Alex had been working in his family owned restaurant ever since he was born. Other than school and friends he never spent anywhere else. Honing his craft in the service industry to his peak he quickly became one of the most famous restaurant owners on earth, however that changed when rivals had him killed in his sleep for taking over their business. Luckily as a long time patron of his restaurants, the goddess of primordial chaos gave Alex a second chance, his own interdimensional restaurant to connect all and fulfill his dreams.
Alex rubbed his eyes, this wasn't the bedroom he remembered. There was definitely a bed, and a room, but now there's just white. Although disturbing, for some reason Alex didn't freak out. It was as if something was running through his very soul to keep him sane in this insane situation. Looking around at the endless vast plains of white around him he was wondering where he was. Heaven? No this definitely wasn't Heaven. Hell? Not enough fire and torment. Purgatory? Likely. It was where nothing good or bad could be seen. Alex wasn't by himself for long luckily, anyone might just go insane from spending an endless amount of time in pure white. It wasn't good for someone to go insane, especially when they were about to meet a goddess. Suddenly as if welcoming the supreme deity, an explosion occurred, not of destructive, but of creative. While it may sound confusing, from the center of the explosion outwards, wheat fields and grassy plains stretched as far as the eye could see. Endless blue skies with touches of white spread across the new world. In the distance one could see endless forests that stretched into the skies and mountains that pierced the clouds, as if unwilling to be bound by gravity. Looking at the new world being made before him Alex was just confused. Why was this happening to him and what was going on?
As if the world as going to answer his questions, a bright golden ray pierced from the heavens above, landing just in front of him. He was deeply disturbed as all would be if a golden ray almost pierced right through you. There appeared an otherworldly figure, as if she could topple all of creation itself, however Alex could recognize this stunning, mature beauty. She was one of his regular customers, as he knows her, ms. Lisa.
"Uhm Miss Lisa please tell me what's going on?" As if thousands of flowers bloomed at once Lisa smiled. "Child you've released your mortal shackles and become one with Heaven and Earth. In other words you've passed on. However this is not the end. I've decided to give you another opportunity." Pointing towards an empty clearing, suddenly a cozy building sprang up. Not dilapidated or old, but modern and warm, a place where one could enjoy themselves. Inside the restaurant however it was empty. "Alex I really enjoyed going to your restaurants back when you were alive. I was so mad at those jealous assholes that killed you so I went ahead and destroyed their businesses hehe." Lisa was cuckling madly but Alex didn't mind. In fact he was quite happy that.
"So Lisa uh... I've got a few questions? Uhm are you like a goddess or something because I don't think anyone else can casually create a real world. At least no-one that I've heard of and what's with the building?" Alex was quite puzzled. It was currently a lot to take in as he witnessed a new world being made before him, a restaurant appearing out of mid air and he died and woke up here.
"Hmm let's see. Yes I am a goddess. In fact I'm the most powerful one of all. Some call me the Goddess of Primordial Chaos, the origin of all that there is. So yeah I'm pretty powerful." Looking all high and mighty Alex couldn't help but chuckle a little bit. As he'd been around Lisa along time back on earth he had seen her get all high and mighty a few times and it was always an adorable sight. And although she was an incredible beauty that was the definition of "Kingdom toppling beauty" Alex thought of her as more of a motherly figure, as she'd always helped him in his previous life, whether it be advice or anything. and no matter what he was grateful to her and didn't want to change the way they interacted just because she suddenly had a super high status. Alex wasn't that type of person.
Alex was typically a warm person, though not always kind. He'd seen his fair share of struggles and hardships. He'd seen people die and get killed. After all he'd participated in WWIII and it was not a good time. However he didn't let that affect the way he'd treated people. After coming back from the war one could say he even treated people better after experiencing the brutality of war. Hence why although he had a lot more respect and reverence for her he did not change they way he treated Lisa.
Looking at the way Alex was chuckling at her antics like he used to, Lisa was surprised for a moment before a warm chuckle escaped her lips. She was partially fearful that things would change between them as had things before when she revealed her status to others before. Whenever others heard about her status they immediately became fearful or reverent, and many other things but never super friendly like Alex before her. She was quite happy with this.
"Anyways that building is your restaurant for the future. As I've always been impressed with your restaurants and have always enjoyed them this is a little reward from me. You see the front door will automatically connect to other worlds where anyone can pass through to enjoy your foods. They are quite delicious after all hehe" Looking bewildered, then excited Alex was quite happy that he would be able to continue what he loved most even during his second life, and experience what it would be like. After all he was an avid fantasy novel reader and had read all different types of stories where gods dueled and caused destruction, and he'd love to meet those existences. Seeing the look on his face Alex's face Lisa was quite content. She'd liked this child for a while now, even though he was mortal.
As if realization dawned on him, he looked towards Lisa and asked something that caused her to laugh. "Uhm Lisa if a god or something walks through my front door, what if he tries to kill me or something? I'm kinda just like a normal guy and I dunno if you can defend me all the time." Chuckling at Alex's scared face and puppy dog eyes She dismissed his worries with a sentence that stunned him completely.
"Alex you're a god now, you don't need to worry about that. In fact as long as you're in this world you're an invincible existence. Your will here is the will of the world so don't worry."
Alex had no idea how to react. Anyone would be stunned if they were suddenly told they were a god. Thinking of what Lisa said and that his will was the will of the world. Alex tried testing out his powers. Suddenly the skies darkened, however this was not a gloomy dark, instead it was incredibly beautiful as stars sparkled in the night sky. Looking above one would see a myriad of colors showing the beauties of the universe. Even Lisa was quite stunned at the beauty of it all. Even though she was 'the supreme goddess' she doesn't often go sightseeing. So looking at the breathtaking night sky was quite a pleasant sight. Suddenly the ground became to tremble as islands became to ascend to the skies. On one of which was Alex's new restaurant. Seeing this Lisa was quite interested to see the new aesthetic of Alex's world. After reaching several miles in the sky they stopped, however that wasn't the end of it. Dazzling crystals grew out of the bottom of the islands along with cascading waterfalls creating a breathtaking sight that not even gods or immortals would look down on. Seeing the numerous breathtaking sights Lisa was quite happy but she wanted to remind Alex of the main thing here, his restaurant!
"*cough*cough* Alex don't forget your restaurant." Snapping out of his creative trance Alex walked into his restaurant to survey the available room.