
First date

It is going to be 12 am

but I am sleepless because of the excitement,

Ohhh..no... I forgot about my exam I told him that too but why ? He coming here suddenly,may be on that day he told me that he wants to meet me soon but we can't have a trip I think because of this exam ,frustrating man...

atleast I can meet him because mom is not there so there will be no problem,

what dress shall I wear?

This kind of feeling is new for me ..I will wear short skirt in red , cold shoulder top in black and heels in black or white off shoulder top and peach short skirt and grey heels , which one to choose ?

Aariya? Yeah , let me ask her in the morning, right now she will be in the mid of sleep ,I don't want to disturb her.

But for me it is too hard to sleep ..

Enola is rolling on the bed till 2 am , after that she slept ,she is girl who rarely believe the men by her side she is excited to see him so that means she believes him a lot and has more love for him, if this excitement will be last forever ...

Enola ....(aariya ,Enola friend screamed in her dream when she opened her eyes tears rolled on )

That was a bad dream , I never had this kind of dream ,thank god it was just a dream ,it felt like it already happened in real , I want to see Enola I feel something fishy ...

Let me take a bath and go to her house ..

Should I call before I go ?suppose she is not there what shall I do ?, let me tell her before ahead ..

Aariya called her but Enola is in bed ,so she didn't attend the call,after that she called her mom she told her about the trip and she told to take care of her for a week ..

Okay mom I will take care of her , have a safe journey.

I have to go she is in home alone let me take her breakfast.

Doorbell rings....

Enola woke up , after hearing the sound for a long time , she came to check ,whose is that ?

Aariya is waiting out with a breakfast box

Yeah,Riya I thought calling you , today I am going for a date with Noah ..with a lot of happiness in her face when she told that to her so Aariya thought that she shouldn't let her know about her moodout and gave her the breakfast box and told that I have called mom , after I tried calling you she told me that she is not here and she is on a trip ..

Enola , if you told me I would have come here to sleep with you , why didn't you tell me?

Yeah , I am sorry Aariya

Mom told me in a last minute I too don't know about a her trip .

Okay , after you had fun , call me I will come to sleep with you , it been a long time too..

Okay darling , wait you have to select me the dress which one do you think red and black pair or peach and white pair ? Which colour will suit on me best ?

If you wants to be little bit sexy choose red and black pair or-natural beauty choose peach and white pair ..

Hmmm... then I will go with sexy type ..

I know you will choose this bitch ,she told in a funny way .

Bubye Enola ,see you in evening


When Aariya left the house ,after a hour Enola had dressed up and when she is locking all the windows she saw Noah near her house and she was shocked because she never gave her address to him and he didn't look like he is waiting for her , he was standing like he was hiding ,but she thought may be he wants to surprise her so he would have found the address.

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