
Test (2)

Rudra gave in his recommendation letter to the attendant at the knight's hall , who raised an eyebrow and reread it carefully , before leaving her position to enquire about two critical details about the person holding the letter. 

One letter was sent to the palace , while the other was sent to the church to approve this man taking the tier promotion test. 

Only when both of those tests came back as positive did they allow Rudra into the primary testing room where there was a crystal orb placed to reveal Rudra's stats and titles. 

The examiner was left stunned seeing the long list of titles under Rudra's name . As for his level , as it was 120 , there was no objections. 

The examiner passed Rudra from the primary screening allowing him to undertake the tier 3 promotion test. 

Rudra was sure that his qualifications were more than sufficient hence he was not worried about the primary screening at all , whereas the first test bothered him a bit.

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