feed you something will you be able to give me the ability to cast other spells?" Nero, however, was a little dissapointed to hear the answer: "You'll have to complete quests to give me enough energy to increase your energy... AT max now you can probably only create fire... I had to limit your magical abilities to only that, I'm sorry!" No... Fire is good, he can work with it as long as it is magic, because of the information he got he can pretty much deceive his way up. "So, which is my first quest?" Thinking to himself about his future, Nero heard the sudden *ding* in his head again as:

[Quest: You just arrived at this world, you must lay foundation withinthe boundaries of this world and learn as much as you possibly ould from it. It'll be important for you to gather your strenght and have companions to help you in your future endevours within the Multiverse Game. The God of Uselessness may not be as useless as others belive... Your first quest is pretty simple:

Stablish a Acknowledgement by someone within the Wizarding World (0/1)

Tip: An Acknowledgement is when someone knows about you and will rememmber you in the future. A pretty sinple thing. Basically, make someone remember your name or face.]

That sounds easy enough... The very next day he would meet with the Professor who would present to him the Wizarding World... Pomona Sprout.

He would go to Hogwarts and have a hard time there, not knowing his very limited spell capacity would catch the attention of an organization... For unknown reasons.

-Scene Cut-

Author Notes:

As Santa Claus says: Ho, ho, homosexuals.

have a nice holidays... Merry Chrystler.

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