
Gaymer Wolf (#4)

Another day came, as there are three things that cannot be hidden forever. 

The sun.

The moon.

And the truth.

And the sun just rose on the horizon as Stiles watched it, his eyes red because he didn't sleep and kept crying for a long time. He was still getting used to the fact that his friends abandoned him, that Derek abandoned him, even though there's a slim of hope that they would come to find him, but that hope was slowly dying. "Boss..." Turning around, he sees Taylon coming out of the floor as he floated upwards, his light blue eyes scanning the roof before he smiled gently at Stiles, approaching him and sitting on the ground beside him as they both stared at the sunrise... The coffee shop was a three story tall building, with the shop at the bottom, Stiles' home, and the "attic"- aka Storage Room right above his home. 

And right now he and Taylon were on the rooftop with each other, looking at the sunrise that was partially blocked by the other buildings and skyscrapers, but its rays able to hit part of the shop... "I miss them." Stiles whispers slowly, he had no tears left to cry anymore, so all that was left was his sad, cold chuckle, eyes to the dark sky turning light orange and red with the glowing sunrise, his sad smile still on his face. "Tell me about 'em?" Taylon did what he did best, spoke less and listened more, he asked Stiles to tell him about his friends so he could vent and express himselt, maybe if he talk about them, his griefing process would be... Accelerated? He hopes so.

"Well, what you wanna know?" Stiles voice cracked a little bit, but Taylon was smart enough to ignore it and slowly reach out and touch his shoulder in a comforting manner. "Whatever you want to share." His words were simple, his voice was calm, he provided the stability Stiles needed and was handsome... Maybe he would fall for the Poltergeinst? Heh, who is he kidding, his heart and head can't stop thinking about Derek even though he hurt him so bad when he left him alone to deal with the nightmares... With the darkness that he knows still is inside of him, he just hopes he can control it this time. "Well... There's Jackson, or how i like to call him, Jackass. He's an asshole, likes to brag, humiliate, and kick the shit out of people... But is so gentle, so compassionate, so good to those who are crying and lost... He held me while i had my first panic attack after the-..."

Stiles stopped, swallowed his words, and sighed a shaky breath. "After the Nogitsune... After that demon possesed me, and made me kill so many people..." Taylon's hand tightened on Stiles' shoulder, he was trying to show him support to him without talking, but Stiles could speak every language, so the language of silence was one of them... What people want to say when they don't say anything and stay quiet, a simple gesture (Like raising eyebrows), a simple movent, a simple sound that can convey more than you think... That's how he would also be able to speak other non-verbal supernatural languages as well. "He held me while i cried and hyperventilated, he didn't know what to do, so he called... Derek..." Another voice crack as Stiles spoke his name out loud, as his eyes looked directly at the sun- Heh, he sure was an Icarus, he flew too close to the thought that maybe there could he something between them, and when there wasn't, he fell.

"Derek was someone i loved. We saved each other's life so many times that i thought-" his voice cracked, he had to stop there as he took a second before continuing: "I thought maybe our bond was stronger than that but- He just left. And with him, everyone else that loved me and supported me... Scott blamed me for Allison leaving after I almost killed her, she was lucky Lydia found her lying on the floor and was able to bring her back just like she did with Jackson. Oh, Scott was my best friend, keyword: Was." Stiles placed his head between his legs as tears threatened to leave his tired and dry eyes once again. "He was my best friend, he was someone I could count on, but after he gog bitten by a Werewolf, by Peter- Sorry, after he got bitten by Peter Hale, he changed. I don't really know when our friendship died, but i can remember the process of it dying, i still wish i could've saved it you know? Saved that dying friendship... He was my brother, but after he said those awful words- blaming me for something I couldn't control, blaming the victim that i was- that I still am- He... No longer was someone i trusted or loved."

He noticed how easy it felt to call Peter with his surname as well, it felt like there was a distance in them, something he needed. "Then there was Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, and Isaac Lahey, these three were Derek Hale's Betas, they were great friends, Erica Reyes liked to call me Batman while i called her Catwoman, we were great friends... Vernon Boyd was quiet but gentle, always there when you needed him, and like you he spoke less and just heard more i guess, he was calming in a great way. Isaac Lahey was a sweet boy, fragile, but sweet as hell- He liked to be hugged after he found out how hugs feel like, he was abused by his dad a lot so his self-esteem was really bad, it took me a long time calling him cute to actually make him think of himself as cute." 

Taylon smiled as Stiles kept talking. Malia Hale, Kira Yukimura, Allison Argent, Lydia Martins, Peter Hale, Cora Hale... He kept talking about his life, his dad, his mom, and even his family in Poland. By the time he finished talking, he felt better, and the sun was up in the sky- meaning the shop was opening soon. "This was great... Thank you, Taylon." Stiles rested his head on Taylon's shoulder as they both turned transparent and slid down, phasing through the rooftop and down to Stiles' home. He took another bath and wore his work clothes, that were basically plain white with a black tie, because he felt like wearing a tie today. Maybe a mask? Huh, not a bad idea... He searched through his [Inventory] to see if he had a mask, and seeing that no, he hadn't a mask, maybe he should get one? 

Or make one... Yeah, that sounds great. 

He would make that mask later, now he had a work to do. 

"Milord, the coffee shop is opening now." Mortherio bowed as his master looked at the closed doors of the Void Caffee, he tried to expand his mind and send his spiritual self inside the building, but his mind was blocked by the powerful wards that protected this shop. How strong would the magic caster that placed these wards need to be to block even he, Mepheretir Morputis! Oh, he was curious, he truly wanted to meet the one who is responsible for the creation of such powerful- and old, since he can feel the magic is old, really old- wards... He watched as a man, he couldn't tell if he qaa human or something else, came forward and unlocked the door while switching the little hanging sign on the door from [Closed] to [Open]. "Let's see who this... Void, might be..." Mortherio nodded shortly while opening the door to his master.

They were both wearing formal attire, which meant they were both on tuxedos, while Mortherio wore a black tuxedo, his master wore a white tuxedo. While Mortherio's tie was blood red, his master's tie was a light blue tone, together with his ethereal beauty and gentle aura, he was the most eye-catching person to walk in a shop ever. The young man that Mortherio knew as Taylon, because he has been keeping an eye on the shop, listening and gathering information about the owner and the employees. And before you ask, Stiles of course knew about it, wards, remember? 

"Welcome to Void Caffee, my name's Oste, would you like a to order something to go or would you like a table?" The polite voice of the little flying creature in front of them made the two Nosferatus look dowk at the creature, a pittle fairy wearing a black little cap while holding a little feather and a piece of parchment, looking straight at them while their little wings flapped like a little hummingbird. "Ah, yes, we would like a table please." Mortherio quickly switched to his gentle and polite persona when seconds ago he was acting like a slave in front of his master, but the little fairy did not want anything to do with this kinky shit, so they ignored it. "Very well, please follow me to table number 7." The little fairy flew slowly towards a table while the two Nosferatus followed them.

"May i enquire about the whereabouts of this establishment's owner?" Mortherio decided to be as polite as he possibly could, he did not want to offend the man, Void, at all. 

"Void is busy." The little fairy answer was short but to the point, their little green eyes glowed in a darker shade as they quickly asked: "Would you like the standard menu or the special menu?" 

What was Stiles doing? To answer you, he was slashing and cutting down trees! 

Moving, angry trees.

"Shit." Stiles narrowly dodged another branch of the [Treant lvl 31] that looked like a very old tree with big branches that moved like hands, trying to hit him on the head, stomach, or chest. But Stiles was of course retaliating, his [Run! Lvl 37] increased his Agility while he was sprinting, and Stiles wanted to take full advantage of his skills, so he decided to be more than just to rely on magic but also on his body, that's why:



[Name: Mieczyslaw Stilinski]

[Age: 22]

[Gender: Male]

[Lvl: 35] (+10 Extra Stats Points per Lvl)

[Race: Human (Spark)]

[Class: Wizard lvl 2]

[Wizard: Int MP Multiplier ×10]

[Titles: [He who runs with Wolves], [Spark], [Survivor]

[He who runs with Wolves: You are a human who has run among Werewolves. (+5 to Agility when running alongside Werewolves)]

[Spark: You are a rare spark, a being of pure magic, trapped within a mortal anchor. (+ [Spark Magic])]

[Survivor: You survived something that you shouldn't have, this makes you stronger than ever before (+10 to Endurance and Will when below 50% HP)]

[Apprentice Fae Slayer: Does +10% Damage to all Fae/Fairy Type Creatures]

[Experienced Undead Slayer: Does +30% Damaga to all Undead Type creatures]

[HP: 250/250] (Vit ×5)]

[MP: 1000/1000 (Int ×10)]

[SP: 150/150 (End ×5)]

[Strength: 25] (Physical strength, physical damage)

[Endurance: 30] (Resistance to damage, pain, and physical ailments such as disease and poison)

[Dexterity: 34] (Flexibility and control over your body)

[Agility: 50] (Moviment speed, reaction speed)

[Vitality: 50] (Life force, life span, health)

[Intelligence: 100] (Memorization, gathering of information)

[Wisdom: 50] (Experience, knowing how to use said information)

[Charisma: 50] (Aura, Presence, Beauty)

[Will: 60] (Resistance to Mental ailments such as Confusion and Pain)

[Spirit: 50] (Strength of the soul, ability to sense things beyond human senses)

[Extra Stats Points: 260 (+10 Strength) 250 (+20 Agility) 230 (+20 Vitality) 210 (+10 Dexterity) 200]

[Skill List:

Passive: [Sharpshooting Mastery lvl 12], [Lying lvl 26], [Hand to Hand Combat lvl 14], [Blunt Weapon Mastery lvl 6], [Reading lvl 69], [Research lvl 68], [Mumble lvl 55], [Driving Mastery lvl 13], [Pain Resistance lvl 35], [Physical Damage Resistance lvl 31], [Magical Damage Resistance lvl 29], [Charismatic lvl 29 (Char +50)], [Iron Will lvl 32 (Will +50)], [Magic Manipulation lvl 39], [Elemental Magic Affinity lvl 38 (Int +50)], [Supernatural Senses lvl 27 (Spirit +50)], [Rune Making lvl 42], [Enchanting lvl 35], [Writing lvl 21], [Cooking/Baking lvl 40], [Bladed Weapon Mastery lvl 26], [Sage Wisdom lvl 19 (Wis +50)], [Intimidate lvl 29], [Elemental Damage Resistance lvl 9], [Crafting lvl 30], [Magical Talent lvl 9 (Int +100)], [Superhuman Agility lvl 4 (Agi +50)], [Increased Lifespan (Vit +50)], [Potion Making lvl 40]

Active: [Spark Magic lvl 42], [Run! Lvl 37], [Observe lvl 28], [Summon Fairy lvl 30], [Draining Touch lvl 36], [Ghost Transformation lvl 22], [Mana Shield lvl 12], [Mana Manifestation lvl 13], [Mana Blade lvl 12], [Mana Thread lvl 11], [Spinning Mana Arrow lvl 11]

Class Skills: [Thunder Clap lvl 17], [Telekinesis lvl 18], [Telepathy lvl 19], [Minor Illusion lvl 16], [Magic Missile lvl 19], [Firebolt lvl 6], [Frostbite lvl 7], [Shocking Grasp lvl 5]

Unique: [Gamer Body], [Gamer Mind], [Dungeon Creation/Destruction lvl 10], [Inventory], [Allspeak], [Wizard's Book of Spells]


[Lvl 1: Fairies], [Lvl 10: Zombies], [Lvl 20: Ghosts], [Lvl 30: Forest]


Loot: [Fairy Wings (259×)], [Fairy Glitter (30×)], [Fairy Hair Brush (10×)], [Long Battle Needle-Sword (3×)], [Zombie Teeth (195×)], [Zombie Flesh 107×)], [Zombie Heart (49×)], [Zombie Core (10×)], Ectoplasm (128×)], [Broken Ghost Core (127×)], [Ghost Essence (32×)], [Pure Ghost Essence (2×)], [Pure Ectoplasm (2×)], [Ghost Core (1×)], [Treant Wood (34×)], [Magical Leaf (4×)], [Brown Mushroom (7×)]

Bought on Shop: [Fairy Seeds (30×)], [Spiral Seeds (30×)], [Gook Seeds (30×)], [Peluny Seeds (30×)], [Burum Seeds (30×)], [Holy Water (10×)], [Zombie Venom (10×)], [Steel Long Sword (1×)], [Dust of Deliciousness (999×)], [Ghost Detector (1×)], [Cursed Mirror (1×)], [Ghost Essense Compactor (2×)], [Ectoplasm Compactor (2×)], [Long Steel Bow (1×)], [Steel Arrow (78×)]

Miscellaneous Items: [Water Bottle (2×)], [Condoms (10×)], [Pan (1×)], [Kitchen Knife (3×)], [Paper Sheet (109×)], [Blue Pen (2×)], [Candle (7×)], [Backpack (1×)], [Headache Medicine Pills (2×)], [Butter (1×)], [Plastic Containers Tupperware (10×)], [Important Notes by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (8×)], [Broken Pen, Poorly Fixed by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (1×)], [Poorly Crafted Red Wool Sweater by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (1×)], [Poorly Crafted Clay Pot by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (5×)], [Special 2.0 Menus by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (99×)], [Standard 2.0 Menus by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (99×)], [Potion of Healing brewed by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (10×)], [Antidote Potion brewed by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (10×)], [Overdrive Potion brewed by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (10×)], [Potion of Fast Digestion brewed by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (10×)], [Potion of Pure Wolfsbane brewed by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (10×)], [Wolfsbane Alcoholic Drink brewed by Mieczyslaw Stilinski (10×)]


Copper: 07

Silver: 98

Gold: 55

Platinum: 5

Dodging the second branch, Stiles holds the sword on his left hand tighter, the blade glows blue as he uses [Mana Blade lvl 12] on his sword to increase the damage he will do, with his newfound strength, he slashes horizontally at the giant walking tree, the impact explodes the bark of the tree, sending splinters everywhere! Stiles closes his eyes for a second while using his sense of hearing to dodge another branch, he opens his eyes again just in time to see a couple of roots moving like snakes, trying to strike at him, his hand glows blue as a blue shield appears and blocks the strike of the roots. "I need to be faster..." Stiles mutters to himself, his hand glows red as a tiny bolt of fire hits the tree, doing some damage due to his [Elemental Magic Affinity] and [Magic Affinity] increasing the damage he causes when using elemental magic and magic.

"Let's just finish this, i have to go back to the shop." Talking to no one in particular, Stiles focuses for a second and a sea of flames explode around him as his [Spark Magic] comes to life, a raging inferno burns around him as his Will controls it, his Imagination shapes it. Rather quickly, the flames surround the [Treant lvl 31], the creature screeches as the fire burns its very core!

[You've slain lvl 31 Treant]

[Auto-Loot function activated, loot sent to your Inventory]

[Treant Wood (6×)], [Magical Leaf (1×)], [Treant Core (1×)], [Skill Book: Root Strike (1×)]

Stiles hummed at the loot dropped by the tree, it was great. He was curious about the skill book though...

[Root Strike: Uses your roots to strike the target, if no roots are available you can create your own to strike]

Well, a new skill is always welcome. 

[You've learned the active skill [Root Strike lvl 1], congratulations]

The world around him shattered as he used his [Dungeon Creation/Destruction lvl 10], he has yet to complete the [Lvl 30: Forest Dungeon] so he still hasn't unlocked the shop of this dungeon, so he doesn't know what he can buy and may be able to add to the special menu of his coffee shop. As soon as Stiles returned, he was back at the kitchen of the coffee shop, his body adjusted to everything around him, the light, the smells, the sensations, everything. He sighed a little tired since running around consumes [SP] after all. "Boss, Boss, come quickly! We fear there will be a problem!" As soon as he adjusted to things around him, Stiles heard the voice of the leader of all Fairies under him, Feiry. "I'll be there..." Stiles quickly put on his black apron and opened the door, leaving the kitchen and entering the shop just to sense several eyes on his person. His face was clearly seen by several people, but it doesn't matter now since they won't remember it, but he'll get a mask just in case.

"So, what is this ruckus about?" Stiles tired voice echoed on the silent shop, he raised his eyes to see four people he recognized as the previous trouble makers he kicked out of his shop one week and one day ago, alongside four other people he didn't recognize at all. So he did what he thought would be best he used [Observe lvl 28]

[Mortherio (Nosferatus)- Lvl 105]

[Amalithia (Vampire)- 65]

[Bartholomew Ergo (Alpha Werewolf)- 57]

[Emerillian Ergo (Druid)- 52]

Alongside some people he couldn't recognize, the man beside Mortherio had what Stiles could only describe as ethereal beauty, his long blond hair reached his hips, his vibrant red eyes and broad shoulder were a sight to look at, but Stiles couldn't help but compare him to Derek and scoff at the thought, his eyes shifted to the two ladies beside Amalithia, but not before using [Observe] on the man:

[??? (Nosferatus)- Lvl 258]

Stiles was impressed, this was the highest level he ever met! Anyway, the two women sitting on the same table as Amalithia were holding hands and looking at him, he could see a faint red aura around the shorter woman while the taller woman had red eyes, it was not difficult to see that they were a Nosferatus and something else, just to be sure he used [Observe] on them as well:

[??? (Nosferatus)- Lvl 180]

[??? (Blood Witch)- Lvl 200]

'Oh, what a surprise. A Blood Witch?' Thought Stiles, due to his inconspicuous research, he found a lot more about the supernatural than he thought he would, and one of such things was about witches and their classification. Depending on what element or source of powerful the witch draws power from, the morr powerful their powers are. A witch that draws power from the stars is a Star Witch, relatively weak when its about magical destructive power, but strong when is about magical utility. A witch draws power from the ground is called an Earth Witch, a witch that draws powerful from the air around is called a Wind Witch, and so forth. But some Witches are harder to find, because to draw power from something, you need to have an affinity to it!

Some forces are rather difficult to find witches that can draw from it, witches that have affinity to it. 

Such as Blood, Void, Life, Death, Fate, and Time. You may think that "Oh, but don't witches sacrifice things, killing them and using their blood? Isn't that blood magic? Death magic?" And I'll tell you, no. That's a ritual. Blood Magic is highly connected to life and life energy, blood rituals are a thing, but most of true blood rituals are used to heal and revert ill things... And Death magic, at least true death magic, is much more complex. There are rituals that can be used to cause the death of someone, but the True Magic of Death was lost a long time ago, including the True Magic of Life that was said to be closely tied to True Death Magic, which is not surprising since death and life are two sides of the same coin. The same thing applies to Void, Fate, and Time Magic their "True" counterparts were lost a long time ago...

The last person Stiles looked at was a dark-skinned tall woman, she had a missing eye and a scar on her arm and was not afraid to show it, her confidence showed as she stared Stiles in the eyes for a long time. 

[Allana Erebus (Beta Werecoyote)- Lvl 67]

'Huh, higher level than her alpha?' Before you ask how would Stiles know she was part of Ergo's pack, take a second to consider she's fucking standing beside him... And considering how intimately she's holding his hand, and considering the fact that it says (Beta Werecoyote) its safe to assume she's part of his pack, and the higher level can also mean a higher training, which can lead to a number of different possibilities but reading her body language (since that's a language, Stiles can read it), she is tense and ready to attack... As if she takes him as a threat, so he thinks she's his Left Hand. 

"Oh. You." Stiles simply says, he wants to test the waters, see what they are up to, and thankfully he has his [Gamer Mind] ready to help him to keep calm, even though he saw it wasn't truly omnipotent, he needs to learn skills to protect his mind... He doesn't want to lose control of his body ever again. "So, you came back to pay the money you owe me?" He looked directly in the eyes of the Druid girl, not bothering looking at the Alpha at all, who seems to be offended by it... 'Making him angry may work at my favor, he may spill out something, but i need more information...' He looked at the two Nosferatus in the eye, the man with the long hair suddenly flashed his eyes and-

[Mental Attack blocked by Gamer Mind]

"Sir, do not use Compulsion in this establishment, or else I'll have to kick you out." His words seemed to shock the stronger Nosferatus, who suddenly starts to laugh loudly, madly, cackling like a insane clown out of a horrpr movie. "Interesting... You are very interesting..." Stiles could hear this man's voice coming from everywhere, it was not physically spoken but rather mentally, he was using a form of [Telepathy] to speak to him because not only once did he see the man's mouth open. "I try my best to be the most interesting person in the room at every second of my life..." His tone was flat and full of sarcasm, his self-preservation instincts were offline because he clearly didn't want to live! Mortherio's face grew red presumably anger- Oh, he can read in his body language that yes, he is angry.

"How dare you speak like that to Lord Mepheretir Morputis!" Shouted the angry little Nosferatus, Stiles just looked at him with a cold glance while he used [Intimidate] and said: "In my establishment there are no lords, there are costumers, employees, and the owner- which is me. You and your Lord are costumers, undesired costumers, so I'll treat you like so." It seemed to have an effect because he shut his mouth and sat down, or maybe his Lord spoke to him in his mind or something like that. "So be quiet or I'll kick you out." Finishing his sentence, the ground and walls around him began to move like ripples on a still lake, which made the four who experienced look around nervously, while the other four only were curious or on guard, or both. 

"So, what do i have the honor to meet such... Powerful and influential people on my oh so humble coffee shop?" His question was met with silence for a few seconds before the Blood Witch spoke: "I can only speak for my group that we are here to take a look at your wonderful shop, Amalithia here told us how great your tea was, can i have the menu please?" Stiles had to bite back the 'The man i please' joke as he nodded politely, asking: "Would like the standard menu, the special menu, or both?" This had her tilting her head in a very dog-like confused manner, he could read on her body language that it was rather forced, which means she's trying to make him think she's some kind of canine Shapeshifter due to the fact that most Shapeshifters do attein their animal instinct while in human form. 

"Special menu?" She asked, playing the fool, but Stiles could clearly read her and she was fishing for something on him, but what is the question he wants answer to. "The special menu has a an arrange of different- as the name says- special items that are reserved to the supernatural side of this world." There was a glint in her eyes as she smiled at him, asking: "So may i have the special menu, please?" Stiles nodded and brought it out of his [Inventory] as it was completely normal to him, but to others it was an incredible sight to see... His arm vanished out of thin air as he penetrated space as if it was his bitch and took out his arm holding a black menu with golden letters reading [Special Menu, 2.0]. 

"Oh, new versions?" 

"Yes, they contain more... Experimental items that are rather dangerous, if you are willing to try. Including the [Old Magical Tea], [Ghost Coffee], [Brown Mushroom Brownies], and some... And if you want some... "sauce" i recommend the [Dust of Deliciousness]. We also have regular potions such as [Healing Potion], [Antidote Potion], and the [Overdrive Potion]. We also do have special made drinks for Werecreatures, alcoholic drinks to make them experience what is like to be drunk, brewed specially by yours truly." Stiles took the item he qas talking about, a transparent bottle full of a light pink drink, it was alcoholic, could maje a Werecreature (or creatures that have a high metabolism) drunk, and tasted good! 

"What is it made of?" The Werecoyote lady, Allana was her name, spoke. Stiles looked at her and smiled mischievously: "Of course Miss Left Hand." This brought the Ergo siblings and her to a stop, Stiles' smile grew as he continued: "Did you really think i wasn't going to notice? Like how the Blood Witch's head tilt-" He pointed at the startled Blood Witch- "Was fake, she was probably trying to mislead me into thinking she was some kind of Shapeshifter, a canine Shapeshifter to be specific. And how Lord Bloodsucker right there-" He pointed at the man in qiestion, making his loyal subject to hiss, something Stiles ignored completely: "Is very... Excited in the sexual way about my little ass, and how his little subject has been faking his reactions all this time to try and get me intimidated or make me offend them further, just to see how far I'd go. Or how your little sister, Puppy-" He pointed at the Alpha who flinched a bit, interesting: "Has been hiding away her fear throuhh magic so you wouldn't smell it... Sincerely, you all are bad at this. When you scout the enemy- or threats- for information, you don't come yourself... Yoy aend someone who knows how to do this kind of shit. Amateurs..."

His whole speech left them, well, speechless. They all were embarrassed to be caught, well, not everyone, the Lord Bloodsucker was blissfully looking at him which made Stiles feel grossed out- "Don't look at me like that, pervert." Stiles successfully stunned the old Nosferatus, who looked away after being lost in his own mind for a while, recomposing himself, he apologized: "Forgive me for my... Vulgarity." Mortherio's face was priceless, his shock was visible on the mouth as his chin fell to the ground (figuratively), making Stiles chuckle. "Okay, you're forgiventh because you're not the first person to look at me like that. Now, y'all want a menu?"

Nods was the only response.

Derek looked at the door of the office of the most influential Alpha on New York, Alpha Reima Venus. He was waiting for an audience with her, he and Peter were there, the rest of the pack stayed at the hotel, they all had their own rooms there. Peter stayed on the same room as Chris, Allison and Lydia were in the same room, Cora and Erica were on the same room, Aiden, Ethan, and Danny were on the same room, Isaac and Edward were on the same room, Jackson and Boys were also on the same room. He was the only one alone because they managed to contact Kira, she and her family agreed to help and she came to the hotel, sharing a room with Malia.

Lying there on that empty bed made Derek restless as always, he couldn't sleep ever since he learned that Stiles was out there... His mind kept making up scenarios where he died alone, calling for him, calling his pack, begging for help, only to be ignored and left to die alone... Every time he closed his eyes after one of such scenarios played in his head, he would see Stiles' face, crying tears of blood as he says in a haunting whisper: "All your fault..." Making him scream himself awake. 

"Ready, Alpha?" Peter asks with a hearable tone of concern in his voice, making Derek sigh deeply and open his eyes to stare forward at the opening door. "As I'll ever be." Came Derek's short answer as his lega dragged his tired body forward, ready to throw away his dignity to find the man of his life... To find his Mate.

He was desperate.

Next chapter