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Author's Note: Sorry for the late upload today even though today was my day off. Or was supposed to be until I got called in to help since 2 people called in sick. Apparently a new strain of covid is going around. Anyways here's today's chapter, enjoy.


Back in the meeting room around the table once more, the orders for all of the Lances were given. Each one would take on a battalion of high quality mages and work with and train with them. 50 mages to a battalion for each Lance and the 50 were a mixture of each of the 3 races. They would spend these next few months building teamwork between their respective teams before they would be asked to tackle various problems around the continent. All of this was in preparation and to build camaraderie for the moment contact is made with the other continent.

"Why does Rez not have a group to train?" Virion queried aloud to the whole of the room and everyone turned to Blaine. He sighs before speaking.

"Rez is actually curating a school similar to Xyrus academy already. It's focused more towards children and developing the general knowledge of the public, along with classes dedicated to self defense, combat, and adventuring. With that he will not be responsible for a battalion of his own, until such time that his presence is no longer required there." I nodded along with his words as he repeated word for word what I had told him to say if such a question gets asked.

Everyone while a little skeptical of the importance of children over current mages that could benefit from personal training from me, but eventually dismissed as like my speech had highlighted they are the future of Dicathen.

"Now, each of you will meet your troops outside on the training grounds where you sparred with Rez just yesterday. All of them are at least of the same skill as an A rank adventurer and there are many veteran AA rank adventurers mixed in." The Lances nodded at this and began standing, I stood as well but cleared my throat.

"Since my presence is no longer needed here then I should be getting back to Xyrus. Thank you to the Council for awarding me this position, and I look forward to working with the Lances as well." I gave a slight bow and began making my way out of the room opposite the direction they would be going.

"I'll defeat you on my own next time." Came the arrogant voice of Bairon. I turned back and stared directly at him and scoff.

"Huh, it's not likely, but optimism is a good thing sometimes. Even if it's blind optimism." I exited the room before he could respond, but I could hear grumblings coming from him while some laughs escaped at his expense. Martin was once again the one to guide me back to the gate room and we said our farewells as I stepped through the portal.

I was greeted by my father and Arthur exiting a carriage with Elijah when I touched down in my Rez attire. Elijah's jaw was dropped wide open as I removed my mask from my face, I guess I haven't told him about me being Rez yet.

"Surprise?" I chuckled at Elijah while he began sputtering. It's tragic what becomes of him later on. I, I wonder if I can change it in any way. Of course my uncle and his memory magic comes to mind, but that only effects their memories of me. I'll have to develop it further if I want to be able to do anything about Elijah, he could be a truly useful warrior in the future battles.

"Yo-… You're the Rez!? Jaron?!" He finally managed out a half coherent sentence and I just smiled with a nod.

"Yes, sorry for never letting you in on the secret. But it makes the speech that much better now though, doesn't it?" I finished with a cheeky grin and I see Arthur smirking slightly at Elijah's plight as well.

"Ahem, yes your speech was quite decent." Elijah coughed into his hand while speaking in an embarrassed tone.

"Arthur was the most surprised though! You should have seen his face when you stepped out as the Shield. You would have thought a hot girl just walked across the balcony!" Elijah retorted while pointing at Arthur with a devilish grin on his face. Arthur just showed a look of betrayal before trying to deny it.

"I did no such thing. I was merely shocked that it was Jaron up there." During their little back and forth Sylvie had jumped up and curled around my neck as i scratched her head.

"No need to be embarrassed Arthur, you can fawn over me if you want. You might have to face the wrath of Kathyln though." He looked at me with brief disgust before a cold sweat formed down his back.

"I think he would have more to worry about from Tessia than Kathyln, Jaron! Haha." Elijah said and it seemed even more bullets of sweat formed on Arthur, causing both me and Elijah to laugh even more.

"You guys joke about dangerous things." Was Arthur's only response as we all headed inside. There was a dinner being prepared to celebrate my becoming the Shield, and all 3 of us seemed to never stop eating. Especially when my and Arthur's mothers were the cooks. Something about a meal cooked by a family member just ticks different boxes than any other kind of meals.

Before we could make it inside, Lilia's Nightmare Fox that I had gotten for her darted out of the house and up my shoulder. Her and Sylvie stared at each other for a moment and before a cat fight could break out I grabbed the fox and placed it into my arms.

"No fighting you 2 or you'll get no food." I warned them as I spotted Lilia and even Ellie coming outside of the house to greet us.

"Brother, you were great during the announcement!" Lilia came forward and hugged me and I gave her a hug back.

"Thank you Lilly, but it was nothing really. Just fought some Lances and gave a speech." I said with a shrug that seemed to jostle Sylvie enough to want to jump down into the waiting arms of Ellie.

"Fought the Lances?" Arthur asked from the side as his eyes left from Sylvie to look at me and I could feel Elijah's stare from behind beading into my back.

"Ya, just a little spar between me and 5 of the Lances. Nothing too crazy." I said while waving a hand in dismissal.

"What do you mean, 'nothing too crazy'?!! That is very crazy! What happened? Who won?" Elijah had spun me around and began shaking me back and forth before I stopped him by tossing Veela, the name Lilia had given her Nightmare Fox, at him.

"Please stop shaking me so hard, it's quite annoying. Besides isn't it obvious that I won?" Elijah finally extracted Veela from him and looked at me in shock, even Arthur and Lilia looked at me in surprise.

"Do you all have such little faith in me after training you all?" I asked with a smirk, and they all just sighed except for Elijah who jumped and and grasped my shoulders again only this time he didn't shake me.

"You have to tell me everything! How were you able to defeat 6 of the strongest mages on the continent!" I brush off his arms and turn back towards house.

"It was only 5 of them, but I'll tell everyone during the dinner. It should make for a good story time, don't you think?" He looked a little sad to not be hearing it immediately, but then the smell of the food hit everybody and all complaints were thrown out the window as we made our way to where the great smell was coming from.

"Foods ready everyone, take your seats!" Alice said jovially as she set down a dish that took up that last bit of space of table room that was surrounded by empty plates. The feast spread out before us, warmed my heart as I took in everything. You don't get many happy and warm family moments like these, so I try to cherish them when they do. Especially with what's to come, i imagine they'll become even more sparse.

"Lets eat." Was all I said as I took my usual spot, followed by Lilia on my right and Elijah in my left. Continuing down Lilia's side was mother and then father at the head. To Elijah's left was Reynolds at the other head of the table with Alice beside him, Ellie in between her and Arthur. I wouldn't trade moments like these for anything, and I'll continue to do my best to ensure that all these people continue to be safe.

My island, Caellurum, is almost completed thanks to the hard work of Cael and the Treelings. I've been ferrying various seeds and low class mana beasts over there to populate the island further while Cael acts as the caretaker. There's only a week until Ellie's birthday on the 17th of February, and then just a few short months until my and Arthur's 12th birthdays. The academy was right around the corner as well, but also the more climatic portion of the books as well. I'll need to make sure that I'm prepared and that my friends and family are as prepared as they can be.




{One Week Later}

I was currently dressing up in the formal suit that mother had bought me for Ellie's Birthday. I'm not quite sure why this one was celebrated so extravagantly, but I suppose there's nothing wrong with going big every now and then for someone's birthday. Mother and Alice specially chose for me, Arthur and Elijah to match while me and Arthur would welcome the guests to the party.

"Welcome to Eleanor Leywin's birthday party, please have fun." Arthur says as he greets a small group of noble girls and they seemed starstruck as they look between me and him. They are eventually nudged forward by their parents who send us looks varying from sorry to seeming as if they were enchanted by our looks as well.

It was a smart move by mother and Alice because as they say first impressions are important, and what better way than 2 handsome young guys welcoming the guests of a little girls birthday party.

I had separated from Arthur when Gideon showed up and found Elijah sulking while walking away from a girl a few years older than us.

"What's the matter Elijah?" I ask with a sympathetic smile, but he just glared at me and grumbles.

"A pretty boy like you wouldn't understand." I just chuckled which caused him to renew his glare on me so I threw an arm over his shoulder.

"Elijah you know what most of the girls you are hitting on want more than even a pretty face?" I say quietly while leading him around the room. He eyes me skeptically, but shakes his head no.

"If I knew that then I wouldn't be having so much trouble, now would I?" He responds with voice filled with sourness. I chuckle again before jutting my chin in a direction for him to look.

"Look see that girl over there?" He nods sadly.

"Ya, I've already asked her and she turned me down." I shake my head at his response.

"No, I don't care that you've talked to her already, just look and see what she's looking at." His eyes looked back up at her and then his head turned as he followed her gaze, and his eyes widened slightly.

"She's looking at Uncle Rey." I nod my head before speaking.

"Yep, and do you know why?" He frowns and turns toward me slightly.

"Because he's handsome."

"Haha, probably that too, but he also looks strong. And he's also known as the captain for the Helstea Auction House guards. She sees his strength and his position." Elijah seemed to be following before frowning and looking at me.

"What does that have to do with me?" I shake my head in exasperation.

"Elijah, you're going to be attending Xyrus academy as a battle mage?" He nods his head as I continue.

"And you're also an A rank adventurer right?" He nods once again and realization finally dawns on him.

"I sound pretty strong too." He says in slight surprise to himself, as I remove my arm from around his shoulder and clap him on the back.

"Yep, now get out there and show your stuff!" He turns to me with a smile and nods his head quickly.

"Thanks Jaron, I won't forget this." He said as he took off to try and woo another girl.

"Why are you getting his hopes up?" It was Lilia who had walked up beside me with a drink in her hand. I just shrugged my shoulders and took the other drink she had when she offered it to me.

"Eh, he's not a bad guy. Just needs a nudge in the right direction." She just nods while taking a sip and I do as well.

"So who here do you like?" She sputters slightly into her drink but recovers quickly. She was saved from answering by the appearance of Ellie and Alice at the top of the stairs. Now the party was in full swing. Arthur and Ellie danced to the first song and then I was coaxed by Alice and mother to dance with her next. Thankfully having grown up in a noble house I had learned dance early on, so I wouldn't be embarrassing myself today. I wouldn't be winning any awards but I could definitely hold my own enough to garner some apply and even some of the older women in attendance asking me to dance with them.

The party continued pleasantly with more dancing being had, and eventually the presents being unwrapped where Arthur gifted Ellie and Alice the Phoenix wyrm pendants. I suppose they would do until our birthday where I would give everyone the protective amulets I've been working on. Though that was still a few months away.




When our birthday finally came it was a pretty standard fare, nothing to crazy, especially not compared to Ellie's. Me and Arthur were gifted things like clothes or little trinkets they had found and each one of my presents went into my dimension ring where they would be kept close. It might sound strange to most people, but receiving presents or gifts is something that I cherish greatly as it's something I didn't really get to experience in my last life.

Every Knick knack, letter, drawing, clothing item, or anything else that could be considered a gift is either displayed in my room or kept inside my ring. Much to Lilia's dismay as some of the drawings she gave me in our younger years are quite terrible, but they still mean a lot to me and I hope to keep them for a very long time.

Kathyln and even Tessia were invited to party and since they had been staying at Xyrus academy it wasn't too hard for them to attend. Kathyln's gift was actually a pure black promise ring that doubled as a smaller dimension ring compared to my other one. Tessia, having had to endure my lessons in tea making, gave me tea leaves that only grow in the Elshire Forest which I greatly appreciated.

Finally though it was time for me to bring out all the amulets I had made. They were upgraded versions of the ones I had made for the Lances, they had everything those had and more. Protective shields that should be able to protect against attacks equivalent to that of a S rank mana beast once. If it's sting enough to break through, I had out some of my Phoenix powers into them so that they will heal the wearer while also teleporting them to a safe place.

"Why are we receiving gifts in your birthday Jaron?" Mother asked as she gazed at the amulet in her hand.

"Because I want to make sure that you are all safe, so that I can have peace of mind. Now I can go about my days at Xyrus with no worries because I know that you all will be safe." They all nodded at this and I could see the grateful expressions on everyone's faces, especially Arthur's and Reynolds as well as my father. Because it also coincided with them obviously wanting the family to be safe, and they knew how strong I was.

Everyone had split off talking to each other and I found myself with Kathyln outside in the garden behind the manner sitting in the bench that mother would sit on. Kathyln's hands were set in her lap like the proper lady she was and my chuckle seemed to startle her.

"What what's funny?" She turned to me in confusion and I just laughed again, causing her frown slightly.

"Nothing nothing. Just that even after all this time, you're still nervous when it's just us together." A faint pink blossomed on her cheeks and she pouted as she looked away.

"Am not." She said childishly and I just smirked at her.

"Ohhh? Then you wouldn't mind if I held your hand would you?" I couldn't see her face but I could see the redness traveling up her ears, but she still reached out her hand towards me and I grabbed it into mine.

"Hey, Princess." She turned ever so slightly to look at me before fully turning when she saw my serious face.

"What is it Jaron?" Turning to face me as much as she could her left knee and my right knee touched and she looked at them flustered for only a second before looking back to me.

"I think I should tell you something." I said unsure and her face showed despair, and I quickly waved away any misconceptions.

"It's nothing bad, or at least probably not in the way you're thinking. I just felt it was something you should know, especially as we continue to grow closer." I said while staring into her eyes that shifted from sadness to confusion. I grilled her hand a little tighter as i exhaled.

"Then… what do you need to tell me?" She asked again, and I prepared myself before willing my mask out of my ring. She looked from me to the mask, and then back to me with a shocked face.

"Princess, I'm Rez, the Shield, the S class adventurer, whatever you want to call me. However I'm still me, I'm just a little… or rather a lot stronger than I've been letting on." I paused as I looked back up at her to see her staring at the mask and she eventually raised her head to look into my eyes again. I'm usually so good at reading peoples emotions by their body language and their eyes, but for some reason I couldn't read her at all right now.

"H-how?" She managed to get out and I could feel her hand clutch mine a little tighter.

"How what?" I asked in return.

"How did you become so strong? The earliest mention of Rez, would have happened when you were 5." She breathed out incredulously and I just nodded.

"Yes, that's true. I awakened as a mage at the age of 2, and began my adventurer career at age 5." Her eyes widened and she brought her other hand up to her mouth.

"I was considering a prodigy for awakening at age 10… what would that make you for awakening at age 2." She said to no one in particular but I answered it anyways.

"A monster?" I suggested half heartedly, and my joking response was met with a slap from her free hand. I was more surprised than anything and I looked up at her to see some tears forming at the corner of her eyes.

"Don't call yourself that! You're not a monster, don't even joke like that." She said as she lowered her head slightly again, and I release one of my hands to cup her cheek. Using my thumb i brush away the budding tears in each eye before culling her chin and lifting her head.

"You're right, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. How do you feel about the Rez thing though? Is it too much for you? If it is I wou-…" I was stopped from continuing by the same hand that had slapped me now covering my mouth.

"I don't think I've ever heard you ramble before, Jaron." She said with a small smile and I gave an exasperated chuckle through her hand. Before reaching up and grabbing it, now holding both of hers in each of mine.

"Sorry, I guess I'm just a little nervous. I just don't want to lose you. You're one of my favorite people in this world." I said with an anxious smile and as I met her eyes I could see her cheek blush bright red. She pulled her hand up to her face, but since they were still captured by mine, mine went with them. Burying her face in our conjoined hands she shook side to side.

"How can you say such embarrassing things like that?" She muttered from behind her hands, and I pull them back down slightly so she turns her head away causing me to chuckle.

"Because I mean it." I could see a shiver go through her body from the words and she turned to me to judge whether I was being truthful or not.

"You're stupid, Jaron Helstea." She finally turned completely back around to look at me directly.

"Haha, yes I am Princess." She pouted again.

"I'm not the Princess anymore." I just smirked at her.

"I know that, Princess." She huffed, but I could see her cheeks burn red again.

"Stupid." She muttered and I leaned forward with my ear turned toward her.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you, Princess." My smile only grew at her unamused face before she too started smile and we broke out laughing. She fell forward onto me into a hug and I wrapped my arms around her.

"I can't believe you were worried about telling me about being the Rez." She said, though it was muffled as her head was buried in the crook of my neck.

"Heh, I seem to recall being called stupid by someone. Maybe that's why?" I felt her delicate hand ball into a fist and hit me on the back.

"Ow!" It didn't really hurt, but her small chuckle proved that my reaction had the desired effect.

"Don't say stupid things and I won't hurt you." Was all she said as she squeezed a little tighter and I did as well.

"Whatever you say, Princess."

We stayed like that for a while longer as the moon rose into the sky, and at the sound of her rhythmic breathing I knew she had fell asleep. This time they had been escorted here by some royal guards, so she was passed off to one of them as she and Tessia left back to Xyrus academy while I went back inside. Everyone except for Arthur had already gone to sleep and I found him sitting on the couch drinking some tea, so I joined him.

"So did you enjoy your birthday?" I asked him before taking a sip of the tea. He nodded his head and looked out the window at the departing carriage.

"Yes, Tessia is surprisingly very mature for her age." Was his response.

"Hah, you say that as if she's not a year older than you." He turns to me and looks at me as if to say 'you know what I mean', and he confirmed it with what he said next.

"You know what I mean. Me and you are pretty similar in how we are more mature than people our own age. It's why we get a long so well." I chuckle again.

"And here I thought it was my personality." Once again he looked unamused and chose to just sip his tea. I took the pause to finish off the last bit of my own and stand up.

"Well in any case it's late and I think I'll be going to bed." He nods and finished off his tea and stood as well.

"Ya, you're right. I think I'll head to bed as well." We both began walking to the staircase, but I started to feel Arthur unconsciously leak some of his kings presence. Turning around I meet eyes with him and he seems to be thinking about something.

"What is it Arthur?" I ask.

"What is it that pushes you to get stronger?" I tilt my head slightly at his question.

"What do you mean?" He stares briefly before pushing onward.

"People our age aren't as driven as we are to progress our strength. Sure there are some that seek power simply to be strong, but even they don't come close to the amount of practice and training I put it, and even I fall short of what you do. You're already the strongest in the continent, so what's still pushing to grow stronger? I have my reasons for wanting to get stronger but I can't figure out yours." His stare while it exactly hostile was very.. forceful I suppose is the only way to describe it. Or dominating.

"And why is it that you feel the need to grow stronger? Do you not feel that you can rely on me when I'm the strongest in the continent?" He unconsciously glances at his arm where his mark from Sylvie is.

"There are things stronger than you know in this world." He said vaguely, and I just smiled at him.

"Oh, is that so? Then I guess I'm getting stronger for that then." I said cheekily and he looked up at me with a frown.

"You shouldn't take them lightly, they are stronger than anything you've fought so far." I stared back for a moment.

"You don't have to worry about me Arthur. Even you haven't seen my full power yet." He looked at me with slight surprise as his aura died down a little and he nodded a little before looking at the amulet.

"I suppose you're right. It would have taken a lot to put the amount power that you did into these amulets. Not to mention this unfamiliar energy inside them." I smiled and turned back around to the stair case.

"Exactly, now quite worrying about things like this. We have things we have to worry about right now. Like finding Elijah a girlfriend before he goes insane." We share a laugh at that and he nods at me.

"You're right. Future problems can be saved for future us." I nod back at him and we make our way up the stairs before separating off to go to our own rooms.

"Hey, Jaron." Arthur calls out to me.

"Ya?" I turn toward him to see him looking at the floor while rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.

"Thanks for making amulets for my family and Tessia as well. It means a lot, truthfully." I grinned at him and turned back to the door.

"Don't mention it. You're all my family too after all. Of course I'd do what I could to keep you all safe." My hand reached my door knob and I saw him nod out of the corner of my eye.

"Ya, you're right. Good night Jaron." He says as he turns around to head to his room.

"Night, Arthur."


Author's Note

I'm sorry I failed you all. I really wanted to make this chapter 6 thousand words for 60 chapters, but I just couldn't do it and I wanted to at least put out one chapter today. Sadly since I got called into work today I wasn't able to stock up on chapters until my next days off. I'll try my best to force out at least one, but don't get your hopes up.

Sorry to all the people who when they joined this story I was posting daily, with the occasional twice or even 3 times a day uploads on my days off. I'm not sure if work will ever calm down to the point like before where I wasn't completely drained. Especially with this damn heat.

So I hope you all can accept at least one chapter on my days off. And even though this didn't quite make 6k words (4600 before the Authors Note) I hope it will make up for the drop in chapter count.

Thanks again for your continued support and reading of this FF.

"Thanks for reading.


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