
ARC 2 - Prologue : Heavy Rain

The two heaved, bows hanging uselessly from their hand. All of their energy was now spent; Childe having fired off two Noble Phantasms, and Fischl having maintained an Absolute Authority.

But it wasn't enough.

Standing before the two were the three enemy Servants and countless masked soldiers. Yet neither side dared to move. Koyanskaya glanced over at the Priest and then at the Tsarina. For some reason, the Tsarina had ordered a temporary cease-fire with no explanation given. The Priest, who kept his face neutral, also found it bewildering although he had an inkling of a reason why.

Childe grimaced. It was clear that the Tsarina was analyzing both of them. He still couldn't believe that after everything he had thrown, she made it out with only a couple scratches. At the very least, her icy shield had been broken and, if Childe's gut feelings were correct, wouldn't reform any time soon.

Beside him, Fischl was already about to collapse on the floor. Oz had long since disappeared after the effects of her Noble Phantasm wore off. The only reason why she hadn't disappeared too was due to sheer willpower.


Everyone's attention turned towards the Tsarina who had suddenly cleared her throat. She eyed the two Servants in front of her, her face as cold as snow.

"You are not from this world."

It wasn't a question, but rather a fact she had arrived at after searching through all the knowledge she had of Proper Human History.

"Heh...you're not wrong."

"Then why do you chose to help them?"



The sudden harsh tone that came from Fischl shocked both Childe and the Tsarina.

"You! How dare you talk to the Grand Duchess-!"

"Stand down, envoy. Girl with the eyepatch and strange powers. State your meaning."

"Hmph. The Prinzessin has no need to answer floundering souls, but at the current mark where the sun crosses the sky, I find your floundering quite insolent. Thus, I shall grace thy insignificant beings with my purpose. Despite my grandious self, I will not speak for my knight here."

"Huh!? Did you just call me your knight little girlie?"

"That is not of importance. Oh, Grand Duchess from the unwoven twine of clocks and bells that should have burned away the moment your very self frayed into endless lines of blurred reality, your realm of cold bleakness, devoid of the rudimentary source of stars has no anchor point in this realm of tranquility."

"...So you already know of my origin. And that is your decision.


"....Uh, so to sum it up, your saying the little missy over there is not from 'here' and the place she comes from doesn't exist?"

"Oh, so the battle beast understands?"

"Hey! You-"

"Kill her."

The single command sliced through the argument between Fischl and Childe. The two had just enough time to turn their heads back to the Tsarina before the Oprichnik suddenly rushed forward, blades already drawn.

"Woah, woah, as if I'd let you take out my partner here like that!"

The two began to hold of the Oprichnik, both firing arrows from their bows as fast as they could.

Watching the onslaught, the Priest turned back to the Tsarina, about to ask if he could act, but was cut off by the raise of her hand.

"Warrior in the red scarf."

"What? Can't you see I'm fighting here? If you want to talk, call of your minions first!"


The Oprichnik retreated back to behind the Tsaritsa, leaving both Childe and Fischl heaving harder.

"That's better", Childe grinned, trying his best to stand up straight despite the countless cuts and wounds on his body.

"Why don't you join our cause? I can tell that you are also from a realm of cold harshness. You would feel at home in my realm. I can give you a position of high honor if you would like."


"If your wish is to constantly be on a battleground, that can be arranged as well. Afterall, there are six enemies I must defeat before I can truly reign supreme."


"Your answer?"


Childe chuckled, his hand reaching up to brush some of his hair out of his eyes, before bending down into a fighting stance.

"It doesn't take an idiot to understand that your heart is colder than the ice of my homeland. Someone like that....is not worth serving. Although the Tsaritsa I serve is cold-hearted as well, she's kind enough to allow us Snezhynaians to live under her domain and protection. As for you...I think you'd probably kill my sisters and younger brother on a whim if they so much as ticked you off. Also, I'm loyal to my Grand Duchess. So I'll have to turn you down."

"...Then in that case, so be it. Father Rasputin, you have my permission."

"With pleasure, Grand Duchess."

Although he knew what was coming, Childe didn't have enough energy or strength left to dodge the blow aiming for his heart.

So he didn't.

"Urk-! Cough...cough..."

Blood trailed down his mouth as Childe stared down at the hand that suddenly protruded from his chest.

"It seems I win this fight."

"Perhaps so, Father. But still, bad move."

With the last of his energy, Childe summoned his water spear into his left hand and quickly spun it around, not caring to dodge the blade despite aiming for the neck of the man behind him.

"For the TSARITSA!"


Rasputin had barely enough time to dodge out of the way, resulting in a gash in his throat. Still, it was better than his whole head getting cut off. Like the person in front of him.

With a hollow thud, Childe's body fell onto its knees. It wobbled for a bit as if unsure as to where to go before gravity took over and the body keeled over.

But right before his chest hit the ground, Childe vanished into sparkling dust, leaving only a splash of blood where he once was.


The Priest held a hand to his throat, trying to staunch the blood that was starting to pour out from the wound. Eventually the blood flow stilled and he removed his hand to find his throat lightly encased in ice, thin enough to keep him alive and thick enough to keep the blood from continuing to flow outwards.

The Grand Duchess regarded the bloodstain for a moment. Unbeknownst to even the Priest, a strange nostalgic feeling had surfaced within her. Seeing a solider give their life willing for who they served was...saddening. It was quite the strange feeling for her.

But she didn't have time to dwell on it.

"Now that one is taken care of, kill the other one."

Koyanskaya grinned and took a step forwad, eager to torment and kill the other enemy Servant only to suddenly feel a spike of mana.


Fischl, who was now standing at the opening where the Shadow Border had exited Chaldea, turned around to face the enemies before her. Her single eye glanced over all of them before landing on the Tsarina.

Inwardly, she thought, While I may not be a warrior like Childe over there, I cannot simply go out like this. I still remember the second set of words from earlier. That should be my second Noble Phantasm. I don't care what the price is, but I will go out in a way deserving of the Prinzessin!

Her hand reached up to her face and ripped off her eyepatch, revealing her other eye that was now shining a deep violet color.

No need for this now that Oz has already disappeared.

Gathering her courage, she glared at the enemies before her before shouting loudly.

"I am Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort, Prinzessin der Verurteilung of the outer realm Immernachtreich. Although you fragmented shadows may have defeated us today, I shall see to it that you will never win the war!"

With every word, Fischl took a step back until she was teetering at the edge of the opening, about to fall over.

"As the last of my people! And the bearer of tomorrow's dreams! You will not take my life today, tomorrow, or ever!"

"This is the border between my realm of dreams and reality!"

"As the wielder of my people's hopes and the will of my homeland..."

"I am a figure who shall stay steadfast throughout the flow of time!"

"My right eye views the world of light!"

"But my left views the world of shadows!"

"Pierce and Perceive! I shall watch the finality!"

And with that final line of her Noble Phantasm, Fischl fell over the side, already starting to disappear.

She closed her eyes as she plummeted down, cold winds biting her skin.




"....it's so cold here alone."

Fischl was gone before she even hit the snow.

Above in Chaldea, the Tsarina stayed motionless as she stared at the place where the violet girl once stood. Her heart was pounding loudly in her chest. The girl's words seemed so familiar. In her minds eye, as she watched the girl speak, she had seen a little pale ghost of a girl standing beside her, holding onto a small doll and dressed in rags. Although the words were not the same, the will and the fierceness in their eyes were identical.

But who was that ghostly girl? And why couldn't she remember?

"Your Highness."


Without even noticing, a tear had rolled down her cheek and crystallized into ice before thudding into the metallic floor below her.

"At....at ease. We are done here. You said I had to freeze the thing in the Command Room right, Father?"

"Yes. Let's go."

Author's Note:

Fischl's NP effects?

...To be revealed

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