
Bloody Massacre

Tier-1 City Carnage, Block-I

Annientamento Gang Side Branch

Underground Casino

All the bodyguards inside the room raised their AK-47 and all of their targets was Adrian but contrary to their expectations, Adrian still sat there watching the live show, not minding their killing intent which was now overflowing the room

If at that time someone else was there beside Adrian then he surely would've suffocated himself to death but it was Adrian they were talking about, looking at such a killing intent, he didn't even blink much less show a reaction.

One of the bodyguards spoke, "Little kid, looks like boss has taken a liking to you, so why don't you get naked and lay on the bed? After the boss is done with that bitch, he will give you fun."

Adrian shook his head and spoke, "Can't do, not interested in your boss. Well, now I am getting bored anyway so I will start what I came here to do if you won't mind." This room was soundproof so even if they fire guns, the sound still won't go outside so Adrian wasn't worried.

All the bodyguards inside the room didn't understand what the hell does this cute boy was talking about and then they saw him standing calmly and his gaze suddenly turned into indifferent and then he disappeared.

Yup, as he appeared inside the room without them knowing, he also disappeared just like that.

Then they heard someone screaming and all the heads turned towards the scream, even Jacob who was thumping and fucking Grace also turned towards the direction from where the screaming voice was coming and then they saw a person cut in half, right from the middle, they could see his body splitting into two halves.

The one who screamed was standing beside the one who died, so he couldn't help himself and scream when he saw his partner cutting in two halves, the scene was just too gruesome, all the bodyguards felt a chill crawl down their spine.

Jacob coldly looked at Adrian and pulled out a gun and fired six bullets from where he was sitting.

Jacob's aim was perfect. Two bullets aiming for head and heart, four bullets for closing all of his paths, no matter where Adrian move the bullet will still hit him.

But Adrian being Adrian why the hell would he be afraid of bullets closing his paths, he can just blink away and he did.

He blinked and again came out of behind the second bodyguard and hacked his head.

Soon the whole room was filled with the noise of bullets and sword, all the bodyguards start firing, they didn't mind even if the bullets hit their own, they just wanted to kill this monster who was disappearing and reappearing from time to time.

Every time he reappeared someone was hacked to death, they could saw heads flying, bodies cutting into two halves, there were some who didn't even have mercy to die and their hands and legs were cut apart but they were still alive and within thirty seconds room again filled with silence.

All the bodyguards inside the room were now dead, there were only three peoples inside the room now and they were Adrian, Jacob, and Grace.

Grace was filled with fear, she was holding onto Jacob like her life depends on him but Jacob on the other hand was still calm, sitting on the bed with a naked body, not minding if Adrian could see him naked.

Well he already saw a half of the movie, so big deal, now there was no need to hide anything.

Jacob calmly took out a cigarette from the drawer and lit it, took a long puff, and asked "Who are you?"

Adrian shook his head "Can't tell, it's forbidden. Well anyway, put on some clothes, I want both of you to come with me, someone is waiting for both of you. Don't waste my time, I only have 45 minutes left, my man will be angry if he didn't saw me in his hug the moment 7 pm came, so hurry up."

Jacob didn't mind anything Adrian said and took his time in wearing his clothes. He was still calm.

On the contrary, Grace was shivering in fear from top to bottom, everywhere she saw, she could see blood.

The whole room was filled with blood like someone just showered blood inside the room, but she saw who did all of this.

The person who did was sitting on the sofa with an impatient look, looking at both of them in disgust, his gaze was clearly telling them to hurry the fuck up.

They both wear the dress within 5 minutes.

Adrian nodded his head, disappeared, came behind from both of them and hit them on their neck with his hands.

Both Jacob and Grace lost consciousness before they could retaliate and it's not like if they did they could retaliate, so it was still the same.

Adrian pulled out two empty cards given to him by Evan and flicked them towards both Jacob and Grace who were now laying on the bed unconsciously and both of them disappeared and reappeared inside of the card, still in the same situation.

Adrian looked at the two cards, clicked his fingers and he disappeared with both cards.

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