
Family Discussion on Fusions

Namikaze House (Kamui's Point of View)

The full family of 10 sat down in the living room for some family time. They had already eaten dinner separately with their respective groups. Kamui, Naruto, and Sasuke ate with their graduating class, while Kushina, Mikoto, and Minato went out for a date night dinner. Itachi being the one who had the least interesting day was asked to feed the kids dinner, which he did. Now, they all finally met up after an evening of fun.

"Man, we haven't gone on a date night in months!" Kushina happily cheered.

"That's what happens when we have more kids." Mikoto said with a smile, while sipping on a cup of sake.

"Yeah, I know. Maybe we should do this once a month. We can always ask Itachi to spend time with his younger siblings and the new genin will likely be on missions when we do it anyways." Kushina suggested.

"It's not a bad idea. What do you kids think?" Minato said his piece and asked the most affected parties.

Kamui, Naruto, and Sasuke remained silent. Kushina was right; they would probably be on missions when those date nights happened. In fact, they'd probably plan it to be so. Minato is the Hokage, so he'd certainly know when they were all most likely to be away.

Itachi gave a simple smile. "I'd love to spend time with them. If you can, just let me know a few days in advance, so I can clear my schedule. Being clan head is a lot more work than I thought it would be." Itachi causing Mikoto to smile in acknowledgement.

"Works for me!" A six-year-old Reina shouted her obvious stance. Reina had back-length black hair with strands of red mixed in and greyish blue eyes. She wore an orange short sleeved shirt and a pair of dark brown shorts. One notable feature about her are the three pairs of whisker marks on her cheeks. It was clear that the nine-tails still has a minor influence on Kushina's genetics, even in his absence.

"Me too." a six-year-old Kazumi said calmly. Kazumi had deep blue eyes and had her golden blond hair tied up in a short pony tail with the bottom coming down to her neck. She wore a white short-sleeved shirt with a pair of black sweat pants. She most definitely took after her father the most.

"I'm cool with it!" a five-year-old Menma said with a bright smile. He had short spiky red hair with deep black eyes and wore a long-sleeved dark blue shirt with black sweat pants.

Kazumi had become the de facto leader of the trio with her calmer personality, while Reina was the spirit of the group with her bundles of energy. Funny enough, Menma tended to spend more time with Reina and Naruto due to the similarities in their personalities. Kazumi spent more time with Kamui when she was available; she was a book worm herself and was profoundly interested in the elemental knowledge that Kamui accumulated.

The three adults were unbelievably shocked to find out that after unlocking their chakra, the three children awakened their sharingans to the first level. Beyond that, the interesting part was that they were the same amethyst Kamui had awakened. Looking further into it, they found that the three had diluted versions of Kamui's chakra type and concluded that they would likely have an easier time manipulating the elements, even if it wasn't to the same degree that Kamui could. Their running theory on the cause is a remnant influence on Mikoto's body from her pregnancy with Kamui. These abnormalities were kept secret and a seal was placed on their bodies, which made their sharingans appear the standard red.

Unlike Kamui, they would actually be able to give birth and pass down the altered genetics, so they decided to keep their abnormalities a secret until they achieved high jonin strength. As a compensating control, the three of them (the adults) used a complicated sealing process to create at least thirty fertilized eggs in the last two years and sealed them in a stasis scroll. The idea being that they could keep them in reserve in case they needed to repopulate the clan. It was a new sealing technique Kushina and Kamui developed using a combination of their intent-sealing styles. They deemed that it would be publicized to the shinobi council as a replacement for the clan restoration act once Kamui became a jonin officially.

"Then it's settled. We'll do it once a month!" Kushina exclaimed in joy. It was nice that they could finally enjoy their youthful years. While they may be in their forties, they certainly didn't look it. Each of them had genetics that gave them the disposition to retain a youthful form for longer periods of time; Minato may have hailed from a civilian background, but that didn't mean he didn't have ninja genetics; the traits just skipped a generation. Truthfully, there were rumors that he was the son of the illegitimate child of the second Hokage. To this day, he never publicized the result of the tests. Even if it was true, it was better for the village's internal balance of power that the civilians have a representative in him.

"So...." Kushina's voice trailed off. "When were you going to tell us about these different nature transformations hmm?" she asked as her gaze bore into Kamui's eyes who looked away with a slightly nervous smile.

Understanding her aunt's ire, Kamui explained, "The less people who knew, the better. If it was discovered too early, there may have been problems. Now, I can defend myself and the village's strength is high enough overall to stand against any attacking villages. I'm pretty sure Onoki's common sense is the only thing keeping the stone village from declaring total war against the leaf; I've heard they're still pretty bitter.

Kushina sighed. "I know, but it still would have been nice to know. Don't you have a duty to keep the Hokage informed?" Hearing this, Minato's gaze mimicked Kamui's earlier action.

Smiling, Kamui looked at her father. "He did know. How could I hide my practice from the Hokage, especially when I use his private field most of the time." She said with a wide smile eliciting a grimace from him. Kamui hid the fact that she was absolutely clueless of his knowledge until today; it wouldn't do to wound her Uchiha pride.

"Oh?" Kushina and even Mikoto glared at their husband with looks demanding blood. The kids just watched in anticipation, while Itachi had already left without their notice. It wasn't wise to be in the cross hairs during this scuffle. Plus, he still had clan business to take care of this evening.

"Well, I understood her thought process. It was a wise decision. Plus, the more who know, the easier it spreads. While I trust you, it was for everyone's safety that this was kept in the dark!" He exclaimed, trying to defend himself.

Kushina was about to continue until Mikoto's hand came to rest on her shoulder.

"Kushina, I know how you feel and I feel the same way, but they made the right call. Regardless of what could have been done differently, the desired outcome was achieved; Kamui was able to grow up this far without being assassinated." Hearing this Kushina's fire burned out as her rationality began to return to her. "In the coming days, people outside the village will learn of her gifts, but now she'll be ready to face them and return alive. I have no doubt that a certain snake will come after her. Even if his standard methods won't work, that won't kill his interest. By the time she faces him, she'll have the last component she needs, experience." Mikoto finished.

Minato and Kushina's faces were grim at the thought of that abomination coming after their daughter or any of their children. All of them would be viable targets, particularly their last three children who could actually serve as viable vessels. Yes, vessels. They had received news that Orochimaru was seen walking around in a Kaguya clan body with the dead bone pulse bloodline limit. It seems like he completed the body possession jutsu they suspected he had been working on.

"So, big sis." Kazumi broke the silence. "Mom said you can fuse elements. Can you teach me to do that?" Her eyes sparkled with hope.

"Yeah!" "Teach us!" Menma and Reina shouted over each other as they gathered around their older sister.

Chuckling, Kamui replied. "I don't mind, but you're going to have to master the basic element first. There's plenty of time before that happens, so I think it's best if you find out your best two elements, master those, and then we'll work on fusing them. Don't worry, it may take a while, but I'll be there with you every step of the way." Hearing this, the two of them started cheering, while Kazumi was already taking out writing material to brainstorm her options. If she remembered correctly, she had wind and lightning natures. She snuck into her dad's office and checked with his stock of litmus paper.

'This will be so cool!' she thought in her head.

"Speaking of fusions, how many can you do?" Mikoto asked. She had learned how to perform scorch release after long hours of practice and she was curious how many her daughter was capable of.

"Let's see. I haven't had much time to work on them and had little to work with outside of general knowledge of those nature transformations, so I've only scratched the surface. As you guys can tell, I'm pretty good at scorch style. I can use ice style at a basic level. Vapor release has a lot of potential, but I can really only change the PH value of the water vapor for now. Creating lava is pretty easy, but I'm still not proficient in doing much with it. I can control sand with magnet release, but that has less to do with the release and more with my control over earth in general. You may not have noticed, but I didn't have any metal mixed in there. That's the bread and butter of it. Without it, it loses a significant amount of its utility. I'll be focusing on Ice and vapor releases until I get a better handle on them for the foreseeable future. They're the ones that I'll be able to use more often without drawing large amounts of attention. Then again, I might run into ninjas with bloodline releases that'll give me some inspiration." She explained.

"Impressive…" Mikoto's impressed tone trailed off. "Well, try to focus on the function you need when doing this training. It sounds like you have a lot of possibilities in front of you. In the near term, I'd recommend listing the skills needed as a shinobi and mapping specific techniques to those jutsu. It'll help focus your efforts." Mikoto suggested helpfully. All Uchiha were 'cursed' with having too many jutsu in their repertoire. This was a standard exercise she required all clan members to do when she was clan head. It was meant to focus the large number of jutsu into a smaller number that could be trained to higher proficiency. It was also a well veiled method at reducing their clan's reliance on the copy function of their eyes.

"Will do. Thank you." Kamui nodded at her mother's advice. It really was good advice too. It was best not to get lost in the sea of possibilities.

"Now, I think it's time you get to bed Kamui. You have an early start tomorrow." Minato said, concluding their evening conversation.

"Right!" she said as she started getting ready for tomorrow.

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