
Rudra's Final Form

Rudra felt like a torrent of life energy was swirling inside him , he felt like he was becoming a cultivator once more and that every single cell in his body was transforming into something that was more powerful than his current being. 

He felt his tendons become more elastic yet more strong . He felt his muscles become way stronger than they were as if he was just a baby uptil now and suddenly they became the muscles of a grown man who gymmed for 6 hours a day. 

He felt his skin become smooth yet as durable as steel . Like even Sariel would not be able to cut him open with a twig anymore and would need to use a sword. 

He felt his mind throb as numbing pain surrounded his entire body and although he himself could not see his current state there was bright white light currently being emitted from his body as if he was preparing to launch the holy lance , however this time around the holy power was not surrounding him , it came from within his own body.

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