
Game Against Franklin IV

{This story is ready to read on my P-a-t-r-e-o-n. If you wish to read ahead then the link is https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread. Be sure to remove the dashes. I hope to see plenty of you there and enjoying this novel.}

~~~(POV: Ulysses Kennedy)~~~

~~~(Date: November 3rd, 2025)~~~

~~~(Time: 3:30 PM)~~~

~~~(Location: Franklin Highschool Gym)~~~

I sink the free throw and make my point total 14 this first quarter. The way this game is going, I'm going to score 40+. I know I can score whatever amount I want, but when I push myself, I can reach the higher numbers in the 70s and 80s. While I've never done it in an official game, I know I'm capable of it.

Given enough time and opportunity, I could probably break the hundred-point mark. "C'mon, guys! Stop giving him what he wants! Shut him down with double and triple teams! Make his teammates score!" Franklins Coach is trying to motivate his team after my second 4 point play this game, but it's disheartening watching something like that.

My team and I head back on defense, and the score is now 15-11. It's Franklin's possession, and I'm already in the post with Deshawn. He's already pressing into me, and he's making sure I'm occupied with him while they run screens and plays. I can't leave Deshawn wide open in the post. That'll close the score too fast. I'm leaving the defense of the perimeter to my teammates.

Franklin gets an open look at the wing, and they let up another shot. This one comes off the back brick, and Deshawn and I both go up for the rebound. My superior height and wingspan help me get the ball. Giving me 2 rebounds in total this quarter. Our team's shooting and point guard are already up the court, and I toss the ball.

Landing perfectly in our point guard's hands, and he gets an easy layup. Giving me 3 assists total so far. There are about 2 minutes left in the quarter, and we're pulling away with 17-11. My stat line looks pretty good at 14 points, 1 block, 1 steal, 2 rebounds, and 3 assists. I stay next to Deshawn as his team brings the ball down the court.

Franklin's team is starting to get frustrated and how much we're succeeding despite us being a weaker team this year pisses them off. They've put in a lot of work and have gotten better. Being in this situation makes them look like they didn't improve at all. "C'mon, Deshawn! You lettin him little brother you like that!?" Deshawn's little brother is trying to motivate him.

I can't really little brother him. We're only an inch or so apart in height. "Shut up! Let him focus on the game!" Franklins coach decides to step in and stop whatever Deshawn's little brother is trying to do. Franklin's team starts to run a play, and after their point guard gets an open lane to the basket, they get an easy layup. Making the score 17-13, and their closing in.

~~~(POV: Hannah Fiona)~~~

~~~(Location: Franklins Highschool Gym)~~~

~~~(Time: 3:31 PM)~~~

Ulysses is tearing them a new one, and it gives me butterflies knowing that I'm the reason he's doing this to them. I hate being talked to like a piece of meat, and from the looks of it. Ulysses hates it even more. Our team has possession, and Ulysses is bringing it down the court, and with every step, the boos get louder and louder.

It puts a smile on my face having a boyfriend that is so special... It makes me feel special... He tells me how special and talented I am all the time, and that's why I'm in love with him. I've fallen really hard for him. My crush has developed into something that I've never felt before. All the good comes with some bad too. I can't help feeling jealous when he talks to girls or fans that are girls.

My thoughts are interrupted as Ulysses passes to Tyler for an open 2 pointer in the paint, making the score 19-13 and giving Ulysses 4 assists in total for this quarter. There is enough time for two more possessions this quarter. Meaning our team will have one more chance to score before the start of the second quarter.

Ulysses stays guarding Deshawn, and they decide to pass the ball to Deshawn, looking to play isolation. I've become knowledgeable about basketball, thanks to Ulysses. He didn't teach me. He inspired me to learn cause this is what he loves. It makes it better cause he's done the same thing for me and my love for gymnastics.

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